Pumping only
Hey y’all,
I’ve been pumping for 4-5 months now, but still consider myself a newbie.
For me it was not that I felt not big enough, I was just curious.
I started at 18.0cm BPEL (7.1”) and 14.5cm MSEG (5.7”) (idk why these terms are so specific) and got a pump of 30cm by 6.5cm (12” by 2.5”)
Now, few months later, I have pumped for average of twice a week, but with periods of no pumping.
At the moment gained 3.5cm in length and 1cm in girth. This surprised me, since I did not start with the intent of permanently making my dick bigger, but I am not complaining.
I usually like to go longer on lower pressures, as if going too hard on the vacuum actually removes my erection and makes my dick an useless floppy swollen gummybear..
I can’t deny that IF you want a bigger penis, I guess just pumping slowly works, but the drawback is that I can’t fap while in the pump. The upcurve of my penis also hurts when I get erect while pumping.
Other interesting things:
Even Tadalafil didn’t help with the loss of erection after pumping a bit harder. I am trying different positions and methods to keep the erection, as I feel it has to do with blood flow. Pumping with gravity pulling down on it might open the upper veins, but I’ll come back if that works or not.
Also, I have been taking Tongkat Ali in the evening, and it does seem to raise testosterone and with that my libido. Morning wood galore, but results may vary. I personally like the feel and it makes me a bit more feisty.
Hot take: I have looked at Jelqing, but every time I look at a tutorial I see people just masturbating slowly. If anyone can inform me why it has a different name, please let me know. Maybe I just masturbate rough, hence why my girth is oval.. Just wondering ;)
I hope this helps someone, and don’t hesitate to ask questions or comment, but replies might take a while,
Groet Plavle