Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting year 4 with no gains

Originally Posted by jay9incher
How much extender use have you logged in to date? have you been steadily increasing the device length?

Only used it for about 3 months, added about 1/2” in the bars length.
It was a bit of an experiment to see if lengthwise stretching would help with girth, it didn’t !

Kudos to anyone who sticks with an extender for a year or more, it’s much harder than you think.

Yesterday was a particularly bad day.

Not giving up for good but going on a decon/research break for a few months.

Originally Posted by capernicus1

….going on a decon/research break for a few months.


firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat

You think 3 months or longer ?

I took a year off, having turned my dick into a piece of steel! and got gains again after that. I’d say 6 months minimum. The science says 3 months should do it, but ‘tissue memory’ means if you take 3 months off, although the tissues may have deconditioned, they will recondition very fast. I fear 6 months still is not enough to ensure that you won’t recondition very quickly, and that a year may be a realistic minimum.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
I took a year off, having turned my dick into a piece of steel! and got gains again after that. I’d say 6 months minimum. The science says 3 months should do it, but ‘tissue memory’ means if you take 3 months off, although the tissues may have deconditioned, they will recondition very fast. I fear 6 months still is not enough to ensure that you won’t recondition very quickly, and that a year may be a realistic minimum.

Jeez so that’ll be year 5 1/2 !

Oh well.

There is Hope

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Yesterday was a particularly bad day.
Not giving up for good but going on a decon/research break for a few months.

After four plus years I am sure you could do without the advice of one more person. Please hear me out. I am new to PE and accidentally stumbled across the Thunder’s Place thread. I am certainly not an expert on the subject of PE but I can tell you I have had tremendous positive results, and, in a short period of time. Consequently, I have formed opinions!

About 5 months ago my Urologist put me on testosterone injections because of a very low level of testosterone in my system. This increased level of testosterone caused such a high level of sexual desire (libido) that we (wife and I) soon found that my erections were not as great as needed to maintain our new, greatly increased, routine for sexual satisfaction and completion. Therefore I started looking for assistance in gaining a more perfect erection.hardness, longevity and repeatability.

I found out about the Bath Mate penis pump and purchased a HydroPump X30. Associated literature recommended Jelqing to maximize the results of pumping. Thus I soon found my way to this site and forum. I see a lot of dedicated people on this site.. Most are obsessed with the cause of PE and health. I will have to admit that I fall into this category now. I do feel that many of the exercises and manipulations are extreme and NOT necessary. Of course that is easy for me to say because my success came (and is still building) easily. Let me tell you what I would recommend. I would guess you have grossly over stressed your system for many months.

Limit your routine to the Bath Mate, Jelqing (by hand) and stretching (by hand) only. Do no harm (exercise, stress, manipulation) to your system that would not heal overnight! That is to say, “take it easy on your member”. We see a lot of information on vacuum pumps and all the hype about measurable and extreme vacuum levels. And, that such devices as Bath Mate do not measure the vacuum level.

My routine and the best use of the Bath Mate is as follows. Us a liberal amount of lubricant on your penis. Let the lubricant serve as a sealing agent on all areas that must seal with your body. Consider shaving the contact area for a dependable and continuous vacuum seal. Fill the Bath Mate with very warm water. The idea is to keep the penis covered with warm water as you pump it down. The end of the penis must be lubed to keep it from sticking to the internal surface of the tube, as it grows up the tube. And, it will grow! Do not go in with a hard-on. There must be growth within the tube. After the Bath Mate is pumped down by expelling water out the valve, you will feel a significant vacuum pulling you up and out. As the penis grows up the tube, more penis volume is filling the tube. Thus, the vacuum level increases to an extreme intensity. Occasionally, if required, pump it down a little more to replenish any loss. I don’t have a clue what the vacuum level would measure but it is enough.. You would not want any more! It feels great and it is NOT excessive. I consider a 10 minute duration at this vacuum intensity to be sufficient. Although, repeat this routine for 3 times. After or between sets, you can do 100 to 200 Jelqs but with care to stay away from the dorsal nerve up near the glans. The hydro pumping before the Jelqs will give you the sufficient and proper percentage of erection for a proper Jelq. After you get accustomed to this routine you will come out of the tube with a girth increase of 1/4 to 3/8 inch. This starts as temporary growth but with daily repetitions it will become permanent. And, growth will build on growth. With the minimal “abuse” to the member I do a 7 day a week routine with no need for a recovery day. My Jelqs and hand stretches are mild and somewhat like the videos on this forum.

Over a period of 10 weeks only, I have gained a solid 1 inch in BPEL up to 7-1/4” and 2 or more inches in BPFL up to about 6 inches. It hangs very well now. I would guess my mid girth was about 4-3/4 and is now about 5.0 mid way and 5.25 at the base. That inch or more in length came very quickly. I honestly believe it moved forward from within the body and now chooses to stay in that position. When I do my Jelqs I work that area of the shaft that is latterly within the body. Make it move forward! The stretches seem to cement the gains. Stretches are not too severe and pull from just a little above mid shaft. Stay away from the dorsal nerve below the glans.

I really think this will work for you. Be gentle to yourself, keep it up and with a good positive mental attitude. Remember the warm water in the tube and keep it as full as possible. This gives you a fantastic view. The light refraction between the plastic and the water makes that dick look HUGE. Keep telling yourself that it is real. Psychological impact works wonders.

Good luck my man!


Anyones input is always welcome.

From what I have observed , peoples who seems to have the greatest results have one point in common they all do a LOT of volume ( minimum 1h30 daily ) and take minimal rest.

Yeah, 7/0 or 5/2 it’s the most common routines.

Maybe You are experimenting too often? Decondition, do Newbie Routine for couple of months and then switch to something You like and could give You good PI’s. After doing 2-6 months of the other routine You can decide if PE is for You.

Doing some jelqing/pumping/clamping only for perfect EQ is not bad idea.

Haven’t started my decon yet, I changed a few small details of my workout at the start of June and I think it’s actually working !

Going to stick with it a bit longer.

Well after about 3 months on the new routine I’ve finally gained some girth ! just over 3/16”
Measured this morning after 2 days off.

The changes to the routine are small but have made a big difference.
Basically instead of 3 15min sets I’ve been doing 1 45min set with 15 sec vacuum breaks every 5mins. That’s it !
Not a lot different but something about keeping the tension on for the whole set has worked.

It is more fatiguing than the shorter sets so I do 2-3 days on then take 1 off .
Still keeping the pressure at a maximum of 3”hg.
Also noted after a day off that the discoloration I had has completely gone.

Not much else to add at the minute just going to carry on and see what happens.

Sounds like you are on the right path. Rome wasn’t built in a day and knowing that something is moving is the most powerful drug.

Great news!

Originally Posted by UM1991
Great news!

Thanks bud.
It’s hard to believe that one thing can work when so many didn’t and I nearly gave up so many times !


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