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delaying ejaculation

As I said, the main trick here is to learn to anticipate that split second BEFORE the ejaculate starts moving. Ejaculation is a complicated orchestration fluid from the Cowper’s glands, seminal fluid, and prostatic fluid which makes up the bulk of it. As you practice this, you will begin to recognize that there is a special sensation just prior to fluid movement.

Instead of going for the thrill of shooting when you masturbate, spend some time concentrating on the feelings leading up to orgasm and ejaculation. Blow a couple of loads with your full concentration only on recognizing ejaculatory stages. You won’t succeed at this, imo, until you know what is happening in your own plumbing at all times.

1) How long after the dry orgasm do you hold the kegel for? Or is it different every time?

Hold the kegel during the entire time the feeling of orgasm is occuring. You will feel some pulsing and contracting during that. When the pleasureable sensation ends and you feel the last pulse has occured, then release. Often you may get a drop or two of semen appearing, but if your libido is still strongly with you and you maintain the erection, you’ve done it and can go on for another.

2) After you do this (dry orgasm and release kegel), how long does it take before the next one comes along? I mean is it like starting from the beginning again or shorter?

For me it’s about the same for the second as for the first. However I find that the third arrives sooner than either of the othes. Doing this is highly stimulating; probably the reason I haven’t wanted to go past three. When you finally let it go, the last (wet) orgasm is at least a 12 in feeling and with a high amount of ejaculate volume.*

3) Have you tried bbc’s method of reverse kegeling and what are your thoughts about this?

I haven’t tried reverse kegels or read much about them. I’m sure somebody else reading this can comment and we’ll all learn something.

Good luck working on this. It’s one learning curve that is great fun to explore.

*Duration of orgasm for me anyway is related to ejaculate volume. The higher the volume, the longer it takes to complete ejaculating and the longer the prostatic contractions continue. This is a super reason to keep yourself well-hydrated with water/fruit juices. There are other techniques for increasing volume, including L-arginine, but just drinking lots of fluids works very well by itself.



loosing erection

Hi guys!

I have tried this dry orgasm technique for some time now and I can easily hold back an ejaculation by clamping the PC muscle.
I dont loose the slightest drop of cum, but what I loose afterwards is my erection just like after a regular orgasm.
So what am I doing wrong?
Does anyone who has mastered this ever got a dry orgasm with loosing the erection afterwards?
For me this dry orgasm is exactly like a wet one, with all the consequences. The only difference is that it is dry.


It is possible to redirect your ejaculation into your bladder. Perhaps this is what you are doing? If so, your body actually did ejaculate, thus the erection loss…

so what?

Hi RB!

Originally posted by RB
It is possible to redirect your ejaculation into your bladder. Perhaps this is what you are doing? If so, your body actually did ejaculate, thus the erection loss…

So what am I doing wrong?
What should I change to not ejaculate at all?


You might try a google search on Retrograde Ejaculation….explains how seminal fluid is channeled to the bladder rather than the urethra. This might give you some insight.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

I have no idea. I’d try Cajun’s advice if it were me…

Retrograde ejaculation is a harmless event. You may have clamped down too hard. If you lost the erection and your libido, you probably shot backward.

If this happens again, urinate shortly after you have the orgasm. You’ll likely be able to see if there is semen mixed with your urine, which would confirm that you went retrograde.



avocet, would you think retro ejact is a timing issue, fluids are releasing, and a hard pc squeeze is preventing them from taking normal channels out, so they took what was available? If so, perhaps Darian should try clamping sooner, prior to feeling the tingles of orgasm. I know my fluid starts moving before I start to feel orgasm…



Darien, experiment a little with it and see what you can figure out.

I get this from time to time - caused by a medication I take. I’m getting that changed. Although it is a harmless event, a retro-ejac is not very satisfying to me compared with shooting forward. It wouldn’t matter if one could look forward to a series of moderate orgasms then a blast off. But once you’ve gone retro, you’re done for the while.





I will try clamping sooner next time, maybe this helps.
This is kind of strange because I have done this alot of times and I only remember one time in which I was able to stay hard so I guess I must have done something right on this single event.

I stopped experimenting with it lately but I will try again due to your advices.

Thanks guys, I will keep you updated.



Hi Guys!

Did some experimenting on this subjecht and, well, I seriously seem to miss something here.

I mean, I can start sqeezing the PC even 20 seconds before the urge to orgasm and have a dry orgasm afterwards but I always seem to ejaculate into my bladder cause my erection leaves me almost instantly after this event.
I tried many different timings….. what´s the deal about this?


My intuition says that if repeatedly you shoot retro, you shouldn’t tinker with this technique for awhile. Give it a vacation. Work on other stuff.

I’d guess that you are clamping down harder than you need to and that this is not a timing problem. Your PC is putting a great deal of pressure on your prostate and your prostate is responding by releasing its fluid in the easiest direction available to it, toward your bladder.



clamping too hard?


Originally posted by avocet8

I'd guess that you are clamping down harder than you need to and that this is not a timing problem. Your PC is putting a great deal of pressure on your prostate and your prostate is responding by releasing its fluid in the easiest direction available to it, toward your bladder.

So you are suggesting that clamping less may solve this?
I will give this technique some days rest and try it again with less pressure.


Mabye retro isn't that harmless?

I was thinking that if you start to do retro then mabye your body will think this is an acceptable way to cum and retro’s will happen more commonly?

Also I can do 5 multi-orgasms but on the last one when I decide to cum I do but no cum comes out!

1.on the last one where I decide to blow the lot, I do a retro.
2.on the earlier dry orgasms I was really cumming retro but managed to stay hard!

Noting that I can do multiple wet orgasms (ejac with each orgasm) without losing my erection in between.
So mabye the second one is more possible?

What do you guys think?

BTW, do you think that I will lose the ability to do the multiple wet orgasms as I grow older and that this is just something that is common among other men around my age (i’m 18)

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Last edited by cascade : 01-18-2003 at .

cascade, I am turning 20 this year.

as little as 1-2 years ago I could do several wets in one session as you can…

I find that it happens much less often now, mostly, I think, because sexy stuff isn’t that amazingly incredible that I absolutely have to keep going now.

it used to be an amazing experience because it was new and fascinating etc… and in the beginning of my sexual exploration, I actually worked the thing so damn hard and long that I walked funny for days :D

Now I just sit back and think “meh, more later if I want”

especially since nowadays I almost never masturbate, but rather have fairly regular intercourse with my gf.

and of course, I dont do multiples with her (although I’d like to) not only because of the contraceptive risk but because to put it bluntly, she basically quite often just jumps on top of me and rides me til I blow, and I have no choice ;)

not to be a wet blanket or anything, but you are coming to the end of your sexual peak. Things only go downhill from here, in general, I’m afraid. :(

Of course, to make up for the lack of physical energy, you can learn techniques such as ejac control and multi orgasm etc (and of course, PE!)

Just so long as you work on improvement, you will not notice a decline in sexual prowess, but rather an increase.


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