Another great day so far guys, I know it may not be a permanent fix yet Owen. Seems we have all learned many things that seemed to be working began to stop after some time. But I will use this as long as possible, it was cheap so it may break sooner or later though. I had to cut the rubber insert part because it was way too small and would have been a Chinese finger trap on my dick.
This really does feel different though. I don’t get that uncomfortable firm flaccid feeling anymore, I haven’t had it for 5 days. Flaccid is bigger, and not firm most of the time. Erections seem to be doing better. Sorry venomx, I cannot comment on morning wood that well because my sleep pattern has been so messed up lately. I have been smoking a lot lately too, which is not helping the EQ.
Kenqi, sorry man, I must have missed it as well. None the less it is a great idea.
venomx, I know I read a some things on how pumps are dangerous. I think pumping goes hand in hand with a lot of things. We already injured ourselves PEing, so when we pump we should KNOW how much is too much, and not do something stupid.
My routine is shower for warm-up. Try to let the hot water hit my unit for a while. Massage, then I watch some porn to get a quick hard on and pump lightly for the first pump, probably only a minute long.
Wait around, massage, do something else. The erections is supposed to subside, but never completely does after pumping.
Do it again, a little bit longer. Wait again, massage.
That is all I would do for the first day. As I had some very mild discoloration. After that first day I added one more pump for a total of three pumps, each one slightly longer than the previous.
GL guys.