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Jelqing injury Can't get erection

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I would say hard to find one to take more than 3 minutes, but yea I wouldn’t just say I woke up with an injury. They may have seen a lot, but jelqing is one thing that many of them haven’t seen or heard of. The biggest, primary issue probably isn’t whether or not you tell them about jelqing, but about how you present the situation. Getting them to take you seriously is more like being on a witness stand being interrogated than a patient being treated, which is just sad.

It also disgusts me when I’ve tried to be honest and listen, and frankly was basically treated like garbage as a result. Think about it, you advocate being honest.. Yet you have had 18-20 appointments with 6 different doctors: your time, your money, your dignity, all disregarded in exchange for trying to be an honorable person. I’m not suggesting to be totally dishonest about the situation because then you can’t really get answers, but there may be certain minor things that you can tweak in the way you present and explain things to get taken seriously much sooner.

As an example, if I decided to go to another urologist about my jelqing injury, I would try something like this- I was wearing a penis extender while sitting on the couch watching TV, and I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up a few hours later, the head of my penis was purple and it felt cold all over. I took the extender off, the coldness and discoloration went away, so I assumed everything was fine. As the day went on and later that night, I noticed I couldn’t really get an erection. Again, I assumed everything was fine and to just give it a day or two. The next morning, I didn’t have any erection when I woke up, but I just thought let me just let it be. A few days later, nothing had changed, I still am having a lot of trouble getting an erection and haven’t had any erections when I first wake up. I’m still not really worried at all, I’m sure it’ll come back, but I figured there wouldn’t be any harm in seeing a doctor.

Some of the ideas behind this presentation instead of saying I jelqed and now have trouble with erections- Mentioning an extender is good because it sounds more plausibly dangerous, being that it is a device. The discoloration and coldness show that something physical had undoubtedly occurred. Saying that the discoloration and coldness went away shows that I had a good reason not to be anxious,, and repeating that I wasn’t worried because the coldness and discoloration had gone away emphasize that I’m not anxious. Lack of morning erections also indicates that something is wrong physically. Presenting it in this way seems like it would make them more likely to take things seriously while still allowing you to get the answers you need for an injury to the penis. This story can also be tweaked to include other symptoms such as redness, etc.

What I don’t understand is why doctors appear to be too stupid to understand Jelqing?

Even if they had never heard of it before, surely a 2 minute explanation would be enough for them to get a general idea.

We seem to understand it, and I’d be surprised if we were all brain surgeons. ;)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

It’s stupid the way doctors are, not just urologists, all types of doctors. They almost immediately dismiss people looking for answers as hypochondriacs, unless the problem blatantly reveals itself to them like you’re missing a limb or something. They get paid shit tons of money, yet they have to be forced by the patient to do their jobs. Usually after the patient has already wasted a bunch of money on useless examinations where the doctor doesn’t do shit.

It’s the complete opposite with psychologists. You tell a psychologist you’re sad that your dog died and they’ll diagnose you with severe bipolar depression with some schizophrenia on the side, and then prescribe you a medication from some private pharmaceutical company that individually pays that doctor to prescribe it’s dangerous drug to as many people as possible. Capitalism at it’s finest.

Let me clarify my statement… I think if you want the doctor to help you, you need to tell them exactly what you have done.

If they don’t seem interested or worried it’s probably because they don’t think you’ve done anything serious, and like all minor injuries, all you need is rest…

They probably don’t look interested because they get sick of hearing the same old made up penis stories…

“Oh yeah, I was walking down the street, and I accidently fell on a sheep… can you possible remove it from my penis” :sheepdo:

Yeah, sure it can be embarrassing talking about your penis, but you might be surprised if tell the truth.

Let’s not blame the doctors for our lack of communication skills…. doctors can’t be all shit :)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

I wasn’t referring to the doctor I saw in this case, because I’m pretty sure all I have is a minor injury and It just needs time to heal. Maybe he noticed I had an injury but acted like I didn’t because he knew it would heal on it’s own and he didn’t want me to worry about it, but that’s giving him the benefit of the doubt. What I said is true, it seems like the majority of doctors just don’t give a shit about their patients and just half-ass their way through an examination as fast as possible and completely ignore everything the patient says.

Last edited by poople : 04-12-2016 at .

