Originally Posted by Rahman810
I have now learned that even dating sites can set off the triggers in those of us prone to PIED. The porn induced erectile dysfunction came back. ….It happened the more I texted and the funny thing is I didn’t even have to see pictures during the sexting. …Don’t forget even those types of pictures cause you to fixate on them which depletes dopamine the same way as watching naked women. If you are going to fixate on anything let it be real women that you can actually see that is not on screen.
This is really good stuff Rahman810. As a recovering sex addict, it’s interesting to see someone figuring out the basics without thousands of dollars of therapy and 12-step recovery groups. And the only thing I’d respectfully add, is that it can often help to let the appreciation of another person’s physical beauty (male or female regardless of orientation) apply as much as possible (and obviously it’s not always possible because the world is what it is) to one’s wife or significant other.
This is not to moralize (although it definitely helps to make relationships as bullet-proof as is possible in our day & age) but simply acknowledging how God or evolution set things up in our brains (basic neuroscience that is assiduously & purposefully avoided in the pursuit of our generation’s addiction to comfort & pleasure - oops, jumping off soap box but this crap nearly destroyed my life).
If I’m not careful (and yes, I do have avatars turned off in my TP profile), just reading certain threads on this site trigger me and it’s down the rabbit hole. Before I found a therapist that understood SA, one of my female counselors was (overly) fascinated that I could achieve quasi-orgasms by looking/ruminating alone - similar to what some can do with meditative practices alone, but decidedly different.
At the same time, I often had to masturbate with a limp dick which while strangely doable, was unnatural & quite frustrating. Such is the warpage (and far beyond of course) that occurs with the human sexual response and the solution for me has been to move further & further away from prurient interest in anything, any act, or anyone besides my wife.
Hats off to you and in reading this thread, I’m reminded that I need to again quit flirting with the beast and add cobwebs to the overused interstices of my neural nets where catalogs of unhelpful imagery & sexual experiences reside. I hope I can report similar progress over an 11-month period. Thanks for sharing your efforts & progress in this area.
Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!
Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:
Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci