Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting year 4 with no gains

Originally Posted by xenolith
Congratulations cap!

This kinda stuff makes me feel like this: :blue:


Me too !

Hey capernicus1, any update on your progress?

I’ve got a few questions if you don’t mind.

When you stretch using the vachanger do you pull directly using the D ring or do you use something else for leverage? You only stretch in the upwards direction? If so why is that? Do you pull hard?

What size are you and what size cylinder VH3 are you using? It pretty ingenious the way you are using water to hang. Where did you get the idea from? Can you share your steps for hanging that way?

Have you ever tried hanging with just the ring cone? I feel that you get a better pull that way where as with the sealing sleeves the load is distributed to your skin/shaft. What are your thoughts on that?

Thank you.

Originally Posted by Drake777
Hey capernicus1, any update on your progress?

I’ve got a few questions if you don’t mind.

When you stretch using the vachanger do you pull directly using the D ring or do you use something else for leverage? You only stretch in the upwards direction? If so why is that? Do you pull hard?

What size are you and what size cylinder VH3 are you using? It pretty ingenious the way you are using water to hang. Where did you get the idea from? Can you share your steps for hanging that way?

Have you ever tried hanging with just the ring cone? I feel that you get a better pull that way where as with the sealing sleeves the load is distributed to your skin/shaft. What are your thoughts on that?

Thank you.

Will answer all this tomorrow, no time right now.

Originally Posted by Drake777
Hey capernicus1, any update on your progress?

I’ve got a few questions if you don’t mind.

When you stretch using the vachanger do you pull directly using the D ring or do you use something else for leverage? You only stretch in the upwards direction? If so why is that? Do you pull hard?

What size are you and what size cylinder VH3 are you using? It pretty ingenious the way you are using water to hang. Where did you get the idea from? Can you share your steps for hanging that way?

Have you ever tried hanging with just the ring cone? I feel that you get a better pull that way where as with the sealing sleeves the load is distributed to your skin/shaft. What are your thoughts on that?

Thank you.

As far as the vachanger goes here’s my experience.
I’m using the large hanger, I tried the medium first using tape and normal air vacuum with the sealing sleeve, it worked ok but but wasn’t as comfortable as I wanted and I also had discoloration and blister problems.
I also tried the cone but found that even more uncomfortable.
I’ve always been a fan of water pumping because I get less edema and discoloration with it so it was an easy step to using water in the hanger. I can’t take credit for the idea as I think longvehicle mentioned it some years ago.
Anyway I tried it with the medium and it worked pretty well but as my head was packing the sides so tight it pinched a bit, then I tried it with the large and it worked perfectly.

The thing with water is it acts like a solid, this means as you suck water out initially your head will expand but once you seal the chamber it cant expand any further, this lets you pull as hard as you want without the risk of overstressing your glans. You can adjust the amount of head expansion exactly when you suck the water out.
It also grips like you wouldn’t believe, mine has never slipped and I’ve tested lifting 15kg with it no problem.

I tried the cone with this setup as well but just didn’t get on with it.
When using water you only need a very short length of sleeve, mines about 2” so there’s only about an inch of sleeve covering the shaft.

Here’s how I do it.
Roll the sleeve onto the hanger
Attach the vac tube
Fill a hand basin or bowl with warm water
Put the vac tube in your mouth
Put the hanger in and then push you head in while keeping the whole thing under water
Unroll the sleeve under water
hold the hanger upright and suck out any air bubbles , then suck out as much water as needed ( you don’t need much, pull on the hanger to get a feel for it )
Seal the vac tube and you’re done.

Takes a bit of practice but it’s really easy.

I found a metal s hook which I covered in silicone tube and I use that as a handle or to hang weights from, it’s also great for twisting for bundled stretches etc.

I’m focusing on higher stretching angles along with fulcrums and bundled stretched to hit the tunica rather than the ligs as my goal is girth only.

Here’s a pic of the hanger so you can see the amount of sleeve and the s hook.
Hope that’s all useful.

(50.9 KB, 96 views)

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Great report cap!
Motivates me to get a vac hanger!

Thanks, I can’t say enough good things about it.

It seems as though the pull would be mainly on the glans and just slightly below it rather than more of the shaft. I think that junction between the glans and the penis is the weakest link and would be easy to injure from a high weight pull. But it certainly seems to work for you. Best of luck for continued gains.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
It seems as though the pull would be mainly on the glans and just slightly below it rather than more of the shaft. I think that junction between the glans and the penis is the weakest link and would be easy to injure from a high weight pull. But it certainly seems to work for you. Best of luck for continued gains.

I had similar reservations about vac hanging devices before I tried one, trust me the pull is definitely on the shaft even more so using the water method.
If that thought is putting you off trying it then don’t worry.