Yup them docs ain’t worth poop. If some of you ever get cancer or a heart problem make sure you go to an electrician and by all means don’t tell him the truth. I’m sure the electrician will figure it out just fine! Amazing!

Skygod you can test this yourself if you’re willing to spend 15-30 dollars on a co-pay. Go to your local urologist and tell him that you read about this thing called jelqing online and ever since a few sessions of it, you are having trouble getting erections.

Tons of people from all over the world who never even have had a negative opinion about doctors before getting injured from PE, all have had this same very negative experience.

I’m not saying it’s my opinion that doctors are all bad with everything, not even close to that. But when it comes to penile injuries that don’t involve major, massive trauma like internal bleeding, they don’t really take it seriously, and in the end, all they can do is pills, injections or an implant anyway. I don’t think anyone is saying that they aren’t “smart” enough to understand jelqing either. Understanding jelqing usually means having results from it and becoming a believer. These doctors have never heard of it before, they weren’t taught about it in medical school, see it as a silly thing from the internet, and dismiss it offhand.

Last, no one is making up crazy stories and asking to have their penises removed. Most guys have been honest about jelqing. Saying the damage was caused by falling asleep with an extender certainly isn’t a crazy story. I just wanted someone to listen, to show that they took me seriously without me having to convince them like was on trial, and to take a little time to try to help in whatever way that they could. Is that too much to ask?

Falling asleep with an extender caused my injury, or that’s what I’ll tell the doc even though that is not they way it happened. Now what does the doctor look for? Well he looks for tissue anoxia caused by lack of circulation. The head of my penis was purple: well this guy tried to strangle his penis and tissue destruction occurred due to lack of oxygen.

Now an injury cause by squeezing or stretching too hard as done with with jelqing does not cause tissue necrosis due to lack of oxygen but rather but trauma and more times than not breaking blood vessels causing bleeding , swelling and lack of function. You think the treatment is the same?

Oh and they put you on trial. Well maybe the guy didn’t have a good bedside manner but do you know what a diagnosis is? It’s an investigation, just like being questioned by the police. They have to get to the facts. Maybe one reason you only got three minutes because when you told him your story and he looked at your penis and knew he was being lied to well I wouldn’t waste my time would you?

But I never lied. I saw three urologists and told the truth each time. Based on my experience, and on the experience of many others, I think strategies need to be developed to help these guys get through the doctors’ initial dismissiveness.

Jimmybob I would ask you to try and have some empathy for these guys with these injuries. You always defend the doctor and the guys with injuries are always wrong, but that doesn’t seem like a way to further communication and reach understanding. I do make an effort to look at it from the doctor’s point of view, but it seems like you just have no empathy or sympathy at all for these guys.

These are people in a vulnerable situation with real grievances, just smashing them down and berating them isn’t going to help. If you really do want to help, at least take the time to hear them out and put yourself in their shoes.

Well my comment was directed to the OP and not really to do so make of it what you wish. Unless I am wrong I do believe you said in your post to tell the doctor he injured it while wearing an extender which will not give the doctor the information he needs will it?

The idea is to help this young man.Do you think it helps to encourage him to lie about how he got hurt?
I have been associated with PE in one form or another for more than 10 years. In that time I have read thousands of posts just like this one and have read the same trashing of doctors that try to help but for some reason we lie to them and then when they don’t fix us in 5 minutes we trash them. I have never found that it ever helped an injured man out and I have also found that some of these guys go into the doctors office with pre-concieved notions that this man won’t help; he’s only after the money. Therefore a patient in that frame of mind really doesn’t listen or even understand what the doctor might be telling him. Now add to this the concept that the doctor often knows he is being lied to , well then how does anyone get better?

The overwhelming majority of injured people don’t lie and haven’t lied, but still have received very poor treatment, which is my point. The idea of lying to get the doctor to take the situation more seriously up front and hopefully do some tests, or take a little time to offer some explanation, is a new idea in response to the lousy treatment guys have gotten for over 10 years in exchange for their openness and honesty.

