Thunder's Place

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Jelqing injury Can't get erection

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So my penis curves more to the left while flaccid, and sometimes I can’t even curve my penis to the right while it’s flaccid. It usually happens right after I lose an erection, and then mostly returns back to normal in a few minutes. If I have like a 50% erection, the right side of my penis gets rock hard while the left side is still soft. After some close inspection I noticed a slight bulge on the right side of my shaft about halfway up, it’s more noticeable while erect, but still not very noticeable. It seems like that bulge is scar tissue buildup and could probably be called minor peyronies disease at this point. I read peyronies disease can occur from an injury, and I also read it can heal on it’s own in rare cases. Peyronies disease usually isn’t caused by an injury though, so maybe those rare recoveries occurred for people who injured themselves. I’m fine with this slight bend, I can still get a full erection, I just hope it doesn’t get worse.

Don’t jelq while fully erect. I got like 5 injuries from that shit. These injuries were probably continually building up before I even realized I was doing damage, and then one day I overdid it and the damage I had done has become noticeable over time. It’s probably a good thing I overdid it that day, or I would have continued doing that shit and probably done irreversible damage.
Damaged veins, internal bleeding, scar tissue buildup, swollen lymph vessels. Don’t do it. My erections were fuller and stronger than ever and I didn’t have any noticeable negative symptoms until I overdid it, but I really doubt overdoing it once could cause this much damage. If you’re jelqing while fully erect and you aren’t noticing any negatives from it, you could be doing damage that will reveal itself in the future so you should stop now.

So far you’ve had
Hard flaccid
Strange veins
Swollen lymph nodes
A hernia
And now pyronies disease and probably a few I’ve missed.

And you saw a Doctor who said you were fine, all from a bit of erect jelqing.
This joke’s wearing really thin.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
So far you’ve had
Hard flaccid
Strange veins
Swollen lymph nodes
A hernia
And now pyronies disease and probably a few I’ve missed.

And you saw a Doctor who said you were fine, all from a bit of erect jelqing.
This joke’s wearing really thin.

When you put it that way , the joke seems thinner than the iphone . :P

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Bruising and swelling aren’t uncommon when injuries first happen, and spider veins, the penis leaning to one side or another/a mild curve that comes and goes, especially when semi-erect, are symptoms that commonly accompany hard flaccid.

The lump could be pelvic tension, or something else, and saying it could be a hernia was just theorizing after the fact about potential causes, and so was the possibility of peyronie’s. Sometimes people get confused between the actual physical symptoms that the person is having after an injury, and the theorizing about what those symptoms could be, which comes later after the symptoms don’t go away because the person wants to understand what’s going on.

Interesting thread.

Poople, you have definitely injured your penis and, of course, this isn’t a news flash. It happens. I understand your fear and your frustration because I’ve been there and done exactly that. Each penis is different. Some people can hang 30 lbs from their flaccid penis while others get injured by masturbation. This is why we recommend each new member here to use either the Linear Newbie Routine or the standard Newbie Routine. Jelqing is very similar to vigorous masturbation with a few dissimilarities. It forces the blood into the penis thereby expanding the tissues with the intent to make your penis grow after a good deal of time and work. When you first start out, you will be sore. If your penis is especially tender and you are too enthusiastic with your grip strength, then you will injure yourself. You will experience some redness and sharp pains in areas you’ve never thought would be painful. Veins will pop out (which is normal after jelqing for a while) even when your penis is flaccid. There is absolutely nothing to worry about.

