The Girth Journey continues..
Whastup fellaz, i just came off a week’s decon break from PE after my length routine. Now I switched gears to girth workouts, and tommorow i am starting tommorow morning.
This will be my girth thread, i like to keep my length and girth threads separate. I have outlined the routine and starting starts below:
BPEL= 8.75”
MSEG = 5.65”
BEG = 6.10”
upperSEG = 5.55”
BPFSL = 9.25”
FL = 7”
Routine (1st 4 weeks)
AM session
1. Warm wrap
2. 10 x Uli#3 (20sec)
3. 10 x SSJ (20sec)
4. 5 x Sadsak Head exe
5. Warm Wrap
6. Edge for 30min
PM session
1. Warm wrap
2. 5 x Erect Bend (against curve) x 30sec
3. 5 x Horse 440 x 20sec
4. Erect Jelqs
5. Warm Wrap
* routine will be done throughout 8weeks, 5 on and 2 off.
* intensity is added by increasing each hold by 10sec per week and add 50 jelqs per week starting at 100 jelqs a day.
* for the remaining 4 weeks i will split the total number of daily jelqs between AM and PM sessions.
* I will take measurements after week 4 and 8.
I hope the routine will be enough to push my girth to a significantly higher measurement after 2 months or so. Any question, comment or advice is welcome.