Starting Small
Hello all. I’m making this journal to keep track of my gains and routine. As of right now I want to treat my penis as a muscle even though it is not considered a muscle. Right now my penis measures up to 3inches erect with a 1.5imch girth. Yes is very small. I am 25 and I hope to be at 5-6’ within a one year period. I’m just looking to be average.
My routine.
-5min warmup with hot rice sock
-10min strectching
-20min wet jelq
-5min stretching
-5min warm down.
More time for each exercise as I get past the first few weeks of healing from first time exercise
PE Monday
RE Tuesday
RE Wednesday
RE Thursday
PE Friday
RE Saturday
RE Sunday
So only 2 days of intense PE and the rest are resting days. The reason why I have so many resting days is not because I’m lazy it’s because with body building, most of the work is actually being done when you are eating, sleeping, healing correctly. This is what gives you the large muscles. Tearing down the tissues should be done to a minimal, building up the tissue should be given much more importance as it’s the whole point of gaining length and girth.
I know if I’m taking so many resting days, my growth goal may take longer then a year to achieve then if I were to take say 2 days of resting. I’m just trying to see if the healing method will give faster gains if taking the body building approach.
I’m looking for a 3inch growth within a one year period. If more time is needed then so be it. With this routine I want to see what helps gain faster in a shorter time frame. Breaking down tissue vs building up tissues. Also I know everyone growth is different.
Start size: 3’
Goal: 6’
I’ve already noticed growth within 4 days of non stop PE. I didn’t stick to a routine until I made this post after reading everyone else’s gains and routines.