Hi all and congratulations on such a wonderful site. I am starting this thread to help record my PE progress and routines. Why PE for me? Well I am a pretty average guy in most respects including my cock size 6.43” BPEL and 5.I8 ” MS EG; BP FL 3.85” and the MS FG 3.85” as well. I have always been a grower and not a shower so I have always felt self conscious about that. I am 17 years into a wonderful marriage with a wife that is completely satisfied with my proportions. Sex has been great except for a period of PTSD when I came home from Afghanistan after a bad IED blast that left me with a head injury amongst other injuries. My wife is a very sensual women and has always been vaginally orientated and she achieves orgasm very easily during intercourse; some times multiple times if I can stay hard longer. Staying hard long enough has started to raise its ugly head; another good reason for starting PE.
My first marriage lasted six years to a young lady that was the opposite to my current wife in that she only ever came from direct clitoral stimulation; apparently 2 thirds of women are like this so no problem right? Wrong! Duo to problems in our marriage she decided to leave me for a guy she was having an affair with. I rebounded into a relationship of my own. 4 months down the track the guy moves on to his next sexual conquest after putting a wrecking ball through my marriage. Due to Kids ect I foolishly left my girlfriend and took my wife back. I soon learned from her that boyfriend had a well hung 8” cock that apparently had her cumming all over it; going on to tell me I just would never measure up. She kept in contact with him and continued to have sex with him regularly behind my back until I came home early one day and caught them having sex. To see her getting off and cumming so easily with him shook me to the bone. She left me feeling inadequate; destroying my self esteem and trust in women for years. Needless to say I kicked her out; moved back on to base and stayed well clear of women for 5 years. It was soul destroying and at the time I was convinced most other guys were hung better with longer thicker cocks, I was inadequate to pleasure women properly. This all changed when I met and fell in love with my current wife so there was a happy ending.
I have stated PE because I still feel scarred from my first marriage; I want a healthier, thicker and longer cock, and a cock that hangs better flaccid. This is all for my own reasons, not my wife as she is happy with me as I am, though she does tease me in jest on a cold night about how small my flaccid member looks. She knows the past marital saga well. It is light hearted and not intended to injure my pride but it does get at me.
I commenced the Newbie Routine 2 weeks ago and am gradually increasing my stretching and Jelqing times as stated in the PE Manual. I have also been expanding my PE knowledge base and am considering trying stretching with a bib starter hanger next year once I am conditioned. I think my EG is adequate for now so will concentrate on length gains until I have reached a BPEL of 7.5 to 8 inches. Hopefully I am an easy gainer. I feel I have the motivation, dedication and time available for PE.