I injured myself during sex once (word of advice: Don’t let your cowgirl get too wild. ;-))I won’t go into the details but the recovery time was extensive. I still had some lingering pain during strong erections a year after the injury. What did I do? I gave it a rest. Period. The pain turned into a dull ache and then eventually went away. I didn’t worry about it. When I got older, I started having ED but that was unrelated and now corrected through PE. At 42, my erections are as strong as ever. Sometimes they don’t even want to go away. You mentioned priapism. You don’t have it. You also mention an inguinal hernia. I had one repaired a couple years back. You don’t have one of those either. What you do have is a lightly injured penis, a vivid imagination, access to all kinds of weird ideas on the internet and a large dose of fear that your penis will never work right again. Poople, you are fine. The veins you see coming out, the darkening line under your scrotum, the swelling is all symptoms of overexertion. Leave it alone and quit thinking about it. Continue masturbating if you feel the need to. If it hurts a little bit then go easy. Use a high quality lube like grapeseed oil. Friction will also cause these problems. Another thing that might cause some of the discomfort is soap. Don’t use it for masturbation. Try hair conditioner in the shower.

Its time to start enjoying your sexuality instead of worrying about every little change. Over the years, I’ve seen lots of changes in my penis, most of them I have cause myself, but it still works great. When you reach my age, so will yours.

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23

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Originally Posted by capernicus1
So far you’ve had
Hard flaccid
Strange veins
Swollen lymph nodes
A hernia
And now pyronies disease and probably a few I’ve missed.

And you saw a Doctor who said you were fine, all from a bit of erect jelqing.
This joke’s wearing really thin.

I saw another doctor yesterday about the lump in my upper groin, and I’m getting a CAT scan monday to find out what the lump is. I never said the hernia was from erect jelqing, and it might not be a hernia. It’s probably swollen lymph nodes like I’ve said before, and swollen lymph nodes would be caused from the injury. The earlier pictures I’ve posted showed the internal bleeding I was experiencing in my penis, and in my scrotum from 2 separate injuries. I’m just theorizing about stuff that could be wrong with me because there are many weird things going on with my penis now.
All the stuff you sarcastically listed are all things I’m actually experiencing/could be experiencing. I have large veins that jut out in my penis while I’m flaccid which isn’t normal. I still experience tender aching feelings in my penis from time to time. I still experience a hard flaccid penis from time to time usually while standing. And different than hard flaccid symptoms, when my penis is soft, my right side isn’t as soft or as flexible as it used to be, and I assume this is from scar tissue buildup which is also called peyronies disease. Another thing that has been concerning me that I haven’t talked about yet, is I have a red spot on the center top of my glans where the dorsal vein leads into, and I have a little bump in my dorsal vein right where it connects to my glans. You have to squeeze you’re penis pretty hard to jelq while fully erect which can obviously do damage, I don’t see why people find it so hard to believe that I’m actually experiencing all of the things I say I’m experiencing even after posting pictures. “Scar tissue building up after brutally squeezing your penis over and over? outlandish” “Damaged veins and internal bleeding from basically beating the shit out of your penis? You’re crazy, it’s all in your head.” “Swelling happening as your bodies response to all of the injuries in your penis. How silly.”
As much as I wish this was a joke, it’s not. I will heal, I know that. But I did a lot of damage to my penis from a bit of fully erect jelqing.

Originally Posted by How lack

Continue masturbating if you feel the need to. If it hurts a little bit then go easy. Use a high quality lube like grapeseed oil. Friction will also cause these problems. Another thing that might cause some of the discomfort is soap. Don’t use it for masturbation. Try hair conditioner in the shower.

Thanks for the advice, but masturbation isn’t a good idea. Last time I very gently masturbated a few days ago, it was difficult to get an erection the day after, my glans couldn’t become engorged at all, and I couldn’t keep my erection up, and my penis was very sensitive and tender for a whole day after. It’s not the rubbing from masturbation I need to worry about, but while ejaculating it forces too much blood into my penis and puts way too much stress on my injuries.

You shouldn’t have jelqed erect then.

Now you are probably stuck with what you have and who knows what else in the future.

I would suggest to check your testicles too. Heating is devastating for your testicles. You might never have kids, cause that picture you posted looked pretty bad IMO.

Also you might wanna check your heart and lungs cause if erect jelqing caused you a blood clot you might get an embolism.

