Blood during bathmatesession
Now I’m kinda worried =/
This happend: During a bathmate session I could see something brown in my bathmate. When I released the pressure something brown/black worm like went out of the bathmate! 100mm x 5mm thick like a worm and it was bloody. I tried to pick it up but it just tore apart but I finally grabbed it in three pieces. It all when really quick and I think I could see a stain of blood from a spot on mid-shaft.
That was yesterday and I can feel no pain, I can get erecrion etc but what was that? Did I broke something?
My routine and history:
Start jelqing December/January then slowly introduce bathmate in February. Never got dounut people talks about but this day I started with full boner in 10 minutes. Of course after a good strech and 70 jelqs. Was it too much?
I’m worried and hope for help from you =/