Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Behemoth's Betadine Solution

Originally Posted by Behemoth
No it won’t loosen the Ligaments, it will however dissolve any scar tissue that’s there if you are slim enough for your ligaments to be near enough to the surface for the iodine to reach them.

I can’t feel the ligament (ligaments?) on my right CC but the left side (curves left) I can feel the lig for sure (along the top from base to about half way up shaft) its a very tight string/strings and the flesh of the left CC is not as plyable as the right. When I jelq at near full erection the right softens up all spongy yet the left stays almost rock hard, that’s using different grips and foccusing separately on each side alternately too. I will revisit this thread to report if betedine does anything to this

Ps. Does lugols work better for whole unit application like this or does betadine contain other helpful goodies/lugols too concentrated?

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I apologise for taking this thread somewhat off topic Behemoth, I found your OP very interesting and if Betadine does work it would be a useful alternative to the DMSO/iodine that I have used. DMSO is a pain to use and makes your breath stink :(

I agree that heavy handed or excessive PE could create scar tissue but I doubt it happens very often and I seriously doubt that it’s actually part of the actual gaining process.

No apology necessary Capernicus1, that’s all part of the debate, the reason I started this thread was to help guys with injuries from heavy handed PE, that’s why I put it in this forum, but it does occur to me that it could help others gain as well or improve function, sometimes just a tiny bit of improvement can mean the world to a guy and start them down the road to better life. And sometimes it can be something that fly’s in the face of accepted wisdom, who knows it might be worth a bottle of Betadine to try for yourself. :)

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Originally Posted by Czepa
I can’t feel the ligament (ligaments?) on my right CC but the left side (curves left) I can feel the lig for sure (along the top from base to about half way up shaft) its a very tight string/strings and the flesh of the left CC is not as plyable as the right. When I jelq at near full erection the right softens up all spongy yet the left stays almost rock hard, that’s using different grips and foccusing separately on each side alternately too. I will revisit this thread to report if betedine does anything to this

Ps. Does lugols work better for whole unit application like this or does betadine contain other helpful goodies/lugols too concentrated?

Lugols can cause irritation of the skin, it can be a bit harsh, my preference is for Betadine, it helps if the skin is clean and well hydrated (hence the shower) and the Betadine has a little detergent in it that helps spread it across the skin the lather also helps stop the iodine from evaporating off, something it is pretty good at.

I hope it helps Czepa, I wish I could promise that it would, but I can’t, however I think it is well worth a try. :)

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Originally Posted by Behemoth

You are not breaking balls here, you are a valuable addition to the conversation.

As I said these tissues are similar, they are not exactly the same, the second link confirmed the build up of fibroblasts in the fascia …..

In the fascia where? In spinal ligaments basing in what you linked. Muscle fascia is a broad term covering many different kind of tissue.

You are also supposing that fibroblast proliferation equates to scar tissue, which needs a proof.

Originally Posted by Behemoth
Now if it is present in Peyronie’s disease then why is it impossible for it to be present in other circumstances?

It’s not impossible, it’s unlikely; and that it is unlikely derives from the very same definition of Peyronie’ disease, which is nothing else than having scar tissue where shouldn’t be, so what you are assuming is that everybody has Peryonie’ disease.

Also be aware that scar tissue found in people with Peyornie’ disease is different than normal scar tissue, neither gross tunica rupture seems etiologically linked to Peyronie’ disease as previously believed. In about 300 clinical cases of penis fracture none developed Peyronie’ disease neither had, after some months, any signs of scar in the penis.

Originally Posted by Behemoth

“The principal finding in men with Peyronie’s disease is the deposition of scar tissue in the tunica albuginea. All of the clinical symptoms are derived from this event. The curvature of the penis is due to the fact that scar tissue does not stretch as well as normal tissue.

(Emphasis added). Exactly. That’s why I said if we had scar tissue in the penis we would notice it, no need of speculation.

Originally Posted by Behemoth
It appeared that the Betadine helped here Surferdude1234 - Pumping Injury so it is my thought that it may help others.

Well I tend to share this opinion
firegoat - Pumping Injury
I know you can read between the lines ;) .

