Thunder's Place

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delaying ejaculation

Yes, that is my plan. I’ve also figured out that all the PC work I’d been doing was probably focused on the wrong area of the muscles, and while it got much stronger, it started to cause me premature ejac problems, so I stopped doing pc work all together. Another reason I delayed my goal of drygasm.

Shortly thereafter, DLD posted about his blasters, and in his thread, he stressed doing your pc work by pulling your prick up towards your stomach to really isolate the correct part of the muscles in order to exhaust them prior to the stretching. When I did this, I was able to flex a much different area of my pc, and saw the error of my previous ways and the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now if my dick would just get as big as I and the wife want it, I can move on to mastering my orgasmic abilities :)

Avocet, someone asked you earlier if you continued stimulation during they drygasm or if you stopped it cold turkey. Well?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Look back a couple of posts to my reply to chunkyaa. When you are doing this “duo,” it’s more complicated.



When the fluid starts to flow, clamp down…

And you’re able to stop orgasm and continue stimulation ? I tried, no way I could stop from ejaculating. I have a strong pc muscle however, I’ve been doing squeez since a good time, what is wrong then ?

Starting at : (19/05/03) BPEL : 6.75 EG : 5.5 Now : BPEL : 7.125 EG : 5.5



You clamp down BEFORE any fluid begins to flow.

You are absolutely sure you are clamping down before fluid flow begins? If it already started, there’s absolutely nothing you can do but go ahead and enjoy the ejaculation.

This is not an easy technique. Anyone trying it (unless he just lucks out in the learning curve) is going to blow a whole lot of loads before he learns how to stop the flow and keep the erection so as to go on for more.



Shit, I completely missed that part of your response.

chunkyaa, I spent a great deal of time, energy and ejaculate getting exactly what you are reporting. No matter how soon I clamped, even way ahead of fluid, most times I’d still spill. I too thought my pc was very very strong.

In retrospect, I don’t think my pc program concentrated on the right section of the pc to get the control and squeeze where needed. Have you tried doing kegels while pulling your penis up towards your stomach/chin? For me, it isolates a completely different section that I feel will make all the difference in the world. It might be worth a try.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Damn multiple orgasm loll
Why can’t we afford multiple orgasm easily like women lol

Damn refractory period ! ;)

Starting at : (19/05/03) BPEL : 6.75 EG : 5.5 Now : BPEL : 7.125 EG : 5.5


I know. It just isn’t fair.

Something that sounds so easy in theory, should be easy. It isn’t, whether you go about this mentally as our ‘iamaru’ seems able to, or physiologically as I do. (Either way, there’s some thinking involved.)

And, yes, damn refractory period. Once you blow the load you are stuck until you can kick in again. These refractory periods vary widely, btw, from minutes to days. When I get to the days stage, I will be more than annoyed.




I want to learn both methods, to be honest I think the physical way would be easier than how iamaru does it. Does he not do kegels before orgasm then? I’m trying to learn about all this tantra stuff, but its all Greek at the moment.

I have been unable to repeat the success I had before, dammit! Must have fluked it. Oh well, practice makes perfect!


SS4Jelq I will attempt to clarify some of this for you.

First of all, very few have mastered the technique of using the pc squeeze or kegel to stop the flow of cum. When i first read about it, i exercised my pc muscle like crazy. Still do. My only result was with a stronger pc muscle, my pc would go like a pogo stick and i came even harder. That ain’t a bad thing, but it didn’t make me last any longer. I think RB may have come close to getting it down, maybe a few others on the peforum. I tried for months with no success.

There are many other methods that are easier to master. Luvdadus mentioned “edging”. That’s my specialty. My girl and i both do this a lot. We both build to almost orgasm then stop or switch to something less stimulating. The advantage of building up and stopping is that it pumps your entire system. When you finally do have an orgasm with this method, you will see what i mean. It’s the most powerful thing you can do. Most women take longer, need more stimulation than men. If i let my girl almost orgasm 5-6 times, she begins shaking and quivering, and begs me to cum. Then she cums like a race horse. Oh, and me too. We both turn into wild fucking animals.

