Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting year 4 with no gains

capernicus1, you ask great questions and I read so many of your posts that have contributed to the knowledge base here over the years. Some people can do anything and gain, but the guys who have to try everything to gain are the ones who lead to innovation and creation of new techniques. I hope you get your gains you deserve them, it seems like you have done everything right. I know you have tried just about everything, but I noticed you didn’t mention hanging in your first post of this thread. Did you try it and it doesn’t feel good for you?

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
capernicus1, you ask great questions and I read so many of your posts that have contributed to the knowledge base here over the years. Some people can do anything and gain, but the guys who have to try everything to gain are the ones who lead to innovation and creation of new techniques. I hope you get your gains you deserve them, it seems like you have done everything right. I know you have tried just about everything, but I noticed you didn’t mention hanging in your first post of this thread. Did you try it and it doesn’t feel good for you?

Thanks for the kind words.
I’ve never wanted to gain any length so I haven’t seriously tried hanging, I tried the extender for a few months out of interest and because they claim girth gains from them, I got neither LOL

The recent discussions about fulcrum stretching have got me thinking about hanging though, I’m doing them manually at the minute but thanks to a-units great idea for a cheap hanger I have one to experiment with.

I still believe that pumping and especially water pumping has great untapped potential though so I’m not giving up on it, have a few new ideas to try .

And you’re right even the non gainers can contribute :)

Could do with some advice on something if anyone’s around,

I’ve been thinking about the practice of “milking the tube” as in pulling on your tube in 2 or 3 second intervals to temporarily increase pressure.

With normal air pumping you can pull the tube a good amount to raise the pressure by a couple of “hgs but when you have your tube completely full of water you can only pull it a small amount and you get a very direct and strong expansion of the tunica.
So say your base pressure is 3”hg and you pull the tube for two seconds to get a spike to 5”hg and repeat say 20 times.

My question is, is this actually a good idea ?
On the face of it its kind of similar to a high erection level jelq stroke and it does seem to help with circulation.

My concern is I remember reading that short intense stretching of connective tissue tends to increase stiffness ! the opposite of what we want.

So anyone have any thoughts ?

Is this kind of short duration cyclic stretching likely to help or hinder ?

Or is it simply a question of how hard and fast you pull on it ?

I would also suggest hanging for girth. Just position the hanger about an inch away to 1.5 inches from the glans and load up slow & steady. Hanging from the base usually gives you a girthier base. The girth usually comes with the length but at a much lesser fraction. See if it works for you. Your penis might be very conditioned as well from all the pumping and clamping, hanging may be that option which deforms your penis at the right moment to break that plateau. Or you can always take a decon break and start from scratch.

Starting stats 02/10/12 - BPEL 5.5" 13.97cm BPFSL 5.5" 13.97 cm BG 4.80" in 12.19cm

Currently: 9/30/13- BPEL 6.75-6.9" 17.5cm BPFSL 7.00" 17.78cm BG 5.1" 13.2 cm

Short term goal: 7 x 5" Long term goal: 8-9 x 5.5-6.0" "This is Chess not Checkers"

Originally Posted by jsagao
I would also suggest hanging for girth. Just position the hanger about an inch away to 1.5 inches from the glans and load up slow & steady. Hanging from the base usually gives you a girthier base. The girth usually comes with the length but at a much lesser fraction. See if it works for you. Your penis might be very conditioned as well from all the pumping and clamping, hanging may be that option which deforms your penis at the right moment to break that plateau. Or you can always take a decon break and start from scratch.

I’m kind of working up to hanging via manual stretching, feels like it’s helping.
I’m an idiot for neglecting stretches for so long !

Will be following your log and rooting for you! I’m in a similar boat. 3 years and very minimal gains.

Originally Posted by UM1991
Will be following your log and rooting for you! I’m in a similar boat. 3 years and very minimal gains.

Thanks mate :)

Any progress to report? When will you be measuring? Im assuming you are still stretching with a fulcrum…

Sept 2008: 6.0 X 4.9

Sept 2012: BPEL: 7.125 x 5.125

Nov 2015: Returned, stats unknown.

Still stretching every morning for between 8-10mins, mostly straight up and straight down over a fulcrum but also been doing JAI stretches and tunica tugs all of which seem to be helping.
Recent pumping sessions have been excellent, tubes feeling almost painfully tight at the base, filling more of it, EQ has been superb also.

Been consistantly measuring about 1/8” girth gain but I won’t say it’s permanent yet.
Feeling very optimistic though, I think the stretching has really made a difference !

So just over 2 months since I added manual stretches to the routine and I have gained ! Freakin length damn !
Just under half an inch bp but no girth at all !

I know most people would be pleased with that but I’ve never wanted more length only girth.

I’ve also noticed that the difference between bpfsl and bpel has reduced, it used to be about 1/2” but is now 1/4” so the length increase may just be improved eq or an increase in smooth muscle .

Interesting and frustrating.

Hey Cap!

This is great for girth and some length, so maybe you could use this as a cycle when you are happy with length.

Let me just tell you what I have been up to. Let me just preface this with this warning: THIS IS FOR CONDITIONED AND ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS ONLY!

After much, MUCH experimentation with pumping, I have put it aside for now. What was happening is that my skin was becoming more and more sensitive, and in order to not have all the capillaries completely broken, I had to keep dropping my vacuum levels until it was too low to get any decent gains. I’m not talking just red dots, but large hemorrhage areas of up to a penny size. I would let them recover and start back low, but they would just reappear, even at levels as low as 3 in hg.

So, I decided to go back to clamping, primarily to raise EQ. What I have found, BECAUSE I was clamping primarily for EQ, I didn’t do my usual over doing it routine. What I found, is that not only have I kept decent to great EQ, I have been gaining girth and apparently a bit of length too.

