Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting year 4 with no gains

If you doubt, then you should try. ;)

Originally Posted by marinera
If you doubt, then you should try. ;)

I will but I’d be amazed if there was a difference.

Let’s cross the fingers there is a positive difference. :)

Originally Posted by marinera
Let’s cross the fingers there is a positive difference. :)

Well checked again and no difference, not surprised haha.
So what to do ?

Hey, I said wait two days! No difference either in length or girth? I know you are not interested in length, but that would be a useful data anyway to understand what’s going on.

What to do, well I can tell that for me the sole thing that has worked the better for stable girth gains are dry jelqs; fulcrum stretches are quite effective for me too but I haven’t done long enough to get much gains. Anyway there are two obvious things to consider when searching an answer to your question; the first thing is that you undoubtly have a firm tunica; either you raise time or tension. The second one, is that you should try something you have not still tried (or not tried for enough time to give gains).

After 4 years I would suggest something a bit dangerous but which can work effectively: wear a cock ring while sleeping; a metallic cock ring just slightly smaller than your BESG, or a cable clamp if you own it and it is comfortable enough. Avoid stretchy cock rings.

Aw man so sorry to read this :(

Originally Posted by UM1991
Aw man so sorry to read this :(

It’s all good mate I really only started this whole thing to see if it was actually possible not because I was unhappy with myself.
Now it’s mostly just pure determination to achieve what others say they have !

Originally Posted by marinera
Hey, I said wait two days! No difference either in length or girth? I know you are not interested in length, but that would be a useful data anyway to understand what’s going on.

What to do, well I can tell that for me the sole thing that has worked the better for stable girth gains are dry jelqs; fulcrum stretches are quite effective for me too but I haven’t done long enough to get much gains. Anyway there are two obvious things to consider when searching an answer to your question; the first thing is that you undoubtly have a firm tunica; either you raise time or tension. The second one, is that you should try something you have not still tried (or not tried for enough time to give gains).

After 4 years I would suggest something a bit dangerous but which can work effectively: wear a cock ring while sleeping; a metallic cock ring just slightly smaller than your BESG, or a cable clamp if you own it and it is comfortable enough. Avoid stretchy cock rings.

I haven’t tried dry jelqs so will look into it.
Been fulcrum stretching for months now under heat so I can probably rule that out, It’s on my mind to try some fulcrum hanging though to put more time into it.

I only clamped for about 3 months and probably overdid it so that’s a possible although to be honest I see as few guys gaining from clamping as from pumping, or from anything really.

Have you tried the all night cock ring thing ?

I tried, yes. If you carefully choice the diameter, it’s not dangerous (for an advanced PEer, of course). Just try once and see by yourself. Don’t use it everyday though, say 3-4 days per week, and after 3 weeks take a week off.

I was pumping for six months (one 20 minute session at 5hg in the morning and again at night - 5 on, 2 off) and gained little or no girth. When I threw in 1 one hour session a week at 4 hg. I started to make progress. Four years later I have increased my MSEG from 4.4” to 5.25”. I also regularly throw in some dynamic pumping (Avocet8’s pumping for ED) which seems to improve EQ.

Since I have also been at it for four years, I thought I would add my two cents.

Good luck

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I was pumping for six months (one 20 minute session at 5hg in the morning and again at night - 5 on, 2 off) and gained little or no girth. When I threw in 1 one hour session a week at 4 hg. I started to make progress. Four years later I have increased my MSEG from 4.4” to 5.25”. I also regularly throw in some dynamic pumping (Avocet8’s pumping for ED) which seems to improve EQ.

Since I have also been at it for four years, I thought I would add my two cents.

Good luck

Thanks that’s interesting.
So when you added the hour long session how often did you pump and for how long
The rest of the week ?

Originally Posted by capernicus1

Thanks that’s interesting.

So when you added the hour long session how often did you pump and for how long

The rest of the week ?

I just substituted the long session for one of the 20 minute morning sessions.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I just substituted the long session for one of the 20 minute morning sessions.


I just read this WHOLE thread,Inspired, by your positive soldier attitude. If I met you Copernicus I would invite you to the bar and buy you 10 or more drinks. What you said about stretching (expanding in the case of girth) connective tissue was right on the money, all sports trainers, yogis, doctors etc. Will tell you, low intensity and longer duration is better for those soft tissues, along with constant heat. I only care about girth too. Granted I’m 7 in., but any man on these forums generally should be seeking girth as that is what women love, STOP TRIPPING. I utilize a bath mate and some cable clamps, since I am a relatively old vet 5 years on and off but not constantly, I am trying this and got the best expansion ever tonight. First always start of light jelqs for 5-10 min. To let your radial girth inner tunica expand without shocking it into fright. Then I’m doing extreme slow squash jelqs, Uli/horse squeezes for no more than a minute. Then in between many low level 10 min. Sets of my bath mate and cable clamps, always heating (with the bath mate it’s a non issue as you should be using hot water). Now bear in mind the legend BIB always said, even for girth, plastic deformation requires everyday expansion/training. Something to seriously consider, give that 3 months!! And then give one day on/ one day off if that doesn’t work. The seriously listen to Fire goat, DE-conditioning breaks are no joke, although I disagree with his 6 month limit. I believe in 2 month limit and many agree. Now let me put forth my girth proposal.

Radial vs. Longitudinal tunica girth proposal

Radial vs. Longitudinal tunica
Alright fellas, I have a lot of good insight on this issue. I am a bit of a PE vet and have done loads of research. I have studied things from the masters such as BIB, Saying22 (King snake at MoS), Radio head, SLD, Namesakes at PE gym and a couple others. Some have stated how they gained better at semi-erect jelqing vs. Full erect jelqing. Now I understand many have gained from erect girth exercises and many have gained only from semi-erect. For girth I will explain why semi-erect exercise can in many cases work better.

Perhaps you have heard from some PEer that the tunica(s) become very rigid at the highest erection level. Some have made the observation that their semi-erect girth is a bit greater than their fully erect girth. The longitudinal external layer of the tunica (length) becomes taught, and the inner radial tunica layer (girth) pushes against the external (length) tunica at the highest erection level. When you are doing 100% erect girth exercises you are working against both the resistance of the girth and length tunica layers. When you are working girth (via jelqing, squeezes, etc.) at lower erection levels, lets say 60-70-80 % most of the pressure is going to expand the girth layer with out the resistance/reinforcement of the length layer as it is not pulled taught.

In conclusion, my two cents, sates that one should (if they are aiming at girth) work at high, but not too high, erection levels. It is a balancing act. Also the tunica(s) are considered a connective tissue. Whenever we are doing stretch length work or expansive stretching girth work, either way we are stretching connective tissue. Sports trainers have told us that stretching this tissue is a bit different than stretching pure muscle. For connective tissue, lower force longer duration stretches are best. I’d love to hear feedback on this. Peace.

P.S. And let me speak my peace now even if I get banned, this forum has an extremely too strict grammar/spelling guideline. I took communications class in college so I understand how important correct speech is especially in text form when we can not use vocal tones, and I respect Thunders hard work, he is a legend, but this is obsessive compulsive at this point

Thanks for your thoughtful post Sirius91.

About the strict grammar, that is required to give to the largest possible audience the chance to understand and communicate, even to dumb not English Native Speakers like me. :)


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