Thunder's Place

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Jelqing injury Can't get erection

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Originally Posted by capernicus1
If getting erections opened injuries how would anyone heal from any injury or surgery.

Even after some enlargement surgery patients are told to get erections as often as possible.

Stop stressing.

I’m not stressing, my EQ usually returns mostly back to normal a couple days after this happens. But this is like the fourth time this injury has re-opened, and it thwarts the progress I’ve made in my recovery every time. Now the progress I’ve made since the injury last re-opened has been reset, and it seems to keep happening.

Originally Posted by poople
I’m not stressing, my EQ usually returns mostly back to normal a couple days after this happens. But this is like the fourth time this injury has re-opened, and it thwarts the progress I’ve made in my recovery every time. Now the progress I’ve made since the injury last re-opened has been reset, and it seems to keep happening.

Your body just doesn’t work like that or it would never heal.

Two months of feeding into this young man’s paranoia; has all the attention gotten him better or made him worse?

Compare a red spot on your glans, a possible tiny perforation of a tiny blood vessel, to the multiple blood vessels completely severed during a circumcision.

I had an adult circumcision, and know many others who have. And we all got plenty of erections during healing. They healed just fine.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

There is such a thing called a chronic wound. The veins severed during circumcision are not the dorsal veins, the dorsal veins are very important to the way a penis functions. I guess the soggy erections I got and my inability to maintain an erection after it happens and the weird sensation in the area is just all in my head. It must be all the attention I’m getting. All this attention just makes my erections so soggy and creates marks and weird feelings in my penis. Must be all the attention. Stop feeding into my paranoia you fucks, you’re hurting my penis.

XD “feeding into this young man’s paranoia” Who has fed into my paranoia exactly? Everything I post gets dismissed immediately like it isn’t even actually happening to me. I know how my penis is supposed to look, act, and feel, I’ve been very close to it for many years now. But I guess you guys know my penis better than I do.

Go get a few scans done then you will know what is actually happening .

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Ok feeding time is done.Now tell me why the doctors/insurance companies did not pay for you to get a scan. I already know the answer but you tell me yours.

If the OP feels that Jimmybob has nothing of value to offer and is basically just trolling someone else’s thread despite being asked respectfully multiple times to tone it down, is there really any reason that it should continue? He is perfectly free to make his own thread and then he can give his opinions and stuff with anyone who wants to talk to or deal with him, but that way people who aren’t in the mood won’t be forced to deal with him over and over.

How about you make your own thread and tell us your theories? Having been involved in pe for over 10 years I have seen and discussed thousands of these threads and you know what? The majority are a slight injury and large anxiety. You don’t think this kids is anxious? He’s had everything from a hard flaccid to blood clots to leaking blood vessels to large lymph nodes and God knows what else.

Has he been helped over the last 2 months here? Doesn’t look like it to me how about you? This kid will become a cripple if it continues and what s not needed is someone coming by and reinforcing something he doesn’t have. No I won’t standby and let this kid be harmed!

The issue here is that you have so little respect for the people that get injured that when they try to get explain their symptoms you will never, ever listen. No matter what, you will call them a basket case. Things are misrepresented and distorted through the clouded lense of your own disrespect, and I am sick of taking the time to clarify it for you and get into the specifics. You truly have no respect at all for these people and look so far down on them that it actually makes me sick sometimes to read your posts. You’ll never help anyone if you can’t even listen to them without immediately dismissing them.

Hopefully, this will be the last time I will need to respond to you. If someone doesn’t want you on their thread anymore, and isn’t even free to post comfortably on their own thread because you are repeatedly and condescendingly attacking them without respecting them enough to listen for even one second, there is no reason that they should be forced to deal with you.

Just step up and make your own thread, and if you have as much to offer as you think that you do, people will come to you.

Have you actually read the whole thread? Have you seen what some of the moderators have said? How about this joke is thinner than an I-phone, making peace with Jesus and the one that really made sense was to go see a therapist. Tell you what; you go fight with the moderators and let me help this kid.

The difference is that the moderates made a few off the cuff remarks later, which happens. With you it has been a calculated attempt right from the beginning to undermine the person, rally others into attacking them, and trying again, and again, and again. Should everyone posting about an injury be forced to go through pages and pages of attacks and manipulations from you?

This kind of stuff goes against what makes thundersplace a great forum. People here have freedom to post their ideas respectfully, to post about an injury from erect jelqing, which everyone knows is dangerous especially for beginners and should be afraid of, on the injuries subforum, etc.

What you are free to do is make your own thread or debate thread and exercise your free speech in any way that you want, but to completely not listen to someone and force your opinions on them in such an aggressive manner over and over on their own thread isn’t really called for.

It might be in everyone’s best interest to refrain from posting anything until poople has had an actual diagnosis of something.

No point all falling out over speculation.

Capernicus imagine you did something wrong with your PE in the a beginning, like jelqing erect, and started having problems after. Maybe sudden erectile dysfunction, or loss of sensation, with red blotches on your junk, etc. For the first month you didn’t really worry about it because you assumed it would go away. After it didn’t go away for a month, you scheduled an appointment with a urologist and looked up jelqing injuries, to find that many other people had developed similar problems under the same circumstances. When you saw the doctor, he kind of laughed and said penis enlargement doesn’t work, said he didn’t see any peyronie’s, or a penile fracture, and said just don’t worry about it. Nothing changed or got any better How would you respond to a situation like that?

I think what this really comes down to is it’s pretty obvious to people when something has drastically changed with their penis 24/7. It really is. Just put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes it is really therapeutic for these guys just to have the opportunity to talk about this stuff somewhere and to have people listen.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
Capernicus imagine you did something wrong with your PE in the a beginning, like jelqing erect, and started having problems after. Maybe sudden erectile dysfunction, or loss of sensation, with red blotches on your junk, etc. For the first month you didn’t really worry about it because you assumed it would go away. After it didn’t go away for a month, you scheduled an appointment with a urologist and looked up jelqing injuries, to find that many other people had developed similar problems under the same circumstances. When you saw the doctor, he kind of laughed and said penis enlargement doesn’t work, said he didn’t see any peyronie’s, or a penile fracture, and said just don’t worry about it. Nothing changed or got any better How would you respond to a situation like that?

I think what this really comes down to is it’s pretty obvious to people when something has drastically changed with their penis 24/7. It really is. Just put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes it is really therapeutic for these guys just to have the opportunity to talk about this stuff somewhere and to have people listen.

I have had my share of injuries over the past 7 odd years, not to mention a penile fracture many years ago and getting circumcised.
I’ve had bruising, swelling, bleeding, blocked lymph vessels, nerve pain, temporary ED and mild curvature all of which have healed fine over time.

If a guy doesn’t listen to a Doctor or take their advice what can a load if strangers on a forum do ?
Lots of guys have offered their advice only to be told they’re wrong or they don’t understand or just plain ignored all over something which hasn’t been diagnosed and with symptoms which change by the week.

A lot of good guys have offered help in this thread and have now run out of patience.

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