Thunder's Place

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bundled stretches for people struggling with girth gains

Originally Posted by wurst


Why it works:

The tough tunica surrounding your smooth muscles consist basically of 2 layers. One is for longitudinal expansion and one is for circular expansion. If you want to gain girth you must increase the size of the circular tunica. You can either do this by increasing the pressure through well known exercises such as jelqs, ulis, clamping etc. or by twisting your penis and pulling it. Since this exercise is so intense and can be very painful if you push yourself too far it is not far-stretched that they are more powerful than regular girth exercises.


I have troubles understanding how twisting your penis and stretching it should expand circular tunica. Not saying the exercise doesn’t work, just that the explanation of the ‘why’ doesn’t make much sense to me.

Originally Posted by marinera
I have troubles understanding how twisting your penis and stretching it should expand circular tunica. Not saying the exercise doesn’t work, just that the explanation of the ‘why’ doesn’t make much sense to me.

You read my mind, marinera.
A mechanical model for this would be applying torsion on a circular beam followed by tension.
I randomly found this following ppt dealing with torsion on a circular cylinder, that might be useful:

From slide 12:
* When subjected to torsion, every cross-section of a circular shaft remains plane and undistorted then the bar is said to be under pure torsion.
* Cross-sections for hollow and solid circular shafts remain plain and undistorted because a circular shaft is axisymmetric.
* Cross-sections of noncircular (non-axisymmetric) shafts are distorted when subjected to torsion.

So in which case is the penis? Itself it does not have a circular cross section, although the three corpora almost do…
I think this is a good point to start the discussion on this issue.


Anyways, I have myself experimented with similar concepts: including applying a torque on the fully engorged clamped penis (of course, the angle of rotation is about an order of magnitude lower than the one from flaccid state). No conclusive results to report yet.

Thanks Mbm23, interesting link.

It is my understanding that bundles stretches apply two opposite force to the penis; that the penis can be considered more elastic then most solids materials; that when you bundle the penis you shorten it. At the same time, when bundling the penis there is litlle or no change in ciruclar lenght (or perimeter) - if anything, it is slightly smaller when torsion is applied.

So intuitevely bundle stretches should be counterproductive both for length and girth. I have to say, thoug, that after a few sets of bundle stretches the penis looks a bit girthier - this seems due to an bodily reaction, kinda the body over-fills the penis reacting to the previous ‘forced voiding’ caused by tortion.

It is interesting that the penis seems to behave in opposite ways then should if we would consider only mechanic forces applied on it -think to hanging causing girth gains, clamping causing girth gains under the clamp, etc.. Bodyly reactions seem to have a big role, maybe bigger than pure mechanic forces.

Originally Posted by marinera

It is my understanding that bundles stretches apply two opposite force to the penis

In terms of geometric positioning yes, but not in terms of absolute value.

Originally Posted by marinera
that the penis can be considered more elastic then most solids materials;

No, why should it be so? Think of rubber… or any other polymers. Or many other organics.

Originally Posted by marinera
when bundling the penis there is litlle or no change in ciruclar lenght (or perimeter) - if anything, it is slightly smaller when torsion is applied.

Not smaller but yes, theoretically no change… unless we accept the (realistic) non-circular hypothesis.

Originally Posted by marinera
It is interesting that the penis seems to behave in opposite ways then should if we would consider only mechanic forces applied on it -think to hanging causing girth gains, clamping causing girth gains under the clamp, etc.. Bodyly reactions seem to have a big role, maybe bigger than pure mechanic forces.

Not necessarily in opposite ways but in unexpected / apparently unexplainable ways.

… I have a theory here… let’s call it a “transformational theory”. It states that length (axial) “gains” (strains) can be translated into girth (“shear strain”) gains - and viceversa, should the right sequence of operations be applied. But I don’t have sufficient empirical evidence to back this up.

My wife ruined a good sweater by twisting the sleeves to get the water out after she hand washed it , basically a bundled stretch .

Guess what, the sleeves went all baggy and out of shape !

Yes i know the penis isn’t a jumper but you get the idea.

Ok, I did another couple of sets of bundled stretching trying to understand what could be happening. I think when the penis is bundled, some (or most) of the blood is ‘pulled away’ from the penis (I’m not ENS, so find better words if you can); some blood remains though, so in some traits CC are squeezed; when the stretching force is applied, the blood is even more constricted in shorter traits. Hard to explain, maybe a vague analogy could be: like performing jelqs on a ‘segmented penis’.

I would like to see an educational video just to make sure i’m getting this right.

I’m definitely incorporating these. Already seeing a difference since incorporating them.

Strictly mechanically speaking, bundled stretches should be superior to straight stretches (pretty much in every way) because:
1. They add a second force component. The twisting motion adds a stretch that’s perpendicular to the direction you’re pulling.
2. They increase the force in the direction of pull. Or rather, the net force from twisting is NOT perpendicular to the pull so it adds a parallel component as well.

BUT.. given the shape of the penis (it is most definitely not axisymmetrical) the stress (force per unit area) of the stretch will not be evenly distributed. This may be good or bad. In terms of length, the essence of it is that there will be points along the shaft which are stressed more while the rest are actually stressed less (because you’re pulling force is likely less than what you’d use in a straight stretch). If these points happen to be the same ones every time you bundle, then I’m not sure it will be beneficial. Although, given the slow rate of growth expected in PE it may not matter at all. However, I can tell you for sure that the more you can twist it, the better (creating more points of maximum stress).
The same goes for girth, although a perpendicular force is added to every part of the shaft, whereas a straight stretch would have none at all. So even though some parts will be stressed more than others, all parts will be stressed more than they would in a regular pull.

Given the above, it’s my impression that a bundled stretch is unlikely to add much length (depending on how much you twist, of course), but it is probably the only way to manually stretch your shaft in a direction that may increase you girth.

Interesting. Dangerous. And been done before with various opinions on the subject.

I remember reading that DLD recommended this. Some other guys just said “stay away, danger!”.

Last resort, maybe…

memento - Bundled Stretches

Wurst, what kind of routine did you use? Bundled stretches once per day or more often? How long did you hold each stretch?


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I like this thread a lot. It’s a very good point that the more you twist, the more area of the penis is exposed to the unique force (vectors) of this kind of stretch. Without thinking it through, one might think twisted more would simply intensify the difference in direction of forces with this style of stretching. I might not have thought of how twisting more actually distributes the effect across larger area (lengthwise) of penis.

Twisting adds a lot of friction too. Friction is fight the axial stretching force. Twisting stretches will add about nothing in length. Maybe could work for girth, dunno.


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