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Beware Heat light just exploded!


Beware Heat light just exploded!

Hey Guys,
Almost got badly injured, I recently purchased a heat bulb which I was using when doing my PE training.
This morning I was midway in my clamping set and the freaking thing exploded! Glass everywhere and got slightly burned on my stomach.

So if your using this type of bulb just put that in the garbage.. not sure what cause this but dam it was scary.

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Wow, that must have scared the shit out of you.

I can see on the attachment, there is a place to leave a review. I’m guessing yours won’t be very good.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
Wow, that must have scared the shit out of you.
I can see on the attachment, there is a place to leave a review. I’m guessing yours won’t be very good.

You bet! I was lucky to not get cut by the sharp glass!
Too bad the heat was just perfect..

Any drop of moisture would cause that bulb to explode.

Originally Posted by stash01
Any drop of moisture would cause that bulb to explode.

Maybe that’s what happen, anyway I’m not gonna do that anymore.
Will try something different to generate the heat.

I recommend that you buy a lamps for medical use, those are much safer.

I imagine the fright. Holy shit!! I think you should buy a better quality one. Try a Philips. It’s the one I use and I have no problems until today. 150W.


Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

Seriously scary. Don’t know if injuring my eyes or my cock would be worse.

Originally Posted by Don Logan
Seriously scary. Don’t know if injuring my eyes or my cock would be worse.

Lucky for me I didn’t get hurt.
Yais poke me in the eyes but leave my Watson alone!😂

Possibly you touched your bulb at some point with a bare hand or even got some lube/lotion on it. I’m glad you didn’t get more injured.

I put new bulbs in my car headlamps a decade or so ago and had one of them break like your bulb soon after the installation. The documentation had warned to keep it free not only from moisture but also from the oils that are naturally on the hands. I figured I had touched that bulb and not wiped it properly after. My usual mechanic agreed and has handled all my bulb replacements since then.

I recently ordered a LED red light device to provide IR and NIR energy to promote collagen growth, testosterone production, etc. I hadn’t thought of a heat lamp to use during PE, though. With winter approaching, I may look into it.

I was also scared this might happen, I kept using this 250W large bulb I bought, it was making a LOT of heat, more than enough actually, I was keeping it at least 70cm away from me. The thing is, it was melting the plastic around it, I just put the bulb in this other heat lamp I had wich was using a smaller bulb, 150w. This was Philips, the large 250W bulb wasn’t though, but it looked kind of durable. The melted plastic was dripping on it and I was still doing PE, I kept turning it on and off so the thing wouldn’t catch fire. I eventually cut some small parts out of the lamp to accomodate the larger bulb, but I accidentally broke the bulb by slightly hitting it on a table corner..I still use a 100W Phillips bulb, I use it very close to my dick actually, both when pumping and stretching. I think I will also look for another heat source because of your experience though…But anyway, I guess that 250W bulb was kind of durable, I was keeping it on for 10-20min at least twice every other day, and melted plasting was constantly dripping on it after 3-4min on..I guess I wasn’t too smart either, I couldn’t picture the bulb blowing up that way.

This 100W Phillips IR heat lamp works great though, I kept it on for 40-60 min even, the bulb wasn’t getting any hotter, I think it’s a medical IR lamp actually, so maybe that counts.

I like how constant heat doesn’t allow for too much discoloration, none even, so I will keep adding heat from the bulb when pumping, I don’t think it can hurt my dick when it’s inside a thickwall cylinder, I’ll be more careful though.

Hey train… find a ceramic fitting. Plastic isn’t really suitable for IR bulbs!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

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