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bundled stretches for people struggling with girth gains

bundled stretches for people struggling with girth gains

To a mod: Can this please moved to the Main Member Forum, because this exercise is not for beginners.

I have been asked several times how I achieved a girth gain of 1 inch in a relatively short time. Let me tell you, I never wanted girth in the first place. Right from the beginning when I heard of pe for the first time and reading a lot I only wanted length. Yes, of course that was until I learned that girth is much more important. Nevertheless, I never focused on girth. I have always wanted length, so I have always done exercises to gain length.

I started with basic stretching and jelqing. That was almost 6 years ago. When I realized that PE is for real I became impatient (BIGGEST MISTAKE I ever made in my PE career). I found out about bundled stretches and gave them a try. You can tell easily that they are extremely intense. What you basically do is, you grab your glans, twist it so that your penis gets twisted too and pull it. At that time, I thought more is more. I pushed myself to pain which is really easy with this exercise thinking I would gain faster.

To make the story short, all I did for a very long time was bundled stretches. As far as jelqing is concerned I never did it for a very long time. Sure, they probably have helped in the girth department but it was only a small part in my girth progress. I can attribute the 1 inch girth increase mainly to bundled stretches assisted by jelqs.

Why it works:
The tough tunica surrounding your smooth muscles consist basically of 2 layers. One is for longitudinal expansion and one is for circular expansion. If you want to gain girth you must increase the size of the circular tunica. You can either do this by increasing the pressure through well known exercises such as jelqs, ulis, clamping etc. or by twisting your penis and pulling it. Since this exercise is so intense and can be very painful if you push yourself too far it is not far-stretched that they are more powerful than regular girth exercises.

Other user experiences:
In a German PE forum there are some members who also did these stretches for a long time and they could observe the same pattern like me. Greatly increased girth and what is a really good clue that the girth came from this exercise is a tapered penis. The top inch below my glans is visibly thinner than the rest. Other people observed this too. It makes sense, because most of the twisting happens in the middle of the penis. My base, talking only about the CC, is a little thinner that midhshaft too. It is not too visible. I guess I got some base girth from hanging.

Saiyan22 has been doing bundled work for quite some time and is reporting success. He also clamps though.

A serious warning!:
Since this exercise can be extremely intense you must listen to your body. Go by feeling and nothing else.
It is no exercise for newbies just starting PE. It is for experienced and advanced PE’ler only who know what to look for.
This is only for people struggling for further gains who have already gained quite a lot.
Since I incorporated this exercise at the beginning of my career and pushed myself too far I toughened my penis so that I hardly gain anymore length although trying VERY hard for a VERY long time. You have to realize that it not only stretches the circular layer of the tunica but also the longitudinal one. The problem is you cannot tell where all the stress is focused on. What is stretched more? The longitudinal layer or the circular layer? What is it that makes it feel uncomfortable? When should I decrease intensity? It is hard to say and easy to get injured making further gains becoming an issue.

What to do?:
As for girth gains, grab your head, twist it as much as possible and then pull. Listen to your body. You should feel SLIGHT disomfort but NO PAIN. The reason why you should twist as much as possible and only then pull the penis is that if you twist more, more area of the the circular layer is stressed. Vice versa, if you let’s say only twist 180° less of the circular layer is stressed and the possibility to develop uneven girth is higher. You want as much penis twisted as possible. Just as an example. When I did these exercises I could bundle it to over 720°.

Important detail:
With this exercise you are only stretching the tunica. You should gain quite a lot but in order to maximize your gains it is mandatory to increase the size of your smooth muscles as well. Why? Have a look at one of my favourite PE theories. The TGC-theory. The link can be found in my signature. So either focus on the bundled stretches for a few months then change to basic girth work or do both. It is up to you and how you react to it.

I really suggest you to only do this exercise after you have gained a lot of length and you don’t want much more and after you can’t gain with basic girth exercises anymore.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Wow, really good thread, wurst. There are other posts on this throughout the forums, but you really made a nice, concise description here. I never really did these much, but after reading this, I think I’ll give it a try again. I absolutely agree that this routine needs to include jelqing or clamping to supplement.

A couple of questions:
At what erection level do you perform these?
And are you saying that in addition to the twisting/bundling, you also pull as if you’re doing a non-bundled stretch?


I'm a disciple of science.

