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Jelqing injury Can't get erection

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99%? And you got that stat from where? I believe it is totally made up. Again there is a question of truthfulness.

Well it is obvious that that your perusal of medical journals and research just may be a bit lacking. I have 2 mates that I have played golf with for 20 years who just happen to be dopey urologists.They knew what jelqing was way before I knew. Do they think much of it? Well not really; they seem to find issues with trying to mess with healthy tissue but they know it exists and then have treated patients with issues pertaining to that. You can have your views as well as I can have mine.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
99%? And you got that stat from where? I believe it is totally made up. Again there is a question of truthfulness.

Well it is obvious that that your perusal of medical journals and research just may be a bit lacking. I have 2 mates that I have played golf with for 20 years who just happen to be dopey urologists.They knew what jelqing was way before I knew. Do they think much of it? Well not really; they seem to find issues with trying to mess with healthy tissue but they know it exists and then have treated patients with issues pertaining to that. You can have your views as well as I can have mine.

In the end all you can do is accuse everyone else of being dishonest. I think that’s called projection in psychology. Again, anyone can test this themselves, and see for themselves who is telling the truth. Don’t take my word for it. If you really care about this issue, and really are interested in understanding what’s happening, spend a 15-30 dollar co-pay to go to a local urologist, tell him you tried jelqing, explain what it is, see if he (or she) has heard of it, and see how you are treated, simple.

Another thing people can do is the next time you see your GP for a checkup, ask them if it’s even possible to enlarge the penis. Many (I would say most) GPs will still tell you that penis enlargement is impossible, let alone not having heard of jelqing.

Okay for the last time. First your 99% is bull.
Next of course a physician will tell you enlargement is not possible and do you know why? Any good doctor, not the dopey ones, but any good doctor will look at a healthy appendage and say why mess with it? There is a chance, and we all know that, that a person could hurt themselves. Do you think the guy wants to be sued? Look at all the guys here freaking out about injuries. You don’t think if the doctor told them sure it’s possible so go jelq and stretch the minute one of these guys hurts themselves the doctor won’t end up in court? I mean what world do you live in?

For a doctor to recommend enlargement it is as if he recommends smoking. Hey not everyone gets cancer from smoking do they? They guys that do get cancer will sue his butt off won’t they?

Leave your healthy penis alone. No doctor will ever recommend it because things can go bad, especially when people do not read or follow instruction. There is already a poster on these boards who has been doing PE for all of 10 days and he made a gain so he has now moved onto advanced exercises, all in 10 days. You don’t see an injury in the making? I do. Now if I were a doctor would I recommend enlargement of any type for my penis? Nah if I am going to court I want it to be for something really good, like murder or embezzlement

And as for the co payment, I don’t really think my mates would charge me.. Hell I wouldn’t pay them if they did.

The 99% isn’t bull. Everyone I’ve communicated with with an injury, near every report I’ve read where the person got into enough detail or people took the time to ask them questions, the doctor hadn’t heard of jelqing.

As far as the doctor being worried about getting sued by telling a patient that penis enlargement is possible, they could protect themselves by simply saying that it is possible, but emphasize emphatically that there are risks and that they don’t recommend it, etc.

Also, are you comparing PE to smoking cigarettes? Sort of weird for someone who has been around for 10 years and is obviously a supporter.

I didn’t mean you personally about seeing a urologist to find out, btw. I meant other people who are reading this thread that might take an interest.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Oh the lady with the parasite? Yes I watch House too. That was a good episode.

I don’t know what house is, the story I’m talking about was on an episode of Monsters inside me. It’s a true story. You’re very condescending to anyone with a slightly different view from you BTW.

The law is the doctor is responsible; there is no protection whatsoever. Some doctors have these cute little forms that you fill out before a visit or a procedure and people think they can’t sue. Those forms are simply informed consent forms that the patient is aware of all the possible complications of the procedure. They can, if they are unhappy, sue and in this time they do.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Yup them docs ain’t worth poop. If some of you ever get cancer or a heart problem make sure you go to an electrician and by all means don’t tell him the truth. I’m sure the electrician will figure it out just fine! Amazing!

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Oh the lady with the parasite? Yes I watch House too. That was a good episode.

Stop putting words in my mouth to try and make me look stupid, and stop being so condescending, and stop starting arguments on this thread over dumb shit.

So your position is that if a patient mentions to a doctor that he read about penis enlargement exercises online, wants to know if they work, and the doctor responds that they do, but that there are serious risks, and that he unequivocally advocates against them, but the patient then injures himself doing them during a later time at home by himself, the doctor could be sued in court?

Let’s all chill out a bit please.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
So your position is that if a patient mentions to a doctor that he read about penis enlargement exercises online, wants to know if they work, and the doctor responds that they do, but that there are serious risks, and that he unequivocally advocates against them, but the patient then injures himself doing them during a later time at home by himself, the doctor could be sued in court?

Yes! The minute he answers in the affirmative then that is taken legally as responsibility and he is opening himself up for a suit. Do you know how many doctors get sued because the doctor did not tell the patient specifically not to do it? I know a doctor who got sued by his neighbor as the doctor was watering his lawn. It seems the neighbor asked him a question although the neighbor was not his patient and the question was general in nature, and the doctor just gave him a simple response. Well 2 years later this doctor was part of the lawsuit against the neighbors real doctor as well as himself.

As for chilling, I really don’t see animosity here do you? I think we’re all learning a bit. But if you want it ended just let me know.

Last edited by memento : 04-12-2016 at . Reason: Fixed quote

Jimmybob, considering how important this is for you, why not just make your own thread about these issues and your opinions? I would be open to continuing a discussion there, if you decide to do so, but I don’t think it’s fair to the OP of this thread at this point.

Originally Posted by poople
Stop putting words in my mouth to try and make me look stupid, and stop being so condescending, and stop starting arguments on this thread over dumb shit.

Jimmybob I mean this when I say chill out, Don’t you think he sounds a bit annoyed ?

All the discussion is fine if a bit of topic but try and be more tactful, please.

I don’t care if it continues in an informative way. I think this is an important issue and could help people learn how to approach their doctor to get the best results. Just no more passive aggressive sarcasm.

Hi I am original poster.. And I am 52 yo. I see docs assistant tomorrow. Yes I’ll rest it.. But am still worried although no additional pain was produced. I feel so stupid as.. I should have just left it on for 10 or so minutes as it was a new higher tension. Thanks for replies!

Originally Posted by cez24
Hi I am original poster.. And I am 52 yo. I see docs assistant tomorrow. Yes I’ll rest it.. But am still worried although no additional pain was produced. I feel so stupid as.. I should have just left it on for 10 or so minutes as it was a new higher tension. Thanks for replies!

Good luck. I don’t think you mentioned in your earlier post what your actual injury and/or issue was and how it started, or some of the specifics of what kind of progress you had made, or problems you encountered with previous doctors visits. As more of us share the details of our experiences both good and bad that we’ve had with doctors, we should gain insight into how to best approach these situations.

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