Thunder's Place

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Possible injury; need a little advice if possible

Possible injury; need a little advice if possible

So I think I have encountered my first “injury”, I’ve been doing this PE thing now for about half a year and have been following the newbie routine for a good two months without slacking off.
From time to time I would notice a really small darkred spot on my penis somewhere after a PE session but those spots usually faded away overnight.
But not this thursday, due to privacy reasons I wasn’t capable of doing my PE at my usual time so I decided to fowfer for about an hour and then jump into the shower for a warm-up and 10 minutes of Jelqs, not the usual 20 minutes but better then nothing.

For some reason the jelqing felt far more intense then usual and when I decided to check out my penis after 4 or 5 minutes, I saw about 7 of those small red spots and one that was somewhat bigger and darker.
Kind of freaked me out so I did a warm-down and decided that I’ll leave my battered hammer alone this weekend.
I’d like to continu my routine tomorrow but those spots are still there, they have faded some and I think I’ll make a full recovery but I’d just like to have some veteran advice/view on this.
Should I wait until the spots have completely faded or should I just turn my routine down a notch?

Thanks in Advance,


Start: 6.6 BPEL X 5.3 EG (5.7 BG) (aug/oct 2009) -- Current: 7.1 BPEL X 5.6 EG (5.9 BG) (1th November 2010)

Short term goal: NBP 7 X 5.5 -- Long term goal: NBP 8 X 6

My pictures and progress: Thor's Journey

I don’t know what this is, are they painful to the touch or raised at all?

It’s probably a good idea to give it a break for a week to be safe.

They were a little painful when they appeared, but only when I touched them.

At the moment they don’t hurt at all.

Allright, I think I’ll just take a week off then, thanks.

Start: 6.6 BPEL X 5.3 EG (5.7 BG) (aug/oct 2009) -- Current: 7.1 BPEL X 5.6 EG (5.9 BG) (1th November 2010)

Short term goal: NBP 7 X 5.5 -- Long term goal: NBP 8 X 6

My pictures and progress: Thor's Journey

Not sure where the spots are. If they are on the head, that might be fairly normal but if they are on the shaft then I might be more concerned. Don’t take this as gospel though since I’m not sure at all what you’re looking at.

In any case, I would think taking a break would be well advised. If you’ve been doing PE for six months, it might be a good excuse to take some time off. With any luck, you might see some gains at the end of it.

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

I got a couple red spots a few days ago.. One of them actually looked like a pin tip bruise. I waited for the dark colored spot (bruise) to lighten up then I started back with a little less intensity and kept an eye on it till gone. From what I gather red spots are a normal side effect. I have read that if the spots are getting bigger or turning into bruising stop, let it heal, then continue carefully. Hope this helps.

Farhail! And good luck.

I think they are blood spots nothing to worry about. I think they are just part of PE. Once one burst when I was hanging and it really freaked me out big time. But I think you have nothing to worry about maybe ease off a bit.

Okay, thanks guys.
I’m now pretty sure they are just those “blood spots”, I’ll just take a week off and let it all rest down there.

Thanks for the quick replies!

Start: 6.6 BPEL X 5.3 EG (5.7 BG) (aug/oct 2009) -- Current: 7.1 BPEL X 5.6 EG (5.9 BG) (1th November 2010)

Short term goal: NBP 7 X 5.5 -- Long term goal: NBP 8 X 6

My pictures and progress: Thor's Journey

Yeah it’s a good idea to take a week off and everything would be ok!

PS: Your pic is REALLY cool!

Um normally you’d stop getting those little blood spots that people are describing after a few weeks of PE as your dick gets accustomed to jelqing, and normally I think they don’t cause pain, which is why I suggest some time off, if they come back straight away after a week, try two weeks :) If that doesn’t work, maybe see a doctor. But it doesn’t sound serious so you should be fine.

I’ve had ‘red spots’ before, they are common, caused by too much pressure, are caused by burst capillaries and are usually about a millimetre in diameter. From reading your post I got the impression your spots were bigger.

When you start up again use less intensity. If no red spots then that was your cause. If you are getting discoloration try this.

“firegoat roll” discoloration prevention, control, and removal

If they reappear when you restart, post pics and consider seeing a doc.

A week is usually recommended for red spots.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Um normally you’d stop getting those little blood spots that people are describing after a few weeks of PE as your dick gets accustomed to jelqing, and normally I think they don’t cause pain, which is why I suggest some time off, if they come back straight away after a week, try two weeks :) If that doesn’t work, maybe see a doctor. But it doesn’t sound serious so you should be fine.

It’s monday and the biggest and darkest one isn’t even half as dark as it used to be so I’m sure I’ll be okay, still gonna take a week off though.
Yeah I know, I haven’t had them in a good month but like I said in my first post, for some reason the jelqing felt about 3 times as intense as it normally did.
It was probably a little too much for my tallywacker to handle.
Was the first time I ever did jelqing standing up, maybe that had something to do with it.

Anyway, thanks for all the advice guys.

Start: 6.6 BPEL X 5.3 EG (5.7 BG) (aug/oct 2009) -- Current: 7.1 BPEL X 5.6 EG (5.9 BG) (1th November 2010)

Short term goal: NBP 7 X 5.5 -- Long term goal: NBP 8 X 6

My pictures and progress: Thor's Journey

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