I have to write guys that last months I ingest a lot,and I mean really a lot omega`s 3 + L-arginine A-ketoglutarate(AAKG) without seeing the specific improvement.I also added testosterone boosters -tongkat ali and horny goat weed, so I was literally going all the time with boner(it was really hard to concentrate to do something more dificult becasue of really high testosterone all the time ;/) and after 4 months my unit unfortunately didn`t improved much ;/
I even take of course to short period of time - 1 week of 50mg viagra before sleep in that time.
That is mail from dr Lin after writing him about PE injury (it seems common one response)
Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE (lin_institute@yahoo.com)
1. yes, You will need ViaPal-hGH-J(3-015) and ArgiNOx (1-018), plus FishOil(2000 mg each meal) and Vitamin D 2000 IU, to help you gradually rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function and boost your prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide production for healing and softening your penile collagen scar tissues
http://www.acti … il/herbform.htm
Practice penile ballooning and massage with VIP Cream (1-015) to promore prostaglandin E1/E3 production
2. Yes, the Natural Penile Enlargement Method creates the Ballooning effect on the elastic, spongy penis cylinders, for better sex and sexual orgasm.
but, understand the principle first -
What are the differences between the Penile Ballooning and Penile Exercises/Jelqing/Milking for penile enlargement?
==> What are the differences between the Penile Ballooning and
Penile Exercises/Jelqing/Milking for penile enlargement?
Mechanism of the Penile Ballooning for a better sexual orgasm - on the the 2-stage penile erection theory for Penile Enlargement.
Mechanism of the Penile Ballooning for a better sexual orgasm - on the stages of penile erection
He said ’ I enjoy using your products and I’ll tell you that sex with them is better than sex without…. and my girl says she feels like im getting bigger inside her,..’ for more sexual orgasm; on the principle of the Penile Ballooning for penile enlargement.
He said ’ I enjoy using your products and I’ll tell you that sex with them is
better than sex without…. and my girl says she feels like im getting
bigger inside her,..’ for more sexual orgasm; on the principle of the Penile Ballooning for penile enlargement.
The role of DHT, prostaglandins E-1/E-2/E-3, and Nitric Oxide in the penile enlargement for more sexual orgasm
The role of DHT, prostaglandins E-1/E-2/E-3, and Nitric Oxide in the penile (clitoral)enlargement for more sexual orgasm "
He after my request gave shortcut to his product
(my first impresion after seeing in ingredients is that I would be able to formulate it myself after buying in bulk amount cheap igriedient,like for expamle on Timothy site - purebulk.com, but Im not sure if I would formulate it corectly and even he is consider as a quack for many people it seems that his formula cure some people)
So his viapal product for $75.00 is in my opinion worth the purchase but ArgiNOx (1-018) or his omega 3 can in my opinion be replaced by cheap bulk product.
Michael regard pumping.This is of course not only my opionion but vets who went through it and(one example now is fucking happily his harem of few chicks) Dr Lin say that all jeqluing and pumping are extremly destructive on ercection.My opinion and common belief which seems to be truth is that the best combo for EQ is jelqs+kegels+pump.And I really remember my mornig steel after that treatment when I was doing it safely not in the future by stupidity overdid it under the influence of tongkat ali and massively consumed AAKG.
Regard pumping and it cure for different types of ED you can read great post by avocet8,who is vet here on Pumper’s Forum.
Guy from materofsize -tbirdy who is after injury as well used pump and I personally must say that after bathmate sesion I woke up with some kind of 60 % morning wood with litle engorged glans(but a lot better than without) Of course one guy who I concated and he cured completely after 8 month using Lin products didn`t do any type of enlargement.
But after all everyone will do what is right for him and in my opionion guy like tbirdy had the biggest right when wrote about as fast as possible fuck girls even with PDE drugs in young age not only looking for miracle cure all the time.
Another qestion, Michael did your MD tell you what he would inject in your unit to heal it ?