OK Guy’s, i found this thread by accident and i thought it would be important to reply. First off i want everyone to relax and stay calm and i don’t want anyone to think about suicide, i suffered the exact same as you guy’s did but no one to give me any kind of answers (i am only 24 myself). I have the answers you guy’s need, so please let me explain my own story first.When i was born, i was a healthy, young baby boy. However it wasn’t noticed that i had an undescended testicle (right testicle) until i was 2 year’s old. The testicle was brought down but this in turn caused the testicle to remain small and atrophied (dysfunctional). My left testicle took over throughout puberty and became large and fully functional. I went through puberty as normal but my left testicle gained a huge size (2/3 inches) to compensate for the other ‘lost’ testicle.
6 months ago i got an injury to my left testicle which caused a varicocele to form (enlargement/swelling of the veins), this in turn causes blood pooling issues int he testicle and over-heating to occur (along with abnormal hormonal parameters). Over a course of 3 months my testicle atrophied and my sperm count dropped. During this time i just didn’t “feel right” (so to speak) and wasn’t getting morning erections or having a libido. I had joint and muscle pains and all manner of skin changes occured (more so on my penis like you guy’s - skin thinning, maybe a little dry at times). What had happened was a hormonal inbalance had set in and caused low testosterone (hypogonadism). Like you guy’s my penis shrunk up really bad and my testicles were always very tight and didn’t hang as normal.
Flaccid penis size is controlled by the free testosterone levels available in the blood. DHT (A hormone that gives us “all things male”) has a large degree of control over the penilie tissues (the “elasticness” of them for example). The Testosterone to estrogen ratio controls how “hard” your erections get and if this got knocked out (due to lack of testosterone for example) then getting erections will be tough and your flaccid penis will hang alot smaller and lifeless at times.
Morning wood is an indication of the correct ratio of Testosterone to Estrogen (E2). Lack of morning wood in almost all cases means either excess estrogen or low testosterone.
Imagine the flaccid penis like a balloon. When there isn’t enough testosterone in the blood to support it “shrinks” up. You guy’s need to be aware that unless you live with this for like 4/5 year’s the penis dosen’t “actually” shrink and lose tissue (it’s already developed muscular tissue) but just shrinks up into itself.
You WILL get your penis size and erection ability back when you get your hormones in order.
So how did you develop this condition? Well there are 3 forms. Primary Hypogonadism which means testicular dysfunction (caused by tramua to the testicles - hernia, varicocele, mumps, hard kick, etc) and secondary which indicates a problem with your piturity gland not sending out enough messages to keep your testosterone level high. Central Hypogonadism is a problem with both the piturity gland and the testicles (this is rare).
Secondary hypogonadism can indicate a piturity tumour or be brought on from head tramua. An MRI is needed and frequent blood work to elevate (generally secondary will be indicated by low LH/FSH in the 1/2 range).
A normal testosterone level of 23nmol (or more) is required for sperm production and normal male functioning, anything lower (even if your doctor “claims” you are normal) isn’t.
Low testosterone can lead to high estrogen which in turn can cause prostate rated problems (prostitis for example).
If you are overweight or have stomach fat you most likely have higher levels of estrogen which again cause erection problems and smaller flaccid penis size.
I will monitor this thread and will answer any questions you guy’s have.