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Any success stories on restoring morning wood, EQ and libido?


Any success stories on restoring morning wood, EQ and libido?

Hello everyone,

For those of us who are less fortunate in this area, it would be inspiring to hear some success stories that could possibly offer some clues for improving and recovering sexual function. :)

Thanks in advance,


These are the things that have helped me:

Make sure you get at least 8 hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep a night. This means having a quiet, completely dark room.

Eliminate any chronic stressors in your life.

Ge the junk out of your diet.

Spend some time in the gym. Cardio and lift heavy.

Stop watching pornography and limit your masturbation to 1 or 2 times a week.

I have just started doing these things in unison. I still struggle with the sleep part though. But I have definitely noticed the improvement.

In addition to what davesj1 said, I would also seriously consider taking some liquid tadalafil (cialis) from . This stuff acts like a long lost missing sex nutrient from your diet. It comes in a squirt bottle and I take 1 squirt each morning that provides about a 4mg dose. Or you could take a 3 squirt dose that should last you for about 3 days. Make sure to shake well before use.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I understand the appeal of the quick fix, but I think he should stay all natural and use his body’s reactions to gauge his own improving health. It will be difficult to see the effects of his hard work if he is getting boners from Cialis.

Originally Posted by davesj1
I understand the appeal of the quick fix, but I think he should stay all natural and use his body’s reactions to gauge his own improving health. It will be difficult to see the effects of his hard work if he is getting boners from Cialis.

I guess I forgot to mention that I do both the hard work and the Cialis. My exercise includes hiking, biking and weight lifting, and an excellent diet but then again I am 61 this month so a little extra help is always welcome.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by davesj1
These are the things that have helped me:

Make sure you get at least 8 hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep a night. This means having a quiet, completely dark room.

Eliminate any chronic stressors in your life.

Ge the junk out of your diet.

Spend some time in the gym. Cardio and lift heavy.

Stop watching pornography and limit your masturbation to 1 or 2 times a week.

I have just started doing these things in unison. I still struggle with the sleep part though. But I have definitely noticed the improvement.

Thanks, mate.

I pretty much do all these already and can`t for the love of God see what`s preventing me from good erections and a good libido. I think maybe it can be something in my brain that`s off.

Not really sure what else I can do. Maybe I just need to accept that this is how things are for me.

Originally Posted by gprent
In addition to what davesj1 said, I would also seriously consider taking some liquid tadalafil (cialis) from . This stuff acts like a long lost missing sex nutrient from your diet. It comes in a squirt bottle and I take 1 squirt each morning that provides about a 4mg dose. Or you could take a 3 squirt dose that should last you for about 3 days. Make sure to shake well before use.


Maybe I`ll try it again, but I`ve been using Cialis in the past without any success. Cialis is also known to increase cortisol, which I have had a trouble with elevated levels of in the past.

Do you find that liquid is better than pills?

When viagra and cialis don’t work it means your body doesn’t produce enough nitric oxide. Citrulline malate will fix things for you. For an extra boost you could add arginine with it too. Citrulline malate will work by itself at 6g per day but arginine WILL NOT work alone. My 67yr old dad takes an expensive supplement that he says works and it was not surprise that it works since the main ingredients were citrulline and arginine. Also try zinc citrate before bed.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

What about being sexually active with someone who is sexually attracted to you? Someone who likes to take their time pleasing you, someone who sees you in a positive light.

The other thing is you may have too many responsibilities on your mind. Look at and chase females. Remember the confidence you had when you didnt have this issue and replicate it.

Last edited by djrobins : 12-16-2012 at .

If I pump at low pressure for 20 minutes before bed, I get raging boners that wake me up all night, and morning wood that I have to take care of to make it go down! :) :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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I just started taking an aromataze inhibitor, Arimidex, and I’ve been noticeing some changes. I think my problem could be that I have SLIGHTLY high estradiol.

Originally Posted by sed26
When viagra and cialis don’t work it means your body doesn’t produce enough nitric oxide. Citrulline malate will fix things for you. For an extra boost you could add arginine with it too. Citrulline malate will work by itself at 6g per day but arginine WILL NOT work alone. My 67yr old dad takes an expensive supplement that he says works and it was not surprise that it works since the main ingredients were citrulline and arginine. Also try zinc citrate before bed.

I have tried borth citruline malate and AAKG with not much success, but I’ll give it one more try. I already take zinc.

Originally Posted by djrobins
What about being sexually active with someone who is sexually attracted to you? Someone who likes to take their time pleasing you, someone who sees you in a positive light.