Thank you so much for this thread Wurst. Do you think that this exercise can hinder future gains with other girth methods? should I leave it as a last resort only or could I apply it right away?.

I have 1 year and 7 months of effective training and I can’t wait to reach 6” (currently 5.2”ish).

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Originally Posted by scienceguy106
A couple of questions:
At what erection level do you perform these?
And are you saying that in addition to the twisting/bundling, you also pull as if you’re doing a non-bundled stretch?


Thank you.
You have to do it 100% flaccid otherweise you would not be able to twist your penis.
In order to feel the stretch you need to stretch a little. So much that you feel a little discomfort.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Originally Posted by avantasia
Thank you so much for this thread Wurst. Do you think that this exercise can hinder future gains with other girth methods? should I leave it as a last resort only or could I apply it right away?.

I have 1 year and 7 months of effective training and I can’t wait to reach 6” (currently 5.2”ish).

You’re welcome.
It has actually nothing to do with this exercise. The reason why it might make future gains harder is that it is very easy to overpover and thereby toughen your penis. Go slowly. Just a little discomfort, no pain. No pain no gain is bullshit. If I were you I would try traditional methods first. If you can’t gain at all, this exercise might be an option for you.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Thanks wurst! This thread makes perfect sense and will hopefully help me with some gains.

I’ve already tried a couple of sets and can definitely feel the intensity of the exercise. Certainly not for the uninitiated.

You definitely have to be 100% flaccid to get a decent bundle going. After doing a set of stretches, the pump from jelqing right after seemed much better.

Thanks again for sharing.

I’ve considered this to give my current programme a “shock” and shake it up but I managed to stop myself. Didn’t Big Girtha sight similar hard core routines as a reason for not gaining much? The penis just became too strong. Maybe in a couple of years I might try it.

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

Originally Posted by wurst
You’re welcome.
It has actually nothing to do with this exercise. The reason why it might make future gains harder is that it is very easy to overpover and thereby toughen your penis. Go slowly. Just a little discomfort, no pain. No pain no gain is bullshit. If I were you I would try traditional methods first. If you can’t gain at all, this exercise might be an option for you.

So it can be assumed that as long as one goes easy and slow with this method, there would be no problems with gains, right?.

For example, 5 minutos of slow streching to help me with my training ? :) .

Thanks for the info.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Originally Posted by avantasia
So it can be assumed that as long as one goes easy and slow with this method, there would be no problems with gains, right?.

For example, 5 minutos of slow streching to help me with my training ? :) .

Thanks for the info.

Noone knows, PE is not science. What midthigh did might be a good idea. You can try bundled stretches for 5-10 minutes and continue with basic girth exercises. Try it and see if it makes a difference.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Originally Posted by wurst
Noone knows, PE is not science. What midthigh did might be a good idea. You can try bundled stretches for 5-10 minutes and continue with basic girth exercises. Try it and see if it makes a difference.

Thanks, I will definitely give this a try. By the way, I just realized that I wrote “minutos” instead of minutes in my last post :rolling:

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Hello, Is there an actual routine for this? Sets. Reps. Days on/off etc.I’d like to know more. Thanks.

How much length did you gain with this exercise and how long did it take you to gain that 1” of girth?

I’ve read about this exercise before, but I never got around to actually doing it because I always struggled keeping my penis 100% flaccid when stretching.

I’ll keep this exercise in mind once my girth gains start to slow down, but I can say right off the bat that I won’t twist it as much as you (720°). Even 360° sounds like plenty.

Also, altering directions of twisting also sounds like a good idea.

Hey, I have been jelqing for a while and I am trying to look for other ways to increase my girth. I am looking for further details on this exercise.

So here’s what I understand so far:
1) Be flaccid
2) Twist your penis, and pull it

1) What hand position are you using to hold your tool? I just tried this out and found the easiest way to hold my tool to keep it from “unraveling” was to hold my head with my thumb and pointer finger from each hand. I know this is not conventional like an OK grip, but I felt with the OK grip I was not able to keep my tool bundled.
2) How long are you holding each stretch?
3) What angle are you stretching your penis? I assume straight out?
4) Are you twisting your penis both clockwise and counterclockwise so you get an even workout?

I’ve tried bundling a bit in the past but it seems to deflate my glans and I can’t grip my penis that well.

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