Now this all would not count that much as far as gains go and I would let it go; the problem here is this: start throwing around the idea that PE creates scar tissue in the penis and we’ll have an epidemy of Peyronie’ disease, like we had waves of people imagining nerve damage, then waves of people imagining venous leakage and so on.

There was an active thread time ago, on the ‘cord’ or ‘septum’ or whatever name, in the penis; everybody came out that he had that cord and that was the cause of his lack of gains. Of course the existence of this cord was never objectively confirmed : I mean, there are many studies on human tunica albuginea, even videos of total dissection of the penis, no one has ever found such a cord; this cord is nothing else what you can feel if you stretch two deflated balloon one close the other: they will flatten toward the center giving the illusion that there is something there holding back the whole; no rational argument could win people convinced of that idea though. Now that the OP is not posting much anymore, the ‘cord epidemy’ has stopped.

This all to say that we should be very cautious in making suppositions about injuries, deformities, needs of supplments or drugs for most of people and so on.

Last edited by marinera : 11-09-2013 at .

Ok, scar tissue or not can we agree that something does happen that creates a toughening, I’m not biologically sciency but wouldn’t isolated microtears create a retraction and temporary reduction in elasticity that accumulates some sort of substance in cells or creates conditioning that over time hinders gains.

I don’t think behemoth is saying you “need” to use betadine, its a suggestion and one that needs testing. I suppose we will get feedback from people who try it, and its something that most people have in their cupboard anyway, there’s a 500ml bottle in the bathroom at my house.

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Last edited by Czepa : 11-09-2013 at .

Originally Posted by capernicus1

I apologise for taking this thread somewhat off topic Behemoth, I found your OP very interesting and if Betadine does work it would be a useful alternative to the DMSO/iodine that I have used. DMSO is a pain to use and makes your breath stink :(

Are you taking the DMSO orally or just applying it to your dick.? I have been applying the mixture to my dick about three times a week for over two years and my wife hase never mentioned any bad breath.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
Are you taking the DMSO orally or just applying it to your dick.? I have been applying the mixture to my dick about three times a week for over two years and my wife hase never mentioned any bad breath.

Only ever used it topically, I get a horrible taste in my mouth so I’m assuming my breath must smell of it, maybe it doesn’t.
Scar tissue aside for a moment the DMSO iodine is by far the best thing I’ve used for discoloration, worth it for that alone.
I’d like to know if the Betadine is any good for that ?

I agree. DMSO and iodine (Lugols) mixed 2:1 significantly improved the discoloration on my glans resulting from pumping. Since I started regular applications, the discoloration has not returned.

I have also applied the mixture to two growths on the back of my hand. It completely removed a smaller (1/8” diameter) newly formd growth within two months. A larger (1/4” diametr) older growth has been significantly reduced after a year of applying the solution.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

I applied betadine to my dick 2. Days ago and I’m going to use it again tonight. After only using it once I noticed its alot healthier, when I applied it I got a almost hard semi. Id say if you havent tried it, try it. As an added bonus my PPP has noticeably changed (I have lugols iodine solution on the way though). I start PE again tomorrow so ill see how everything goes and maybe give an update on how this betadine thing goes after a few weeks

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

OK I forgot to say, and ill add (don’t judge lol) that I haven’t showered for a few days and I itched the underside and smelled my fingers, pretty much zero smell, usually its quite disgusting in summer (even after showering). So it also gets rid of dick smell (only that 1 application so far)

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

My erections are better. I use the betadine scrub and it does soften the tissue.

I believe it’s dissolving potential scar tissue

Sorry for the bump. I’m hoping for more updates on people who’ve used this so far.

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

OP says to not sue it with DMSO cause of the detergent. Makes sense.

Does anyone know if Lugols or other solutions can be mixed with dmso?

I know you can mix nascent iodine with DMSO and I did that but it only did soften my fibroblasts.

I get the feeling in order to dissolve bigger scar tissue(fibroblasts) it is necessary to attack them very often. Cause when I stop the treatment for some days the tissue is hardening again.
Nascent Iodine is very expensive so I hope to find an alternative that I can use daily. At best in combo with DMSO as one scar tissue is rather deep sitting.

Can I use Betadine solution, the ones found in hospitals for cleaning wounds?

Is it just topical?

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

Hi everybody

Can anyone guide me where do I purchase betadine in UK?



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