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When Red Spots Turn Into Bumps

When Red Spots Turn Into Bumps

I’ve been messing around with Uli squeezes. I get the usual red spots and stuff, which is normal I guess. But lately I’ve been noticing some little scratchy types of bumps (maybe like three of ‘em) on different areas on my shaft, right around where I usually get the red spots. They’ve only appeared recently, and I haven’t had any unprotected sex lately, so I’m wondering if these tiny little bumps are related to the red spotting I get after a good session of squeezes. They look and feel almost like an ingrown hair or something of that nature, just raised off the skin in the “red spot zone” of my dick.

It\'s all about me.


They very well may be ingrown hairs. Do you shave your shaft? Watch them over the next few days to see what they do.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I may be having the same problem. I would start my own thread but can’t for some reason. Mine have been here for over a month and haven’t gone away. They were caused by clamping in my case. I have no Idea how to get rid of them but they are a but unsightly IMO. The bumps started as small red bumps that appeared only after clamping, and they have not grown. They have faded from red to a slight pink, and are now starting to get firmer as if I’m getting genital warts, which is definately not the case. I’m STD free as is my girlfriend.

I have no idea what on earth is going on and if anyone has any advice please post it up.

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