Thunder's Place

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delaying ejaculation

Is it possible to build up PC strength to the point where you can keep it clamped throughout the entire session so there would be no timing issues? Also, I would think bad clamp timing could potentially give one blue balls, am I right?

Keeping it up

Try jelqing. It’s also used to lengthen your penis as well as add girth. Start by making the OK sigh with your left or righ index finger and touching your thumb. Use a good lube at the base of your penis and start working upward toward your head. Only go from the base to the head, not with a back stroke. I do this for 1/2 hour to an hour, you will get an erection and you will want to stop and let it go “limp” and start all over.

It will add length and girth. I started out with 7.250” and now have 7.5” Girth is 7” and I really don’t want it any larger.

Zoloft: one of the side effects is delayed ejaculation. I take it for depression and also find that I sometimes can’t “cum.”

If you do have sex and you “shoot your wad” it will come back up in about twenty minutes and you will go longer.

Good luck.


Hello. I am new to PE but not to nonejaculatory orgasms. I just posted on the PE Forum and someone said to look over here.

If you think you’ve got a retrograde emission urinate after orgasm into a glass container. Your urine should be perfectly clear. If there are strands of semen, then you’ve ejaculated into your bladder and you didn’t get it right.

I’ve been doing this for years. But I still can’t maintain the erection after the orgasm. Yet my urine is clear, when I bother to check. I really don’t check very much any more. But I did look at it in the last month and there was no semen.

I used to have alot less control than I do now.

Experience is slowly turning me into a stud, not because it feels less intense, just because I’m more ‘used’ to it, if that makes sense…. I don’t feel such urgency to explode that I used to, but it happens eventually hehehe :D


Since stopping PE I have been working on this a lot, and found that my PC was not as strong as I presumed it to be. This was a surprise as I have kegeled regularly since the beginning. But anyway, I started a better kegel program, and noticed a difference in the strength of the contractions I could acheive, and also the duration. Then…


Well, kinda!

Some fluid did come out, and I lost the erection partially, it just dropped to a semi, but as I continued I was able to regain the erection fully after only 3-4 minutes. This is a great step in the right direction, I hope I can learn to keep the full erection soon!

Thank you for your well worded tips.



Congratulations. Learning to do this is indeed a big step.


The event that SS4 describes here is something I think of as ‘draining’: releasing built-up seminal and prostatic fluids retained during protracted jelqing or edging sessions with a low-grade or nonorgasmic ejaculation.

This seems to be a positive exercise that releases built-up fluid pressure in the networks of tubes and vesicles. It takes work to achieve, but becomes somewhat easier with practice.

Can you see any physical benefit from this? If a man releases fluid and then re-erects to capacity, would that cement any gains made during that workout?

(*runs to catch up on some vascular contriction theory*)


As far as timing goes,
I’ve been contracting the PC right from the beginning (for years now). It’s not a 100% clamp (that’s impossible to maintain throughout) but a semi clamp. I’ve noticed this allows me more time till orgasm than if I didn’t contract the PC at all from the beginning. If I did not contract at all, I’d cum in 2 minutes!

For me, I end up with 1 drop coming out after orgasm & a little stays inside the urethra (on clamping PC harder at the point orgasm). Sometimes (depending on how turned on you are) I’m able to go on with full erection. But what impedes me after this is the 1 or 2 drops of semen that remained inside the urethra, which comes out & has an anti-lubing effect.

So what I do now is to semi clampthe PCs the minute I insert, hold the semi clamp till orgasm, clamp harder just “before” blowing & pull it out of the cunt ( close to the point of orgasm, but don’t allow an orgasm). It takes practice, coz pulling out in a hurry itself can lead to orgasm. So keep in mind that extra stimulation while pulling out, before you begin to retract.

Either you or your partner can work on the clit in the mean time (a few secs till you cool off a little) & then get back inside…..
I contract the PC again when inside. This works for me. Can go on for more than an hour like this (without losing erection or cum sticking out between your wad & her vagina)!

rg wrote: “For me, I end up with 1 drop coming out after orgasm & a little stays inside the urethra (on clamping PC harder at the point orgasm). Sometimes (depending on how turned on you are) I’m able to go on with full erection. But what impedes me after this is the 1 or 2 drops of semen that remained inside the urethra, which comes out & has an anti-lubing effect.”

It is a very narrow window of opportunity, I think. And impossible to gauge while you are inserted because you cannot see any portion of your ejaculate. What you think may be a drop or three could have been a major shot, then the erection is gone. Refractory period sets in.

If you are doing this while wearing a condom you can get a better sense of what has happened when you have the chance to look, but bare-dicked it’s a total guess game unless you have intimate knowledge of your own ejaculatory responses and the feelings that go along with each fluid flow along the way. Just my read so far in what you are saying.



Hey avocet, all I’m saying is that contract the PC before you start nearing orgasm, clamp just before orgasm & retract so that u just averted an orgasm. Put it back in after a couple of seconds. My theory is that it’s the orgasm which reduces erection, so don’t cum. Yeah the timing & control is difficult here, but works for me (rather than trying to have multiple orgasms with superhuman effort)!

Yours is a sensible routine, it seems to me. And a whole lot easier than what some of us go through to learn the Kegel side of being multi-orgasmic.



It’s not the orgasm that causes the refractory period, but he ejaculation. It is possible to orgasm without ejaculating, making it a very worthwhile goal…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Originally posted by avocet8
As I said, the main trick here is to learn to anticipate that split second BEFORE the ejaculate starts moving. Ejaculation is a complicated orchestration fluid from the Cowper's glands, seminal fluid, and prostatic fluid which makes up the bulk of it. As you practice this, you will begin to recognize that there is a special sensation just prior to fluid movement.

Instead of going for the thrill of shooting when you masturbate, spend some time concentrating on the feelings leading up to orgasm and ejaculation. Blow a couple of loads with your full concentration only on recognizing ejaculatory stages. You won't succeed at this, imo, until you know what is happening in your own plumbing at all times.

1) How long after the dry orgasm do you hold the kegel for? Or is it different every time?

Hold the kegel during the entire time the feeling of orgasm is occuring. You will feel some pulsing and contracting during that. When the pleasureable sensation ends and you feel the last pulse has occured, then release. Often you may get a drop or two of semen appearing, but if your libido is still strongly with you and you maintain the erection, you've done it and can go on for another.

2) After you do this (dry orgasm and release kegel), how long does it take before the next one comes along? I mean is it like starting from the beginning again or shorter?

For me it's about the same for the second as for the first. However I find that the third arrives sooner than either of the othes. Doing this is highly stimulating; probably the reason I haven't wanted to go past three. When you finally let it go, the last (wet) orgasm is at least a 12 in feeling and with a high amount of ejaculate volume.*

3) Have you tried bbc's method of reverse kegeling and what are your thoughts about this?

I haven't tried reverse kegels or read much about them. I'm sure somebody else reading this can comment and we'll all learn something.

Good luck working on this. It's one learning curve that is great fun to explore.

*Duration of orgasm for me anyway is related to ejaculate volume. The higher the volume, the longer it takes to complete ejaculating and the longer the prostatic contractions continue. This is a super reason to keep yourself well-hydrated with water/fruit juices. There are other techniques for increasing volume, including L-arginine, but just drinking lots of fluids works very well by itself.

With this technique, when you are feeling what will bring orgasm to you, when you are flexing your PC muscle for about 35-40 seconds to stop the “great feeling” that would lead to orgasm, are you stopping any stimulation or just contract your PC muscle and continue masturbate or having sex and be able to not reach ejaculation ?

Starting at : (19/05/03) BPEL : 6.75 EG : 5.5 Now : BPEL : 7.125 EG : 5.5

Avocet, how long from the feel the fluids moving until the point of no return for you? For me, there can be a several second delay between these two events.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Originally posted by chunkyaa
With this technique, when you are feeling what will bring orgasm to you, when you are flexing your PC muscle for about 35-40 seconds to stop the “great feeling” that would lead to orgasm, are you stopping any stimulation or just contract your PC muscle and continue masturbate or having sex and be able to not reach ejaculation ?


The hold of the PC clamp isn’t anywhere near 40 seconds. Orgasmic contractions occur about every 0.8 seconds. If on average you in particular (I’m making this up for you) have, say, 7 orgasmic contractions when you ejaculate, it’s all over in something less than 6 seconds.

In the hypothetical case I made for you, if just before the sensation of fluid movement occurs you clamp down on the PC and you hold the clamp a bit longer after your contractions cease, you shouldn’t need to clamp for more than 10 or 14 seconds. But you have to hold the clamp until all contractions stop. For me there are always a couple of mild contractions, even when I think I’ve finished so I hold the clamp until I am sure.

I continue stimulation during the contractions, if I’m masturbating. If I do this while having sex I stop thrusting. Unless you and your partner have a very effective signalling sytem, he or she is going to be counter-thrusting or moving in a way to cause stimulation for you. By stopping my movement, I can “half” the stimulation I am getting, at least. Makes it easier.



Originally posted by RB
Avocet, how long from the feel the fluids moving until the point of no return for you? For me, there can be a several second delay between these two events.

For me it’s not several seconds from the feel of fluids begining to move and the point of inevitability. It is shorter, by seconds. This is why, in my case anyway, I have to clamp immediately at the sensation of fluid movement, hold through the short “inevitablity” phase, then wait out, while clamping, the orgasmic contractions that follow. I don’t mean to denigrate the feeling in putting it that way; the “waiting out” part is the fun part.

Just a note to other readers, RB and I have cross-posted about this at the old PE Forums. He got so close to mastering this technique however his PE program is now his priority. When he gets his gains, I hope he’s able to report to us that he’s cumming, and cumming, and cumming. And NOT cumming!




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