Injury Help.
I just finished week 2. I’m not measuring till 1 month, but crap my dick seems bigger. Anyway, I’ve been getting little black bruises on the head of my penis. I thought I was jelqing too hard.but didnt pay them too much mind cause they usually were pretty much gone in 24 hours. Today, I put a HUGE one on my head. It’s a big black blood blister and, initially, was even raised a bit. It has since flattened out. The thing is, I hadent jelqed yet. It was from stretching. I’m holding on to my head so hard trying to keep from slipping out that I’ve been causing these blisters to form. Did I miss something in the newbie thread about how to hold when you stretch. I’m essentially grabbin my head as hard as I can (which I feel like I have to or I can’t really pull on the stretch that hard). Any suggestions? I know the blister will subside.and thankfully, I have 2 days off comin up. I would like to know how you are suppose to pull your penis hard enough to get a good stretch without squeezing your head off like I’m doin
Any help is appreciated!!
Thanks guys