Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting year 4 with no gains

Originally Posted by Drake777

I mentioned on another forum how water hanging was so comfortable that I was tempted to fall asleep wearing it lol. That was at 4lbs but now that I’m at 5lbs I am having some difficulty with it.
I put it on in the bath, just more convenient. When it’s under water I get an airtight seal but as soon as I try to hang with it, it seems like the air gets in from the sleeve. I believe it’s because when I stretch my unit gets really thin so it’s not providing a tight enough seal. I’ve tried using the small and medium cylinders and shorter and longer sleeves to the same effect. I have one more idea which is to use a second sleeve over the first sleeve to create a tighter seal. I came really close to just giving up on length and focusing on girth instead but for the time being I am back to using the vacuum cone and it’s not too bad.

That’s odd I’ve never had a leak problem, you could try the sleeve over the cone as monkeybar suggests ?
I also find the hanger gets a much better initial grip if I put it on with a good semi.

Ahahah OMG OMG it worked!

Like I said, when put it on underwater in the bathtub I can apply a great deal of force and it stays on no problem so by process of elimination that’s not the problem.
I got it to work by applying a silicone sleeve over the other sleeve or in my case I just used the cone over the sleeve in order to create a better seal. See the problem is my penis looks like a wet noodle once it’s being stretched. Kind of pathetic to admit but it is what it is.
This setup is extremely comfortable. Once attached I can lay in bed for hours and get a great stretch using the bungee cord that Monkeybar provided.

When you say you tested the vachanger up to 15kg, did you use actual free weights or did you use another way to measure the force?

Also aside from comfort do you think that water hanging is a way to prevent getting blisters or would it still be possible?

I can post a picture of my setup here and in the hanging forum. Do you think that would be allowed?

Originally Posted by Drake777
Ahahah OMG OMG it worked!

Like I said, when put it on underwater in the bathtub I can apply a great deal of force and it stays on no problem so by process of elimination that’s not the problem.
I got it to work by applying a silicone sleeve over the other sleeve or in my case I just used the cone over the sleeve in order to create a better seal. See the problem is my penis looks like a wet noodle once it’s being stretched. Kind of pathetic to admit but it is what it is.
This setup is extremely comfortable. Once attached I can lay in bed for hours and get a great stretch using the bungee cord that Monkeybar provided.

When you say you tested the vachanger up to 15kg, did you use actual free weights or did you use another way to measure the force?

Also aside from comfort do you think that water hanging is a way to prevent getting blisters or would it still be possible?

I can post a picture of my setup here and in the hanging forum. Do you think that would be allowed?

Cool so you just needed a bit more squeeze on the sleeve, glad it worked.
As far as the weight test goes I have some adjustable dumbells so out of interest one day I started at 2.5kg and just kept adding weight, got to 15kg and held it for a minute or so just to see if it would stay on, it held fine but I’m not conditioned for that weight so I sensibly took it off.

I’m sure you could get a blister with water but I think it’s a lot less likely, I only got one with air hanging and tape.
If you want to post in use pics start a thread in the members pics forum. If its just your hanger etc then anywhere is fine.

Hey cap,

I’m new here and on a bit of a break, so I’m reading as much as I can during this time. Just wondering if you’ve had any more success with your gains recently, hope all is well.

Start 23/05/15: BPEL 7" MSEG 5"

Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

Originally Posted by Mjolnirtown
Hey cap,
I’m new here and on a bit of a break, so I’m reading as much as I can during this time. Just wondering if you’ve had any more success with your gains recently, hope all is well.

Nothing so far, been on a break as well due to a lymph vessel prob and life stuff.
Just started experimenting with a Mr Fantastic electric pump, see where it goes.
Thanks for asking.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Nothing so far, been on a break as well due to a lymph vessel prob and life stuff.
Just started experimenting with a Mr Fantastic electric pump, see where it goes.
Thanks for asking.

I read that in G263’s progress thread right after posting, best wishes with your recovery and other endeavors. I’ll keep an eye open for pumping updates from you.

Start 23/05/15: BPEL 7" MSEG 5"

Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

Nearly at the end of year 6 and about to start 7 ! Hard to believe.

Been trying different things this year and have seen small gains, will post details soon.

Never give up.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Nearly at the end of year 6 and about to start 7 ! Hard to believe.

Been trying different things this year and have seen small gains, will post details soon.

Never give up.

Any new updates capernicus? I am in a similar situation I have been PEing for almost 2 years and had some length gains the first 6 months but barely any girth and that’s what I am seeking. Have you broken any plateaus and if so what has been your breakthrough? I am not giving up either and am currently on a break to rethink my routine and mindset. At the end of my last cycle I was going pretty hard and doing horse 440s, squeezes, clamping, and power jelgs. I get about 1/4 inch temporary expansion but just have not seen anything permanent it always goes back to normal size. Anyway glad you are not giving up and this thread has inspired me to never give up no matter what.

