Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting year 4 with no gains

I hear you Marin-era. I am learning myself and am fluent in Spanish, which is somewhat similar to Italian, so sorry, I forgot to take into account the non-native English speakers. But you probably have advanced in English a lot from just participating in Thunder’s forum.

Sure. And not only my English.

He means the mods communicate in Klingon because of a dictact from Thunder. Hol QatlhwI’

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Well it’s pretty clear that I’m not going to see any progress this year so I’m starting a break as of today in time for the holidays.
It’s odd that I seemed to be gaining back in August after about 3 months on my current routine, since then I haven’t gained anything and have lost the gains I had !
I haven’t changed anything and if anything I started to take more rest, Was that the problem ? maybe I should have increased the workload at that point or maybe I should have taken a couple of weeks off ?

Who knows.
I’m starting to think that it’s nothing physical that stops some of us from gaining, I don’t believe anyone’s that different, I think it’s more of a mental/personality problem.

Reading through the threads of other notable non gainers and in some cases talking to them via PMs it’s struck me how similar we all are in our personalities.
Overly obsessed or dedicated, difficulty taking good advice, jumping around trying different things etc.
It’s a behaviour I well recognize in others and have seen many times in different areas of life but one which I seem to have trouble seeing in myself.

I guess that’s a particular problem with PE as it’s only ever something you do on your own !

I think a mental and physical break it exactly what I need right now.
As to what approach to take when I start back I’m still thinking and open to suggestions.

Mentality plays a big role, I agree. In the mind of many people there is this though near invincible: ‘This is too good to be true.’, so one starts checking for every signs of growth kinda awaiting to find the proof that actually there aren’t, to confirm their skeptical point of view.

As a 1 year+ non gainer myself I was reading this thread like someone read a drama book waiting for the happy ending, which in this case didn’t happened (yet I hope).
And you made a great point when you said we non-gainers have something in common, I’m exactly like you said: “Overly obsessed or dedicated, difficulty taking good advice, jumping around trying different things etc.”

In my personal PE career I think my issue was overtraining, so I will try going lighter now and I’ll update you if any progress.

You obviously know way more about PE than I do, but since you said you’re open to suggestions, I will make a few:

1º- Stop testing with pumps, throw that away if necessary, IMHO you tested way too much with that already, explore new areas, that I hope will do good both to ur mind and dick.

2º- Stop over focusing on girth, focus on ANY gain (even if flaccid gain) and keep doing whatever generate that possible gain.

3º- I may be wrong here but I think you are underestimating the power of heat, do warm up and do your PE while applying sort of heat (like idk manual stretch while in a hot tub or running hot water from shower, then getting it back to room temperature while holding some stretch) [to be honest I think this was one of my biggest mistakes on my 1 year career, not caring about proper heat]

4º- Eat more/better and take random vitamins, not to get in shape in order to get gains (its irrelevant, I’m a powerlifter jacked with 6 pack and I haven’t gained nothing), but to try replenishing whatever the hell our dick needs to grow, so in the worst case scenario (not making gains, our case) we don’t feel like we wasted time, we feel like at least we got healthier by eating better in a pursue for gains, which is a good reason to eat a lot and take vitamins, we probably wouldn’t do that just to get healthier but we easily would do it for the so wanted gains!

Those are the things I have in mind for now, because those are also the changes I’m making in my routine.

One question if you don’t mind, what’s your age?
No need to be specific if you don’t want, you can say 3x or 4x or 5x etc.

Last edited by memento : 12-24-2013 at . Reason: Spell checked

Originally Posted by johntesla
As a 1 year+ non gainer myself I was reading this thread like someone read a drama book waiting for the happy ending, which in this case didn’t happened (yet I hope).
And you made a great point when you said we non-gainers have something in common, I’m exactly like you said: “Overly obsessed or dedicated, difficulty taking good advice, jumping around trying different things etc.”

In my personal PE career I think my issue was overtraining, so I will try going lighter now and I’ll update you if any progress.

You obviously know way more about PE than I do, but since you said you’re open to suggestions, I will make a few:

1º- Stop testing with pumps, throw that away if necessary, IMHO you tested way too much with that already, explore new areas, that I hope will do good both to ur mind and dick.

2º- Stop over focusing on girth, focus on ANY gain (even if flaccid gain) and keep doing whatever generate that possible gain.

3º- I may be wrong here but I think you are underestimating the power of heat, do warm up and do your PE while applying sort of heat (like idk manual stretch while in a hot tub or running hot water from shower, then getting it back to room temperature while holding some stretch) [to be honest I think this was one of my biggest mistakes on my 1 year career, not caring about proper heat]

4º- Eat more/better and take random vitamins, not to get in shape in order to get gains (its irrelevant, I’m a powerlifter jacked with 6 pack and I haven’t gained nothing), but to try replenishing whatever the hell our dick needs to grow, so in the worst case scenario (not making gains, our case) we don’t feel like we wasted time, we feel like at least we got healthier by eating better in a pursue for gains, which is a good reason to eat a lot and take vitamins, we probably wouldn’t do that just to get healthier but we easily would do it for the so wanted gains!

Those are the things I have in mind for now, because those are also the changes I’m making in my routine.

One question if you don’t mind, what’s your age?
No need to be specific if you don’t want, you can say 3x or 4x or 5x etc.

Thanks for posting this, the more people in this situation who contribute the better chance we have of moving forward.
It’s interesting you say you have a similar personality as I keep seeing this among non gainers and the biggest mistake we all make, OVERDOING IT !