The other thing is you may have too many responsibilities on your mind. Look at and chase females. Remember the confidence you had when you didnt have this issue and replicate it.

I don’t think that’s my problem. In fact, I’m ten times more confident now than I was as an insecure teenager with a raging sex drive. I’m confident with and around women. Once in a blue moon I get rock hard around a female, but there have been several times where I passed on sex because my penis were almost flaccid when it should have been rock hard.

But I’m sure being sexually active would not hurt though, so I do want to establish a consistent relationship with a woman. In fact, I’m already having some options in that department.

Originally Posted by firegoat
If I pump at low pressure for 20 minutes before bed, I get raging boners that wake me up all night, and morning wood that I have to take care of to make it go down! :) :)

I’ll consider trying that. Thanks!

I have recently found meditation and abit of hypnosis has done wonders for my shocking erection quality. Also a bit of horny goat weed thrown in aswell. Good luck!

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

My total estrogens are really high also at 172 2 months ago and I’m hoping my endo prescribes an aromatase inhibitor. Even with E that high citrulline at 6g per day helped me become functional with a 7EQ sometimes higher with nocturnal woodies. When you try it again make sure you give it a week and a half to kick in. You won’t notice the effects until that amount of time and trust me you WILL see and feel a difference. But I’m interested to see how the arimidex helps you as well. If I don’t get a prescription this wednesday I will try other things. I wil not wait 3 more months just to go through more stupid tests.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Meditation can definitely be very helpful. I do it from time to time and I’m already fairly relaxed.

Originally Posted by sed26
My total estrogens are really high also at 172 2 months ago and I’m hoping my endo prescribes an aromatase inhibitor. Even with E that high citrulline at 6g per day helped me become functional with a 7EQ sometimes higher with nocturnal woodies. When you try it again make sure you give it a week and a half to kick in. You won’t notice the effects until that amount of time and trust me you WILL see and feel a difference. But I’m interested to see how the arimidex helps you as well. If I don’t get a prescription this wednesday I will try other things. I wil not wait 3 more months just to go through more stupid tests.

That is crazy high.

I am having functional erections, but I want to have GREAT erections. I will try the citrulline one more time. I`m not sure if I went that high on the doses.

My E2, if that is the issue at all, is not very high, just a bit. So I`m using a very small dose. You will need a higher one, but still, it’s easy to drive one’s E2 down the drain and that causes lack of libido and erections as well.

I’m thinking it could be random, but I am feeling some changes the last days. I’m more horny and my penis feels ready for sex. It’s not like I’m packing a raging boner all day, it just feels responsive, both to touches and thoughts. I know I’m ready. And a girl just asked me out on a date this Saturday, so maybe things finally are going my way. :)

Originally Posted by Renholder
Meditation can definitely be very helpful. I do it from time to time and I’m already fairly relaxed.

That is crazy high.

I am having functional erections, but I want to have GREAT erections. I will try the citrulline one more time. I`m not sure if I went that high on the doses.

My E2, if that is the issue at all, is not very high, just a bit. So I`m using a very small dose. You will need a higher one, but still, it’s easy to drive one’s E2 down the drain and that causes lack of libido and erections as well.

I’m thinking it could be random, but I am feeling some changes the last days. I’m more horny and my penis feels ready for sex. It’s not like I’m packing a raging boner all day, it just feels responsive, both to touches and thoughts. I know I’m ready. And a girl just asked me out on a date this Saturday, so maybe things finally are going my way. :)

Make sure its 6g or you won’t notice any difference. The first time I tried it I used 2-4g and wondered what all the fuss was about. Then I read articles saying to take 6g for the effects and I noticed a world of difference! Also I noticed great effects from 4g citrulline malate and 3g AAKG. Just don’t buy regular citrulline I heard that is not as good as malate. Great to hear you might be getting some action soon. Just stay relaxed and stay positive. Hope you report back with success in your future endeavors!

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by sed26
Make sure its 6g or you won’t notice any difference. The first time I tried it I used 2-4g and wondered what all the fuss was about. Then I read articles saying to take 6g for the effects and I noticed a world of difference! Also I noticed great effects from 4g citrulline malate and 3g AAKG. Just don’t buy regular citrulline I heard that is not as good as malate. Great to hear you might be getting some action soon. Just stay relaxed and stay positive. Hope you report back with success in your future endeavors!

Thank you mate! I will be starting tonight.

I think I used 2-4 g in the past. Is it ideal to use both supplements? I have both on my shelf right now? If so, should I use 4 + 3? Is that what you’re saying?

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