Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

delaying ejaculation

Rainy, and not.

Give me to tomorrow to think on this. I came here on a fluke, hoping I wouldn’t have to think. Not so.



Originally posted by SS4Jelq

I either kegel way too early, and by the time that the orgasm occurs the contraction is too weak? Not enough to stop the fluid, at least not after a few contractions. Or, if I wait and kegel later I still lose the erection although stopping the fluid.

I guess all I can do is keep practicing, but as I dont really know what to look (feel) for, even if I did manage it I wouldnt know how I did it. Like before.

When we ejaculate, we have basically three types of fluids flowing, not counting sperm:

Cowper’s gland fluid (clear like water and sticky) which is pre-cum. You can virtually ignore this one because its appearance doesn’t mean you are headed inevitably for an ejaculation unless you have a very, very sensitive trigger

Prostate fluid (greyish, thin and watery)

Seminal vesicle fluid (milky or yellowish and thicker than the others)

All these fluid source glands (including your vas deferens which conducts sperm) go into contraction but not at precisely the same time.

For me there is a different sensation between a prostatic contraction alone, and a seminal vesicle contraction combined with a prostatic one. The way I figured this out was to learn to distinguish between them. I clamp after the first prostate contraction and before the vesicles themselves go into contraction.

When the vesicles begin to contract and that fluid starts to roll, it is very unlikely - though not impossible - to stop the ejaculation and then keep the erection. I have (sometimes, not often) been able to go on after a small glob (excuse me, this isn’t easy to explain) appears but if there is a fair amount of vesicle fluid flow, the game is over for me.

Does this help at all?




Your description of the characteristics of the fluids is really helpful. I’m cutting and pasting this description to save.



Figuring it out in practice is the hard part!

We’ll soon post a whole article here on the ejaculation process. The details are very interesting and may shed some light.



SS4jelq, i would be happy to share my experience with you. And you are very right about it being VERY different when you are inside a woman. Everything else is just jacking off..

You asked if i had an orgasm when i RK. If i do it right, no. It’s the complete orgasm that makes your dick go soft. So edge up close, pull out or stop masturbating, and PUSH like you are trying to pee. Begin by stopping easily short of the point of no return. As you do it more you will get good at “edging”.

Problem is for us men, that the urgency to cum, builds to a point where it’s hard to hold back. That’s when the RK is cool. It feels very good-not as good as the orgasm that you have at the end. My girl loves to watch the cum as it flows out. She like for me to put it right on her clit, belly button, and nipples. This technique enables me keep going for a very long time.

I have had a few accidents doing RKs. Twice, i got too close or was too full of cum, and i spilled my entire load on her pussy, and went soft. It’s not the cum flowing out of you that has that effect. It’s the orgasm itself. I can RK a nice stream three to five times. Sometimes i can’t do it at all. Once i pulled out, was RKing, my dick was throbbing up and down, and my girl reached down and wrapped her fingers around it. She squeezed, and it made me cum all over tummy. Nice scene for a porno movie, but i had to rest and regroup.

Just today my girl and I were together and i was very full of cum. My balls and prostate started to ache very early on. My girl observed that my first stream was clear. The next stream was creamy and white. The third and last stream thick and white. For some reason when i came in her today, i thought my balls were going to come out the end of my dick. Definately one of the best orgasms of my life.

Ask any questions you like. As you can tell, i love talking about sex. Love doing it lots more.

Last edited by drgmerlin : 06-14-2003 at .

I made a search with ‘maintaning erection’ and found this nice thread. I read all of the replies. First of all I have been practicing kegels for more than one month. I have actually achieved the dry orgasm thing by following the instructions below, … tiplemale.shtml

I rarely drink alcohol, eat healthy, am an athletic male. However on saturday I went out with a girl, and drank alcohol(vodka). As I have never tried to perform sex before when I consumed alcohol, everything started normal. I was confident that I will be able to perform the multiple orgasm thing and stay hard for a long time. After the foreplay, my member got erected, however even before I tried to start putting condom on, I was losing erection. So I started getting a bit frustrated. She told me that it is due to alcohol, and it is normal, and if I am not used to it, it happens. I really wanted to perform the real sex part of the sex, but I couldn’t.

Next day, I had my regular PE session which I have just started two weeks ago. I did that in the morning. In the evening, I tried to see myself whether my multi orgasmic thing is intact or not. Unfortunately I was able to hold my first one, but after that I lost erection. No matter how long I tried, it was as if my thing was still under the effect of alcohol after 15-20 hours. I tried it again this morning, things were a bit better, but still my penis didn’t get erected that easily after the first one. I was still losing erection even when I was masturbating it. Actually I didn’t use any visual stimulation, maybe a porn movie or picture might have helped some. But before I didn’t need anything to achieve good results.

I am not sure whether alcohol is this effective on me.

So I tried to find an answer on Thundersplace. I realized someone suggesting that one should not squeeze the BC muscle too hard. I gave that a try this evening. Also I ate some garlic in the hope to eliminate a bit of alcohol left in the veins that might be influencing things. Things came back to its previous state, or that is how it looks for now. I didn’t clamp on the muscles too hard, and that might have helped, as well.

In my case, I believe it was not the timing that was the problem. I am not sure whether the problem is even squeezing hard or light. I shall try this more and report here again.

Could it be possible that other people who fail the second time in multi-orgasmic thing might be under the effect of some alcohol or some stimulant similar to that, as well. Maybe they drink couple of beers every day after work. I know beer has low alcohol, and the vodka I drank had 50%, wow.

Hmmm…. after reading this thread I decided to say what I do when I think Im gona orgasm…


I let it happen, I slow my thrusts down just a little finish the orgasm, and keep going till I have another. They are always wet, and always produce fluid. I can have about ~5 orgasms before I produce little or no fluid.

The first time I had an orgasm durring sex I just kept going and she never knew I had one.

My gf likes to make me orgasm as fast as she can make it happen and as many times as I can handle.

If I stop thrusting after my first orgasm I will lose my erection, but thats the key for me, I dont stop thrusting.


Losing too much semen is not really very healthy for the body, to my knowledge. Especially if you depend on your brain or muscle power to conduct your job, then your efficiency may decrease. Draining out once a week is good, but if you want to have sex every night, would you ejaculate 5 times every night? That would make like 25-35 ejaculations in a week, and that is alot.

Maybe God has given you a huge tank of semen and everything is restored immediately.

I could imagine doing it that many times in a week! … Maybe a few times would be like that.. honeymoon.. anniversaries.. I cant think of any more lol.



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