Baseball shape fixing?
Hello to everyone and happy new year!
I am back to this forum after more than 5 years brake..
When I first heard about PE I was a teenager and I did it for some short period of time.
In one moment because of too much masturbation or incorrect PE with almoust full erected penis I lost erection just for a couple of days …
This problem and the decision that I dont need so much PE were the reasons to stop PE for a big period of time…
Until now - I decided to try again!
From reading some posts here and from my personal experience I know that I should not exhaust my pall so much and I should avoid erected PE…
But there is one other thing that I was not happy before and I am still concerned now … the BASEBALL shape.
I really don’t like it and not only this but it is leading to weak base of the dick and this leads to not very good erection.
My question now is - how can I PE (mostly jelq) withouth making my dick like a baseball bat.
Should I make some sort of reverse jelq which makes no sense to me because the enlargement comes from blood pressure ,ye?
Should I make very,very slight strokes which would lead to no gains at all ( I think so..)..
Any advices?
grow dicky grow..