Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Paul's progress


Paul's progress


Today I’m starting a new journey. I’m 27 years old and from Germany, please excuse if I’m doing any spelling errors. I have never been happy with the size of my penis, I’m a fairly big muscular guy weighing 100 kg at a height of 1.85 m and the size of my penis just doesn’t fit to this. I have some weeks of PE experience but now I want to fully commit to it!

My Stats are:

1. Flaccid length: 3.15 inches (8cm)
2. Flaccid girth: 3.54 inches (9cm)
3. Errect length: 5.63 inches (14.3 cm)
4. Errect girth: 4.72 inches (12 cm)

My routine:

1. In the morning:

4 sets of weight hanging for 20 minutes at 2.2 lbs (1 Kg)
I will do two sets of SD hanging and 2 sets of BTC hanging.
Right now I’m using a sock hanger but I will buy the BIB hanger as soon as I can.

2. During the day:

Wearing Uncle Jims wrap for at least 6 hours a day
Every hour doing 5 minutes stretches and re-wrap.
When I can afford it I will buy the sizegenetics

3. In the evening:

100 jelqs followed by 1minute slow squash jelqs.
As many sets as I can manage
After the evening routine I will wear a cockring until sleep
I will buy a Penis pump as soon as I can afford it.

I will keep you updated as my routine changes or hopefully my stats☺☺

I would personally suggest not doing any hanging at all . Stick with manual exercises , I can even state the reason’s why you should stick with manual stuff. You are pretty new to PE i’ve been doing PE for a while even now i don’t think I’m ready to move to the advance stuff.

Advantages of doing manual exercises.
**If you do manual exercises for a few months you will easily gain up to 1 inches or even 2 inches . once the gains stop coming then if you go to hanging etc. to gain more .

Disadvantages of hanging.
** Chances of injuries is far higher than manual exercises.
** If you start hanging how your penis will get used to the hanging force and intensity you will gain 1 or 2 inches and reach a plateau hence stop gain’s.

So my advice is stick to manual exercises till you stop gaining from that then move on to hanging .If you do it this way you will gain more length over time. Example: If you start to hang now you will gain 2 or 3 inches then your gains might stop. But if you do manual exercises and gain 2 inches and then if you move to hanging you will gain another 2 or 3 inches. I don’t know about you but i want my penis as big and healthy as it can get.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your suggestion, I think you are right and it makes sense to reach a plateau first with manual stretches.
I found this routine on a program called SRT from matterofsize, what do you think about it?

Stretching Routine:
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds x 3

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Afterwards directly apply UncleJims wrap for at least 6 hours.

This is the newbie stretching routine , yea stick with this.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Ok, I keep you updated on my gains, I will measure in exactly one month from now.

Id have one question concerning Uncle Jims Wrap, is it ok, if by the end of the hour my penis feels slightly cold? After one or two minutes of massage it gets back to normal, before I rewrap

Read this : . I think this wrap will only give you a great hang no erect gains .

I don’t know anything about these things i cant help you with any devices or wrap’s. Sorry . wait a while some one with experience might answer that question for you .

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

I have always wanted to increase my flaccid hang i think i will try out this Uncle Jims Wrap.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Yes, me too. It is actually pretty comfortable and nobody will notice it during the day. Actually it just looks like you have a big dick😀

I have a question considering ererction quality. I noticed that after some days of intensive stretching the EQ is a little worse. What exercises besides Kegels could I do to improve this?

There is no exercise to improve EQ besides kegels , try drinking a cup of tea everyday ,will help with blood circulation for the whole body .If your EQ keep’s dropping then you have to easy up on your stretching .If you put too much strain on your penis ,you will suffer from fatigue and it will take time to heal which mean you will need to wait longer to see gains . That is why sometimes “less exercise is better and more is worst”.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

How often should I do stretches ? Every other day? Or should I alternate one day stretches + wraping and one day jelqs +slow squash jelqs. I’m also planing to wear a cockring after the jelq session, to heal in an expanded state

You should do stretch’s everyday except for the rest day’s ,the thing is you are just stretching with to much intensity and force take it easy and you will be fine . just do six minutes of basic stretching and 6 min of jelqing . As weeks go by add new things and more time to your routine. I only stretch for like 10-12 min and jelq for 5 min that’s it. If you want girth then you have to do more jelqing but my main focus right now is length.i will concentrate on girth once my length goal’s are reached.

Make sure you do a good warm up/down its helps prevent injuries and help’s with gains.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Do not do slow squash jelqs yet your penis is not ready for that much pressure do them after maybe 2 months , I think the squash jelqs are the main reason for your EQ drop. don’t do them for 2-3 days and then tell me how’s your EQ.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

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