Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting year 4 with no gains

I’m on coffee at the moment. It’s close to bed time.

Back to the topic at hand, I think firegoat has it. You need to condition your penis, certainly, but too much conditioning just means you are giving your penis a chance to adapt. The body loves adapting. To be a successful PEer, I think you have to go beyond what your body can easily cope with and that changes all the time. If you can expand your penis along as many vertices as possible with varying amounts of stress, it doesn’t stand a chance.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by firegoat
Well from what I can see there capernicus, the problem may be ‘lack of challenge’. If a marathon runner can run a marathon, doing 10 miles a day isn’t going to progress his fitness much.

They will already be well pre-exhausted from the mem routine, so the pumping will be acting on tissues already at the limit of their elasticity (i.e. ready to ‘creep’), rather than slowly bringing the tissues to that point in the cylinder.

Firegoat I think you hit the nail on the head with these two lines !
The point about tissues being “ready to creep” when at their elastic limit is the critical thing.

I think because of the low force route I’ve been taking it’s at least 25-30mins before I’m at the elastic limit as in when I start to feel fatigue.
I know it’s time spent at this point that leads to gains, unfortunately up until about a month ago 30mins was my stopping point i.e. just at the point of the tissues beginning to creep !

It occurs to me that I’ve really just been doing a 30min warm up ! but I also know from bitter experience that I can’t shortcut time with higher force, to many negative PIs.

So my next question, is this fatigue state synonymous with creep ?
And if so what’s a desirable amount of time per day/week to maintain it assuming EQ stays good ?

Originally Posted by capernicus1

So my next question, is this fatigue state synonymous with creep ?

And if so what’s a desirable amount of time per day/week to maintain it assuming EQ stays good ?

1. Without writing a book on it, yes. That’s why long periods of hanging (assuming sufficient resistance or pre-exhaustion with a heavier weight) and longer periods of pumping work.

2. You almost answered your own question. You will find your EQ drops off with fatigue and creep. I would not suggest it if you didn’t have 4 years of regular PE ‘under your belt’, but you may have to go into the reduced EQ just a little.

That’s why my routines have 2 intense days back to back (weekend), then fairly light maintenance newbie routine the rest of the week allowing recovery while maintaining the weekend’s work and rebuilding EQ. I usually have a semi-intense routine mid week. Not a good routine if you are sexually active on a regular basis as half the week your EQ can be a bit low.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
1. Without writing a book on it, yes. That’s why long periods of hanging (assuming sufficient resistance or pre-exhaustion with a heavier weight) and longer periods of pumping work.

2. You almost answered your own question. You will find your EQ drops off with fatigue and creep. I would not suggest it if you didn’t have 4 years of regular PE ‘under your belt’, but you may have to go into the reduced EQ just a little.
That’s why my routines have 2 intense days back to back (weekend), then fairly light maintenance newbie routine the rest of the week allowing recovery while maintaining the weekend’s work and rebuilding EQ. I usually have a semi-intense routine mid week. Not a good routine if you are sexually active on a regular basis as half the week your EQ can be a bit low.

Superb FG
Based on this I think recently I’ve been on the right track, thanks.

Could use some advice on the last few days.

I’ve been doing my 45mins in the tube for about 6 days in a row reaching fatigue at about 25mins every time and then riding it out for the next 20, all good.
Then yesterday I woke up with poor EQ so I tried some active recovery, did 20mins, Fatigue kicked in about 5mins and even lowering the pressure by 20mins I’d enough, could really feel the tunica stretching out, kind of like the feeling of peeling a scab off.

Anyway this morning EQ was back up, did 45mins again today but didn’t reach fatigue until 40mins ! nothing like as severe as yesterday and also I hit a new record size in the tube !

Don’t know what to make of it.
Did I recover that much by reducing the time by 15mins ?

Why the late onset of fatigue today ?

Why the new in tube record ?

Is is possible I broke up some adhesion’s or scar tissue that was holding things back ?

I don’t know !

Fatigue is a subjective feeling. Some days you will just seem to feel it more than others. I think doing it 6 days straight is probably a bit much. But it might have been a good kick to start things off! That’s why I have a couple of intense days in a row, then reduce for most of the week, with a semi intense routine in between.

If I get poor EQ and quick fatigue, I know the tissues are more liable to be injured, so I back off.

New in tube record just means it’s working. ;)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
Fatigue is a subjective feeling. Some days you will just seem to feel it more than others. I think doing it 6 days straight is probably a bit much. But it might have been a good kick to start things off! That’s why I have a couple of intense days in a row, then reduce for most of the week, with a semi intense routine in between.
If I get poor EQ and quick fatigue, I know the tissues are more liable to be injured, so I back off.
New in tube record just means it’s working. ;)

Thanks FG
My plan for the next few weeks is to experiment with pushing EQ slightly over the edge and then trying some different recover strategies.

After a few days of high EQ I measured just over a 1/16” girth increase this morning.

This happened before a month or so back and it disappeared again so I’m not getting excited, still a positive sign I guess.

Best of luck Capernicus! After a period of no gains myself I have decided to embark on a very similar routine. Mem’s routine and its advocacy of fulcrum stretches coupled with FGs knowledge on pumping, this looks to be a great routine. I am very confident our plateaus can be broken. Im giving it 12 weeks, slowly working my way up in the pump.

Keep us posted:)

Sept 2008: 6.0 X 4.9

Sept 2012: BPEL: 7.125 x 5.125

Nov 2015: Returned, stats unknown.

Will do, It’s all out war on the penis this year !

That’s a fine ass by the way :)

Routine as it stands at the minute.

5mins fulcrum stretching in the shower using my standing fulcrum idea.
Increase time by 1min every 2 weeks.
May switch to doing these under IR lamp if time permits.

Warm up
5mins jelqing, also add 1min every 2 weeks

3 15min sets water pumping @ 2.5 to 3”hg
Reduce time when EQ suffers.

Excellent session last night, hit another in tube record !

However measured this morning and the 1/16” gain I saw 4 days ago is gone again, go figure.

Maybe reaching a new record brings with it a greater level of stress and some retraction ?
Will take a day off and see if things bounce back.

The standing fulcrum idea is working out great though.

Sorry for the off-topic, how does this ‘fatigue’ feels for you, Capernicus? Is it like an internal light burning, similar to muscular fatigue when, say, doing a lot of reps in the bench press with a low weight?

Sorry for the off-topic, how does this ‘fatigue’ feels for you, Capernicus? Is it like an internal light burning, similar to muscular fatigue when, say, doing a lot of reps in the bench press with a low weight?

Hard to explain, kind of like reaching the point where I feel a really good stretch in the tunica, feels good to start with and slowly over ten mins or so starts to feel a bit uncomfortable.

I guess a very mild burning is similar.
What are you thinking ?

You are a man of indomitable will my friend. After four years if anyone deserves success it’s you. I will be following this thread with great interest. Best of luck to you in this.


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