Start 6.75X4.9

Now 7.5X5.1

Originally Posted by Contender40
Any new updates capernicus? I am in a similar situation I have been PEing for almost 2 years and had some length gains the first 6 months but barely any girth and that’s what I am seeking. Have you broken any plateaus and if so what has been your breakthrough? I am not giving up either and am currently on a break to rethink my routine and mindset. At the end of my last cycle I was going pretty hard and doing horse 440s, squeezes, clamping, and power jelgs. I get about 1/4 inch temporary expansion but just have not seen anything permanent it always goes back to normal size. Anyway glad you are not giving up and this thread has inspired me to never give up no matter what.

Good to hear you’re determined to keep trying.

I tried hanging last year really just to see if it would work, it did, gained about 1/2” length.
Still no girth gains though.
Giving clamping another try as I only did it for about 3 months previously and I reckon I did way too much. We’ll see !

Hey cap,

It has been a long time but I just wanted to ask what happened? Any new progress? Anything to add? I am doing break now and learning and reading a lot in the meantime. Wish you all the best.

Originally Posted by Happy Mammoth
Hey cap,

It has been a long time but I just wanted to ask what happened? Any new progress? Anything to add? I am doing break now and learning and reading a lot in the meantime. Wish you all the best.

Well it’s been about 4 years since I tried hanging and I still have the length gained, so that works as far as I’m concerned.
The last few years have been difficult due to a change in my living situation, almost no time or privacy so I’ve just been trying various light routines.
Did a few months of jelqing and gained nothing
A couple of tries of the Angion method and gained nothing

Last 3 months I’ve been doing a 10min clamping routine and seem to have gained about 1/8” which isn’t much but for me is a breakthrough.

Length is straightforward, just hang about an hour a day and increase weight slowly and eventually you start gaining.
Girth is a lot harder, you still need enough intensity just like you need enough weight but it’s harder to gauge, you have to rely on the feeling of the stretch you get from whatever method and your PIs.
Also rest and recovery seem to be far more important.

Thanks for asking.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Well it’s been about 4 years since I tried hanging and I still have the length gained, so that works as far as I’m concerned.
The last few years have been difficult due to a change in my living situation, almost no time or privacy so I’ve just been trying various light routines.
Did a few months of jelqing and gained nothing
A couple of tries of the Angion method and gained nothing

Last 3 months I’ve been doing a 10min clamping routine and seem to have gained about 1/8” which isn’t much but for me is a breakthrough.

Length is straightforward, just hang about an hour a day and increase weight slowly and eventually you start gaining.
Girth is a lot harder, you still need enough intensity just like you need enough weight but it’s harder to gauge, you have to rely on the feeling of the stretch you get from whatever method and your PIs.
Also rest and recovery seem to be far more important.

Thanks for asking.

Ty for your time end effort to write back.
My situation is similar to your. No gains in 4 years. Not even 1 mm. And I also care about girth only.

The only thing that keeps me from giving up is that I know that P.E works. I have gained .5 inches in girth the first year of starting with P.E exercises.

I only want .5 inch more in girth. Nothing more.
You said that you have been doing a 10min clamping routine. Every day or? Can you please share your on-off time on the clamping? I want to try that.

You have been a great inspiration and it really helped me that you shared your story. I know I am not the only one stuck with no progress for a long time.

Have a nice day.

Last edited by Happy Mammoth : 08-21-2019 at .

Originally Posted by Happy Mammoth
Ty for your time end effort to write back.
My situation is similar to your. No gains in 4 years. Not even 1 mm. And I also care about girth only.

The only thing that keeps me from giving up is that I know that P.E works. I have gained .5 inches in girth the first year of starting with P.E exercises.

I only want .5 inch more in girth. Nothing more.
You said that you have been doing a 10min clamping routine. Every day or? Can you please share your on-off time on the clamping? I want to try that.

You have been a great inspiration and it really helped me that you shared your story. I know I am not the only one stuck with no progress for a long time.

Have a nice day.

I only do one 10min set a day, sometimes 1 on 1 off or 2 on 1 off and occasionally take 2-3 days off.
Warm up for 5mins with hot water then over the 10mins loosen the clamp a bit every 2-3 mins to let more blood in, constant stimulation to keep as hard as possible.
You can feel when you get it right, it’s not painful, just feels really stretched.
I might have gained more from doing more but I’ll take anything at this point plus I just don’t have any extra spare time or privacy.

Check out Houstonwoods thread, he’s made great progress from clamped edging, inspired me to try it again.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I only do one 10min set a day, sometimes 1 on 1 off or 2 on 1 off and occasionally take 2-3 days off.
Warm up for 5mins with hot water then over the 10mins loosen the clamp a bit every 2-3 mins to let more blood in, constant stimulation to keep as hard as possible.
You can feel when you get it right, it’s not painful, just feels really stretched.
I might have gained more from doing more but I’ll take anything at this point plus I just don’t have any extra spare time or privacy.

Check out Houstonwoods thread, he’s made great progress from clamped edging, inspired me to try it again.

Thanks a lot, much appreciated.


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