If I’m honest I made the same mistake during my first few years of weight training and it was only when I calmed down and started training smart that I made real progress.
I’m ashamed to say I’ve repeated that mistake with PE but I think I’ve finally broken that mindset.

To address your other points,
I think a pump is a useful aspect of a routine but for most people no good on its own so yes I agree.
I’ve always used a lot of heat and I’m sure it helps but only if the actual routine is effective so I’ll continue to use it.
As far as girth goes that’s still my goal but I’ll probably switch to a length routine just to see what happens.
Age and diet, I’m in my 40s, workout regularly, eat well, take plenty of supplements etc.

I honestly don’t believe that there are physical barriers to gaining, I think it’s all method and mentality.

Keep me up to date with your progress, it all helps.

There are some guys who started gaining girth very late; these are some threads
Late Girth Gainers
Finally girth gains!!
Girth? Finally!

maybe you can get some hint from them. Or you could start a brand new thread asking to people who started gaining only after several years of PE, searching for the factor that kicked gains. Just throwing some ideas bro.

Originally Posted by marinera
There are some guys who started gaining girth very late; these are some threads
Late Girth Gainers
Finally girth gains!!
Girth? Finally!

maybe you can get some hint from them. Or you could start a brand new thread asking to people who started gaining only after several years of PE, searching for the factor that kicked gains. Just throwing some ideas bro.

Thanks I don’t think I’ve read those :)

I’m a very stressed out person and I feel I won’t gain with a high stress level, after a recent surgery on my hip I started doing some yoga positions and stretches along with controlled breathing and tea drinking, doing a slightly modified newbie routine consistently using a wheat bag to warm up and ice cubes for cool down’s for 1 and a half weeks, I have gained 0.2 in length but haven’t measured girth. I believe that if you can strengthen your lower back, abdominal and groin muscles then it could help you with gains. Different people carry their tension in different places for me it’s the hips and groin (hard to explain) my erections sit better when I exercise my lower back and hip’s, maybe this can help you?. I have also devised a pretty basic stretching method that I learnt on a peyronies forum back when I was still being diagnosed with my hip and back ailments to correct my scween’s tendency to point to the left.

Best of luck in the new year capernicus.

I'm more concerned about EQ than gains.

If you get conditioned and won’t gain after a long period id suggest coating your dick in betadine a couple of times a week, betadine contains iodine which dissolves scar tissue. I don’t exactly know what this does, but it does something major that effects conditioning

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

I want to say thanks again to everyone who’s contributed to this thread and also a happy new year.

I haven’t made any gains this year but it’s not been a waste of time, I’ve learned a lot more about PE but more importantly I’ve learned a few things about myself, mostly that I have obsessive compulsive problems and I don’t listen to my gut feelings enough.

I’m convinced the main mistake I’ve made is not taking enough rest, it’s that simple.
I’m on a decon break for now and when I restart I will not make the same mistake again.

People always say you need determination to succeed with this but I think a better way to put it is you need self discipline, you need to be able to stop yourself training as much as you need to make yourself start.

Hey man,

I’m sorry to hear about your lack of progress despite your best efforts.
I tried PE for a couple of years. Pumping, jelqing, stretching, clamping, ballooning (edging) and wrapping to “heal in a stretched state”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any gains, other than a sometimes better (and sometimes worse) EQ. This sucked, so I gradually forgot about PE. It stopped lurking these fora and went on with my life.
After forgetting for a while, I found out about NoFap and my addiction to PMO (Porn -> masturbation -> orgasm). Now I noticed that people on thunders are sick and tired of pointing out that they are sick and tired of pointing out that there are already a thousand threads about this subject, but I still wanted to raise the question in this particular case. I used to masturbate after every session. Maybe a few times I managed to refrain from masturbating for a couple of hours, or maybe even a day, but those were exceptions to the rule. Looking back, I attribute this to my age, hormones and lack of self-control at the time. A few years later I have quit smoking (tobacco and weed), quit excessive porn use, quit binging on soda and started exercising more regularly.

When I used to PE, it always felt good. It felt like it should, exercises for the D. Like muscles, it felt a little sore after training. It also looked bigger, fatter and felt heavier in my hand. Until I masturbated. Subconsciously I always knew that masturbating was hindering my gains, but after reading so many posts on thunders claiming it didn’t matter, I chose what I WANTED to believe instead of what I felt was real.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not certain that I will grow from now on as I have only restarted my PE + NoFap regimen recently. What I do know is that I already regained what I’ve lost in EQ due to excessive masturbation. My flaccid hang is also longer and thicker (sorry guys, no pics or measurements, I always go by feeling) and is staying that way for days on end instead of reverting back to original size after orgasm. My clamped penis also seems to be growing. I love it, and it feels right.
PE does make NoFap 10 times as hard (including the pun), so I have to admit that I have masturbated several times since restarting PE. Still, the results are showing much more than they used to, so I now believe that several times a month is still way better than several times a day.

Now concerning thunders: there are LOTS of guys gaining here, so I compare this place to UFOs. All of these guys could be lying (which I don’t believe), but if only 1% of them is real, it would mean a total paradigm shift. It would mean that growth is possible under the right circumstances. That should mean it’s possible for everyone. I don’t want to give you false hope, I definitely don’t. Maybe you already tried this. But if not, I think NoFap is the catalyst for me, and it could also be that for you.

In any case, best of luck to ya man, and thanks for posting (about) your log.

Thanks for the comments.

I think cutting back on jerking off probably does make a big difference to most guys.

For me it was something I tried the entire time I was PEing and it didn’t make a difference but that doesn’t prove it either way.

Good luck with your endevours, I’m still on a decon break for a few more months.


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