I modeled my approach on tntjockry and kaans work. Basically I am clamping daily and this goes at least two weeks straight without a day off, more if you can handle it…but gains may not even begin to show in less than two weeks.

I use a key hose clamp like this one;

make sure you get a good one, because you don’t want the key to fall off when its on tight. I use a thera-p band as padding, but neoprene works fine or a sock.

Here is my innovation that has kept me from getting discoloration due to rupturing capillaries. I had a htw (hair tie wrap, although its callled a headwrap);
HTW: its a wrap
I cut one end and roll it up like a condom, then put in on my erect cock like a condom. I put the neoprene (fabric side to skin) over it, then the metal clamp over that.

I have used heat and done without it, find what is best for you. I start with about 10-15 minutes with the clamp on loose enough to be able to be moved up and down fairly easily, as opposed to being "locked in". I have been doing this under heat. This is to warm up and begin to relax the tissue. As you progress you can experiment with tightening more, but still no "locked in" this allows some circulation. You can also experiment with some squeezing and stretching during this period.

So, when your warm up period is done, you tighten down the clamp until it "locks in" meaning it will no longer slide, and I recommend just enough tightening down so it no longer slides and stop there.

If you get to this level, you will find as you begin to pull and squeeze (gently, until you condition and see how you respond to ‘gentle") the clamp may begin to slid up a bit toward the glans. This is fine, just push it back toward the pubic bone and kegel some more blood in. You will find it get tight again. You can actually hold it in place with gentle pressure toward the pubic bone with one hand, and do the pulling and squeezing with the other. If you want more length, do more pulling and less squeezing. However because you are clamped, I believe even the pulling will add to girth.

Personally, because I over train so very easy, 5 minutes was plenty of "locked in" time. I then went to 5 minutes locked in (L.I) loosen to the point of sliding again for 5 minutes, then back to LI for another 5 minutes. This has been working great for me, and though I haven’t measured girth, it is increasing and now even getting some length gains.

Here is what you look for. First start to get improved EQ. As Kaan had said, you should be getting great and hard erections and perhaps amazing wood in the morning, but at least great EQ. I use my nite wood as a guide. If my nite wood start to drop from good/great to less than that, I cut my time back, as active recovery….remember no days off for at least two weeks. So if you need recovery, cut your time down, try cutting in half for a few days and your EQ should come roaring back. Also, idealing you should have a larger flaccid most of the day, or at least very little shrinkage.

IF you don’t get spotting or capillary breakage, you don’t need the HTW, but if you do, the HTW will prevent it.

When you first start, you can even or maybe should forsake any pulling or squeezing. As your dick gets conditioned you can begin to gently pull and or squeeze your dick. I find I get a bit of discomfort and a bit of burning as it stretches the connective tissue in the tunica. Use common sense here, a little is ok, more than that is stupid.

Listen, clamping is high pressure stuff, and then pulling or squeezing is increasing it, so use extreme caution and sense. Even though its discomfort, its a "good" discomfort. IF you get any pain at all, back way off or stop completely depending on if it was just a twinge, or if its constant. Constant pain means you damaged something and you need to stop completely for a few weeks until it completely gone.

IF YOU ARE SMART, you will take the very slow and gradual approach here. Thats what will win this race, a slow gradual increase, giving all the tissues time to adapt and respond. Rush this, AND YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!

If you do this properly, you will actually look forward to it, and it will be an enjoyable time. So much so that TNT found himself continuing even after he knew he needed to stop.

I suggest reading both TNTjockey and Kaan’s writings on their clamping to give you a more global understanding.

I find I am making slow but definite progress, and I really believe if I keep up the program, that gains will continue. There will come a time that gains slow or stop, and I believe a layoff of a few months will allow you to begin to make gains again. The great thing about this approach is you should have good to great EQ, and if you don’t…that is an indicator to back off, so no reason to ever have bad EQ with this method.

Anyway, Cap I wrote this for you, and I wish you all the best! PM me if you have any questions, as I don’t spend much time at TP these days.


Last edited by sparkyx : 03-08-2013 at .

If I get that right, BPFSL has increased too. That’s great Capernicus, even if you are after girth at least now you know you can gain.

Marinera, yes bpfsl is up also but the difference between it and bpel has decreased !
As you said at least I can gain !

Sparkyx many thanks and good to hear from you again.
There are some parallels between what you’ve been doing and what I’m doing most notably the everyday training and doing reduced sessions rather than taking a day off.
Second maintaining higher than normal eq especially night and morning erections.

There’s definitely something in using constriction like the htr to reduce discolouration, as I’m slowly packing further up the tube the packed area is completely devoid of any discolouration.

I’m pretty sure at the moment that I’m getting more than enough expansion even at my relatively low pressure, I’ve been getting stretch marks and a week ago my urethra split !
All healed thanfully.

I’m going to stick with the same routine for another month or two and see if the girth starts to catch up and after that I might give clamping another go since you think it’s worth it.


Been giving the length gain some thought and also the decrease in the difference between bpfsl and bpel.

First of all my length in the tube hasn’t changed at all but girth seems to be increasing almost weekly ! so what to make of it ?

I suspect that under pressure girth is increasing and I’m gaining volume but out of the tube the volume is manifesting as length, my guess being that the longitudinal fibers are weaker than the circumferential ones.

This would explain the reduction in difference between bpfsl and bpel, length under vacuum is pretty much the same as bpfsl.

I have a feeling that when bpel catches up with bpfsl I will start to see girth gains, I’m going to continue with the same program for a while longer to test this out.

So happy for you! Fulcrum stretches for the win :)

Sept 2008: 6.0 X 4.9

Sept 2012: BPEL: 7.125 x 5.125

Nov 2015: Returned, stats unknown.


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