By the way schedule an appointment to a psychologist in the year 2026 cause if you have all those issues surely it will affect you mentaly and you might wanna be ready for it. If you don’t have any issues or you are dead by then, simply don’t go, but you might wanna be ready.

Also, now it is the right time to say whatever you want to say to your loved ones. After all these issues you’ll never know when you might pass.

Make peace with Jesus also. Repent for the sin of jelqing. You might get a good spot in heaven, who knows.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10
You shouldn’t have jelqed erect then.

Now you are probably stuck with what you have and who knows what else in the future.

I would suggest to check your testicles too. Heating is devastating for your testicles. You might never have kids, cause that picture you posted looked pretty bad IMO.

Also you might wanna check your heart and lungs cause if erect jelqing caused you a blood clot you might get an embolism.

By the way schedule an appointment to a psychologist in the year 2026 cause if you have all those issues surely it will affect you mentaly and you might wanna be ready for it. If you don’t have any issues or you are dead by then, simply don’t go, but you might wanna be ready.

Also, now it is the right time to say whatever you want to say to your loved ones. After all these issues you’ll never know when you might pass.

Make peace with Jesus also. Repent for the sin of jelqing. You might get a good spot in heaven, who knows.

Thanks for letting me know. I hope my penis is healed when I’m in heaven.

I was supposed to get a CAT scan today to find out what the lumps in my upper groin are but my insurance gave the doctors a hard time because they didn’t want to pay for me to get a CAT scan. When I went to the doctor Friday they seemed compelled to give me a CAT scan as soon as possible and scheduled for me to get one on Monday, and then they canceled that appointment after they talked to my insurance company and scheduled me for another examination today instead. Last time they examined me they seemed all confused and shit, but then this time they just did a quick examination and were like “Oh it’s a pulled muscle.” and I told them I’m not in any pain, but they were still like “It’s a pulled muscle.” My greedy insurance gave them shit because they didn’t want to pay for my CAT scan so the doctors just bullshitted my diagnosis so they didn’t have to give me a CAT scan. It’s definitely not a pulled muscle, but it probably isn’t a hernia either, it’s probably just swollen lymph nodes. I just wanted to get the stupid CAT scan to be sure and know exactly what it is, but doctors are shit, and insurance companies are shit.

Originally Posted by poople

…. but doctors are shit, and insurance companies are shit.

One thing I absolutely guarantee you; if they thought it was anything even remotely serious, they would do a scan.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by G263

They probably are seeing it for what it is, a young kid who is convinced there is something wrong with him when there isn’t. Give it a rest man and move on with your life. Jesus Christ.

No they are seeing it as a weird lump, and they said they had no idea what the lump was so they scheduled me to get a CAT scan, and then they re-examined me instead and gave me a bullshit diagnosis. I didn’t ask for a CAT scan or anything, I just told them I had a lump, and they examined the lump, they didn’t know what it was so they wanted me to get a CAT scan, and then they didn’t follow through. You guys need to give it a rest and quit telling me that I’m not experiencing the things that I’m experiencing. Everything I post gets second-guessed, I’m about done with this thread.

I think I keep reopening an injury. I think It has something to do with either my deep dorsal vein or my superficial dorsal vein. There has been a red spot at the center on top of my glans for a while now. I didn’t think it was a big deal at first, but now I’ve been noticing slight aches in the area and in my dorsal vein area. I’ve been able to get full erections fine, but this morning I woke up ejaculating which has never happened to me before, and I think it reopened the injury. The red spot seems bigger, but I’m not completely sure, and now I can’t maintain an erection, and when I get an erection I have a weird feeling in the area and I lose the erection soon after. I’m going to avoid erections, and put ice on it a few times a day.

How am I supposed to recover when things out of my control re-open my injury, and will this continuous re-opening of my injury cause permanent damage?

If getting erections opened injuries how would anyone heal from any injury or surgery.

Even after some enlargement surgery patients are told to get erections as often as possible.

Stop stressing.

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