Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Birth Of Girth


The Birth Of Girth

This documentation will hopefully manifest an inspiring tale. I will post as much as I can. My life is very hectic at the moment, but I am fed up. I can no longer look down and see what I know I can change.

Girth. If it is truly possible to obtain without surgery, then I will one day have a plethora.

I am currently 7.5 BPEL x 5.125 MSG. I started the following routine roughly 6 weeks ago at 5 MSG. This small but quick gain is not anywhere near cemented and is most likely temporary expansion due to swelling and fluid, but it feels productive. I am slowly increasing my max expansion.

Day 1:
- Clamping - 4 sets of 17 minutes
This is some extreme and often painful clamping. I set the timer on my phone for 17 minutes and get the most expansion possible using a clamp I bought at Home Depot and a few tight cock rings. Cable Cuff and 2 cock rings at the base. One cock ring right under the glans. I completely clamp off blood flow and continuously kegel. I do a few bends in the beginning before I become 120% erect. Then I do squeezes.
- Pumping - 1 set of 20 minutes
I put 3 cock rings on the base lined up against each other then wrap over them with a strip I cut from my wife’s panties. It’s silk I believe. Then I place 2 more cock rings on top of all of it. I reach max expansion as quick as possible. Then I lube up real good and pump at 3 - 6 hg. I completely cut off blood flow with this method of clamping as well. During my 4 clamping sets I switch back and forth from the cable cuff/3 cock rings and the 5 cock rings. I try other combinations too. I’m trying to find the least painful and most effective amalgam. But anyway, I am clamping in the pump and to say the least it’s very intense.

Day 2:
- clamping - 1 set of 10 minutes
No bends or squeezes.
- pumping - 1 set of 20 minutes
How I pump depends on how I’m feeling. If I can’t handle clamping in the pump then I will pump without rings. If I’m doing that then I usually pump upwards of 45 minutes. Then it goes back to day 1. Occasionally, I take the day off completely just because of my schedule or pain. I try to pe everyday though. My eq and vascularity have greatly improved. I edge without cumming between all sets of everything.

I was jelqing also, but that was the straw that nearly broke the camel’s penis. I was seriously injured. Took almost a week to be able to get an erection above 50%. I don’t jelq anymore. Scared the hell out of me. I told myself if I got my boner back I would never jelq again. There are endless horror stories surrounding milking. I was worried it was permanent. I was overdoing it big time though. On top of the the clamping and pumping, I was forcefully jelqing at a pretty high erection level. I might resort to these exercises later in life when I hit a wall shy of satisfactory girth. It was my ignorance that got me injured not the exercise. So many people are permanently impotent and stress never to jelq. They say it will kill your dick. Yes it can if you do it wrong. Just like you can’t really blame sharks if you get your leg swallowed. You were swimming in their dining room.

Sorry for the length of this post.

‘Endless horror stories’?

No PE exercise should ever cause serious discomfort, clamping makes no exception. I think you should change your approach because it is not intensity that will lead you permanent gains. 17 minutes with the clamp on is too long IMHO. If you started PE in december as your joining date suggests, clamping is the worst choice you could do. I thik you should learn how to jelq and read way way more around here. Knowledge is power.

I know I’m sounding like an as***le to you right now, but trust me I’m just trying to help.

You don’t have to apologize. I expected this. I know this community and staff especially, sincerely care about the safety of members. Thank you for your concern.

I have been peing for over 2 years. I have always pushed myself to the limit. I started with a jess extender and have clamped and pumped. All to the extreme. It is very conditioned. My eq is amazing now.

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

Well, good luck then.

Thank you sir.

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

Originally Posted by 4myExistence
You don’t have to apologize. I expected this. I know this community and staff especially, sincerely care about the safety of members. Thank you for your concern.

I have been peing for over 2 years. I have always pushed myself to the limit. I started with a jess extender and have clamped and pumped. All to the extreme. It is very conditioned. My eq is amazing now.

I’m battling with EQ at the moment

So glad for you about your dick stamina and resilience. If I was in your shoes I’d have started with classic wet jelq, I’m a beginner and I guess that if I’d clamp now I’d get seriously injured in a permanent way.

Starting November 2013 - BP 18.0 MSEG 14.0

March 2014 - BP 18.3 MSEG 14.5

Foto di Jugg

Clamping can be very dangerous. I have played with fire. But I in no way recommend it. I might just be lucky to still have a working penis. Especially clamping inside the pump. I often stop short of my 20 minute goal, because its just too intense. I feel more productive though, and I sleep better knowing I had an intense workout. I’ve always done most things this way. I lost 120 pounds last year, and believe me it wasn’t by conventional safe methods. But it all just felt right. When really determined, I go to extremes I probably wouldn’t go to if I was merely throwing around an idea. I know how risky this is. I am really listening to my penis. I took the day off completely today. I could have worked through the soreness, but it just didn’t feel right.

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

So, I took the day off yesterday. Just measured and about did a back flip. 5.25 MSG !! I’m floating right now. I will do my day 1 workout tonight. I can’t wait to see if my max expansion increases. I will let you know. Wish me luck.

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

My max expansion was bigger by a little over 1/8 of an inch. Last night was a great session. I can really notice the changes now. It is surreal.

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

Originally Posted by 4myExistence
My max expansion was bigger by a little over 1/8 of an inch. Last night was a great session. I can really notice the changes now. It is surreal.

consistency wins.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
consistency wins.

Sure does. I was skeptical at one time but it is obvious to me now that pe works.

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

Hadn’t had time the last couple days to clamp, but the accumulation of fatigue was getting to me anyway.

Pre-workout this morning I was sitting at 5 3/16 MSG.
Workout was pretty intense.
3 x 17 minute sets of clamping. Lots of squeezes.
1 split set of clamping and pumping. (Clamped with 5 tight cock rings for 10 minutes then took 2 rings off and went straight into the pump wearing the remaining 3 rings still at max expansion for 7 minutes.)

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

So today has been a great clamping day. I’ve had a good amount of peace and quiet. I have done 7 intense sets of 17 minutes. I’m gonna try to get a couple more in and then maybe some pumping while clamped. This is already the most clamping I’ve done in one day. Gonna do some cleaning then hit it again.

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

Yesterday and the day before I did 4 sets of 17 minutes in the clamp. Lately, after each set I have been filling up a tall cup with hot water and dropping my dick in it. Then I hold it straight out suctioned to my fat pad. I make it as hot as I can stand it then hold it there until the sting goes away. Don’t know how much it helps, but it sure feels good.

Haven’t measured. I think I’m gonna wait for about a month from now to do so. My post workout flaccid hang is staying around longer and longer.

1/15/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5 MSG

3/28/2014 - 7.5 BPEL x 5.1875 MSG

2/20/2015 - 7.75 BPEL x 5.25 MSG

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