Back to your PC question. A normal kegel is like you are squeezing or shutting off the flow when pissing. I have mastered the opposite (this one ain’t easy either). I build close to orgasm, stop pull out, and PUSH, like i’m trying to win a pissing contest. Caution, don’t try this one if you need to fart!! Anyway when i push, a nice long stream of cum pours (not squirt) out of me, and my erection is still rock hard and i can keep going.

My theory about the “Reverse Kegel” is that sometimes we men are so full of cum that we feel an urgency to cum. Like having to pee really bad. Doing the RK allows a release of pressure without the downside of an orgasm=flacid.

I can tell you more if you wish.


We’ll talk.

But be ready to toss a lot of cum in the process of getting to multiple dry orgasm. The nice part about self-training is that every failure feels good anyway.

I’d like iamaru to jump in here and push his own program. I am not saying what I do is best. He seems to be on a mental high doing what he does to get there.



Chunkyaa, I definitely agree with you about women being unfairly advantaged… no headaches of lifelong bodybuilding - to stay in shape, PE, impotence, etc etc. Ofcourse only at the cost of “monthly installments” of pain, but otherwise they get the best deals in almost every aspect of life from nature!!!


>My only result was with a stronger pc muscle, my pc would go like a pogo stick and i came even harder.<

Yeah I think that is a small price to pay. My new kegel routine is giving me awsome results, I have never really had any major erection benefits from it, infact I had ED for the longest time, especially considering my age. But now I cant believe it, I think it is cured, I am so happy. If I get an erection and then stop stimulating for a while, it is still erect, and morning erections are super strength too. But anyway, I am ranting now.

What I have noticed from trying this kegel clamp technique, is that once the contractions begin, the PC will want to relax straight after each one, and when I actually managed to do it, it would contract, but my kegel would keep it contracted, then it would contract (further than the strength of my voluntary contraction), and try to relax again. It is quite hard to hold the contraction for 14 of these!

>There are many other methods that are easier to master. Luvdadus mentioned “edging”. That’s my specialty. My girl and i both do this a lot.<

Yeah I have not tried this yet. I fear that when I finally have sex it will not make much difference, as I understand it, it is a whole different ball game ‘inside’.

>I build close to orgasm, stop pull out, and PUSH, like i’m trying to win a pissing contest. Caution, don’t try this one if you need to fart!! Anyway when i push, a nice long stream of cum pours (not squirt) out of me, and my erection is still rock hard and i can keep going.<

I actually did this once, bbc mentioned it earlier in this thread. I know that the muscles used in an RK are antagonistic to the ones in a normal kegel, so this would work by forcefully relaxing (lol) the PC.

When you do this, do you actually orgasm?
Does the PC contract as normally?

>I can tell you more if you wish<

Yes I should love to hear more.

merlin, can I also ask you a few (thousand) questions on sex/technique, by PM? I am really confused and eager to learn stuff.


>We’ll talk.<

Yes please!

>But be ready to toss a lot of cum in the process of getting to multiple dry orgasm. <

lol yeah, I am beginning to realise this!

>I’d like iamaru to jump in here and push his own program. I am not saying what I do is best. He seems to be on a mental high doing what he does to get there.<

Yeah me too, please come and talk iamaru!


*clears throat, rings bell, coughs, holds neon sign up, bumps thread etc*


Heard the bell.

How about if you pose a couple of direct questions we can zero in on? I know I said “we’ll talk,” but I can’t remember now what I was thinking of exactly when I said that.




>How about if you pose a couple of direct questions we can zero in on? <

OK, well I have done it once, although not properly, it just seemed to cut the refractory period to a few minutes. What could this indicate? I kegeled too early or late, or too hard or soft?

I think my PC is up to the task now, but not to the point that I can kegel very early to make sure I do not do it too late. So I suppose my problem is with finding the exact time to kegel. I try to be aware of the various sensations, and sometimes I think aha, thats it, kegel and then realise I am some ways off.

I either kegel way too early, and by the time that the orgasm occurs the contraction is too weak? Not enough to stop the fluid, at least not after a few contractions. Or, if I wait and kegel later I still lose the erection although stopping the fluid.

I guess all I can do is keep practicing, but as I dont really know what to look (feel) for, even if I did manage it I wouldnt know how I did it. Like before.

>I know I said “we’ll talk,” but I can’t remember now what I was thinking of exactly when I said that.<

What’s the weather like?



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