Originally Posted by capernicus1

I’m focusing on higher stretching angles along with fulcrums and bundled stretched to hit the tunica rather than the ligs as my goal is girth only.

Cap, Am I right in the assupmtion that you aim to hit the circular tunica layer with that routine?

Do you also try”filling in” the circular stretched tunica with clamping or pumping?

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Cap, Am I right in the assupmtion that you aim to hit the circular tunica layer with that routine?

Do you also try”filling in” the circular stretched tunica with clamping or pumping?

Yeah that’s the theory anyway.
It certainly feels like it works compared to stretching straight down where all I feel is tension in the ligs.

I’m combining it with pumping at the minute, I tried clamping again for about a month but kept getting blocked lymph vessels so I had to stop.
Either way it feels like a promising routine.

LOL 15Kg that’s insane! Great post! Extremely helpful.

I am going to try your method either later tonight or tomorrow. I’ve got the small and medium cylinders. Gonna order the large one too. That looks like a compression sleeve you have on there. Mine is a little over 2.5”. Do you know what the difference is between the compression and sealing sleeves are?

When you say you were getting discoloration using the air and tape method, where exactly does that occur? Does it go away eventually?

I agree about the upward angles. It feels really good to me and I get a release of endorphins. Similar to when you stretch your quad or hamstring muscles really good.

Thing is I know how to grow my body in the gym and PE feels almost alien to me, atleast where the science is concerned. Where after years of failing at the gym a low volume routine is what works for me, in PE more is more and riding the fatique and all of that. I’m definitely not in a rush to race up the weight progression so I’m ok with it as long as I get a good stretch.

Originally Posted by Drake777
LOL 15Kg that’s insane! Great post! Extremely helpful.

I am going to try your method either later tonight or tomorrow. I’ve got the small and medium cylinders. Gonna order the large one too. That looks like a compression sleeve you have on there. Mine is a little over 2.5”. Do you know what the difference is between the compression and sealing sleeves are?

When you say you were getting discoloration using the air and tape method, where exactly does that occur? Does it go away eventually?

I agree about the upward angles. It feels really good to me and I get a release of endorphins. Similar to when you stretch your quad or hamstring muscles really good.

Thing is I know how to grow my body in the gym and PE feels almost alien to me, atleast where the science is concerned. Where after years of failing at the gym a low volume routine is what works for me, in PE more is more and riding the fatique and all of that. I’m definitely not in a rush to race up the weight progression so I’m ok with it as long as I get a good stretch.

I’m sure I asked monkeybar about the sleeves and he said the compression sleeves and sealing sleeves are the same just different lengths.
The discoloration was dark red patches, it did clear up but from experience these things become permanent if you keep doing it.
Also I’ve only ever had one blister and that happened with tape and air.
Good luck with the water thing, it’s well worth the effort, just takes practice.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I tried the cone with this setup as well but just didn’t get on with it.
When using water you only need a very short length of sleeve, mines about 2” so there’s only about an inch of sleeve covering the shaft.

Hey capernicus1, how’s it going?

I just want to make sure I’m not being a complete idiot. Are you using the vacuum cone and the sleeve or just the sleeve? Also curious why do you want to use a very short sleeve when using water?

Originally Posted by Drake777
Hey capernicus1, how’s it going?

I just want to make sure I’m not being a complete idiot. Are you using the vacuum cone and the sleeve or just the sleeve? Also curious why do you want to use a very short sleeve when using water?

I just use the sleeve and I basically use as short a piece as I can get away with, the idea being to focus the grip as near to the head as possible.
I’m trying to stretch the full length to help with girth rather than focusing on the ligs.
Also the longer the sleeve the more difficult it is to roll onto the chamber when you’re putting it on.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I just use the sleeve and I basically use as short a piece as I can get away with, the idea being to focus the grip as near to the head as possible.
I’m trying to stretch the full length to help with girth rather than focusing on the ligs.
Also the longer the sleeve the more difficult it is to roll onto the chamber when you’re putting it on.


I mentioned on another forum how water hanging was so comfortable that I was tempted to fall asleep wearing it lol. That was at 4lbs but now that I’m at 5lbs I am having some difficulty with it.
I put it on in the bath, just more convenient. When it’s under water I get an airtight seal but as soon as I try to hang with it, it seems like the air gets in from the sleeve. I believe it’s because when I stretch my unit gets really thin so it’s not providing a tight enough seal. I’ve tried using the small and medium cylinders and shorter and longer sleeves to the same effect. I have one more idea which is to use a second sleeve over the first sleeve to create a tighter seal. I came really close to just giving up on length and focusing on girth instead but for the time being I am back to using the vacuum cone and it’s not too bad.


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