I’m not saying those doctors are just after the money either, instead I think it’s a combination of factors. Some of them are calloused from seeing so many sick people all day, it erodes their sense of empathy leaving desensitized and burned out. They don’t know about jelqing, it doesn’t sound dangerous at all (which is actually one of the most dangerous things about it) there isn’t any cure for these types of injuries anyway, and they don’t put the person’s physical well being in any danger, so they don’t see any reason to spend too much time on it. Back when they were in medical school, there wasn’t a bunch of internet forums with different forms of PE with guys getting injured, so this is all new. Plus, they have a waiting room full of patients and are under a lot of pressure.

This leaves us needing to find strategies that most people can easily apply that will overcome it. If openness and honesty worked, people wouldn’t be complaining, and it isn’t about the doctor not having a cure in five minutes. No one with a permanent injury is going to “get better” from a doctor’s visit, because there is no cure. Telling people to just relax in hopes of calming them down doesn’t help, it makes things worse. It’s pretty obvious when something is drastically wrong, and just verbally patting someone on the head and telling them not to worry about it doesn’t do any good. The problems are the dismissive, nonchalant attitudes, and lack of explanation or effort on the doctor’s part to inform the patient or identify the problem to at least give some closure and peace of mind.

Again, I understand that there are reasons that doctors tend to act like this in these situations, but this leaves us with no choice but to find practical ways to overcome it if we want better, or at least halfway decent treatment.

Of course you still need to go to a doctor if you have a medical problem, I’m not saying doctors are completely useless. I’m saying most of them are so far up their own ass to listen to what the patient thinks could be wrong, or they just don’t care and ignore the patient. My dad kept going to doctors with early symptoms of vertigo that could have been treatable, and they all ignored him until he literally couldn’t walk, and then they finally did something about it. I’ve read many stories, and seen a lot of things about how dismissive doctors are. One extreme story I saw recently, this lady had a life-threatening parasite inside her and kept going to doctors and hospitals while in extreme pain, and the answer didn’t pop out in the doctors faces so they assumed it was all in her head. When she was in critical condition the hospital was trying to get her to leave, until finally a doctor with some sense examined her just enough to realize she was near death without needing to know what was causing it. How can you be a doctor and not see that someone is about to die, and then try to get them to leave the hospital? It was a rare parasite, but the doctors should have at least been able to tell something was wrong.

Well if you look at the Journal of Urology, the Journal of Sexual Medicine among others you will find that doctors nowadays know about jelqing, extenders; they know guys hang weights off the penis. Cornell Medical Center Department of Urology has some real good papers on those subjects. Why not look. Medicine may have a bit more knowledge than you give it credit for.

Originally Posted by poople
Of course you still need to go to a doctor if you have a medical problem, I’m not saying doctors are completely useless. I’m saying most of them are so far up their own ass to listen to what the patient thinks could be wrong, or they just don’t care and ignore the patient. My dad kept going to doctors with early symptoms of vertigo that could have been treatable, and they all ignored him until he literally couldn’t walk, and then they finally did something about it. I’ve read many stories, and seen a lot of things about how dismissive doctors are. One extreme story I saw recently, this lady had a life-threatening parasite inside her and kept going to doctors and hospitals while in extreme pain, and the answer didn’t pop out in the doctors faces so they assumed it was all in her head. When she was in critical condition the hospital was trying to get her to leave, until finally a doctor with some sense examined her just enough to realize she was near death without needing to know what was causing it. How can you be a doctor and not see that someone is about to die, and then try to get them to leave the hospital? It was a rare parasite, but the doctors should have at least been able to tell something was wrong.

Oh the lady with the parasite? Yes I watch House too. That was a good episode.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Well if you look at the Journal of Urology, the Journal of Sexual Medicine among others you will find that doctors nowadays know about jelqing, extenders; they know guys hang weights off the penis. Cornell Medical Center Department of Urology has some real good papers on those subjects. Why not look. Medicine may have a bit more knowledge than you give it credit for.

In literally 99% of instances where people have seen a urologist the person that they saw had never heard of jelqing, which you know (yet brush aside here) considering that you have been around these forums for 10 years. So no, doctors nowadays don’t know about jelqing, and frankly, it is straight dishonest for you to suggest that they do. I’m disappointed, because I made a sincere attempt to share my thoughts with you in my previous posts, and it’s sad that you’re going to go down this road again.

Anyone who is willing to spend 15-30 dollars on a co-pay can test this. Go see a urologist and tell them about jelqing; finding one that has heard of it is a needle in a haystack.

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