Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelq injury

ALSO CZEP.. this wasnt a one day thing. It was more of a 2 week thing.It lasted to where at one point I thought it was permanent. Does this still sound like your past experiences?

Originally Posted by phil28

I dont measure like some idiots on this site. They they stick the ruler in their skin to add another inch. So to be honest I have a 3” flaccid and i’d say a 6” while fully erect.

This site is about accurately tracking gains, not about getting some one time, so called “honest” measurement so try to put some educated thought and context into your posts if you don’t want to come off looking like some idiot who doesn’t realize what we are really doing here.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Well its been too long to remember accurately so I m not gonna comment on it, I will say,though; if you had improved erections that would increase the erect size, so keep on that supplement road if you think they actually help and if you do decide to resume a PE routine start off with very light stretches and jelqing and a warm up prior. I can almost guarantee you will get back to that “omg its bigger” size from improved EQ alone

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

First off “cant look” I saw pics of peoples measurments and almost all were not measuring right. 2nd off if I can find what I did, it WOULD BE permanent gains. And for the last rime, I think nofap is having the biggest affect.

Im not going to abstain forever but maybe just whack it once a week or so to keep a high libido. I dont care what anyone says, maybe jelqing and jerking off arent bad for you, but cumming every single day can NOT be natural.

It seems as if the people in charge of this site along with senior members dont want people to know about nofap.

You’ve been warned multiple times about the all-caps posting and the name calling phil28 yet continued both.

Sorry, no conspiracies at play here. The only ideas or rules we try to enforce here are clearly spelled out in the Forum Guidelines.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

What the hell is a fap anyway. Phil there are plenty of threads about abstaining from cumming, AND of the importance of rest days and deconditioning breaks. To say that we have no idea what we are doing or that these exercises are careless is forgetting how old this site is and how old PE is itself. The expert vets have perfected the art and have it down to a science. Although I disagree with your hold I think you do need some time to read some older posts and read how un-careless our safety recommendations are.

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Originally Posted by Czepa
Although I disagree with your hold I think you do need some time to read some older posts and read how un-careless our safety recommendations are.

He can still access and read any part of the site, and that option has been recommended to him, he just can’t post until his hold is up. Considering how many times he disregarded warnings about our guidelines, I think he’s lucky to still have the opportunity to be a part of this great community.

Maybe he will use the time to see what this place is really about rather than looking for conspiracies that even a basic search would have negated, but maybe he wont.

Originally Posted by Czepa

What the hell is a fap anyway.

I believe it is supposed to be an onomatopoeia for the sound one makes while masturbating but don’t quote me on that. :)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Hello id like to update if someone can tell me how to upload pics that would ve great. My penis is as big as it was when I recovered from my injury and it was huge. The answer?

Though i dont think nofap helps eq, I do believe it helps a little with libido. I would however like to say I think kegels, and even more reverse kegels work wonders. I did some in the shower about 3 hours ago and my penis is huge like it was for that 2 week span. (See thread).

Anyways I put the string to my sponge around the head of my penis while barely erect, it fit almost perfect, and I proceeded to do quick kegels followed by holding long reverse kegels. I then ejaculated but it hadent really kicked in yet.

Disclaimer. This may have been due to the vitamins i took today which I dont usually take because they dont usually work. But today my penis was so shriveled and small I was like mad. I wanted to try something new. So the combo may have helped a tiny bit but im not sure.

Im super happy right now because I was just testing my eq out and its awesome. I will not attemt to pots pick with a caption explaining how big it usually is.

Ps. I was doing alot of reverse kegels because I was urinating every 20 minutes and had to push very hard because I had a urinary tract infection. Urinating hard is pretty much reverse kegeling.

By the way i had the uti when I was recovering from the injury i had. Id also like to point out my penis is now what id consider average for my size, probably a bit more. Before I did the reverse kegels tonight my erections were what id consider a bit below avereage. Before I was 5.8” and the erection i just got from the reverse kegels was probably 6.5” maybe more, also immensely thicker.

Read the post before this.

Will attempt to post a pic*** from two posts ago

Hey phil28, if you are click the reply button at the bottom right of someones post you are taken to a new reply page that allows you to type your reply and below that text field is a button called “manage attachments”.

Alternately, if you are replying using the quick reply feature at the bottom of the thread page then you will have to hit the spell check button to get access to this manage attachments button.

Once you find and click the manage attachments button you will be given the options to upload your images that you are looking for. :up:

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

See pic.

Keep in mind im 5’8 175 lbs. Usually my erect is a tiny past the word Insignia on the remote , as u can tell in the pic. It is not much past that, . Also its thicker u have to just take my word I guess.

Last edited by firegoat : 02-08-2014 at .

And to be honest I usually measure with the remote lower because i put it actually on my penis. In this pic I had to move it to the side so the camera could see a better comparison, thus, raising the remote a tiny bit. It was actually last the serial number. (See pic)

Pictures are not allowed in this public forum. Please start a thread in a forum where pics are allowed (Progress reports and pictures) and link to it. Thanks.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Hey firegoat, apparently u cant seem to read my dirclect message to you. Please delete this thread. This is my fourth request to do so. Thank you


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