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effects of tongkat ali on differing individuals (testosterone)


effects of tongkat ali on differing individuals (testosterone)

i’m sorry if this question has been asked, but this is more of a poll, so work with me a little bit. and i suck at searching things. (bad with synonyms)

what i’m wondering is, what kind of effect does tongkat ali have on YOU as a supplementer?

my assumption/theory is that less testosteroned individuals see more of an effect with tongkat ali. i’ve read that it frees up testosterone that normally doesnt get used, so less testosteronly developed individuals will see a more pronounced.

let me know
1. how tall you are
2. how deep your voice is
3. how muscled you are
3.5 how easily you gain muscle
4. how much body hair you have
5. how wide your jaw is (dont give me a measurement. just narrow, medium, wide)
6. how often you feel sexual arousal
7. if you have a longer or shorter ring finger compared to your index finger
8. and feel free to add in any relavant info.

these will let me know how much testosterone you naturally produce. then let me know what kind of effects tongkat ali has had on you.

i’m planning on using it for weightgain and recovery, but i wont mind if i get a bigger cock out of it.

i know most of you are busy, but i noticed that people are really helpful on thunder’s. appreciate it guys.

Start: NBPEL 5.1 EG 5 (january 2009)

Current: NBPEL 5.75 EG 5.5

Goal: NBPEL 8.5 EG 6.5

Please review the Forum Guidelines before you post again.

You seem to be under the impression that testosterone can affect a lot of things. Some things in your list may improve or change with more T, but many will not. One thing it won’t do is make your dick bigger.

Good luck with your survey.

I do not take tongkat ali, although on occasion I use tribulus, yohimbe, and arginine.

I have been clinically diagnosed as hypogonadic (low testosterone) and take weekly injections of testosterone cypionate, along with injections of HCG (to prevent gonadic hypertrophy (shrinking). I also take Arimidex to suppress the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. I am also hypothyroid, which explains why I don’t respond well to much of anything, in my opinion. I’ve been in treatment for hypothyroid for over 30 years.

1. 5’11
2. I am a bass/baritone in choir. Occasionally my voice gets VERY low.
3. Not muscled at all
3.5 Even when working with weights (high weight/low reps), alternated with HIIT cardio, I found it difficult to gain muscle or lose weight
4. I am extremely hairy, with a hairy chest (that my wife loves), a hairy back, and a full beard. I am also mostly bald. Strangely, my genitals are somewhat sparsely covered with hair.
5. Narrow. I once stuck a dildo in my mouth, just to see what my wife experiences, and good goshamighty, I couldn’t do that! My jaw would be sore in no time - and that was with a rather thin dildo. My EG is over 6.5, so I’m thankful that my wife has wide jaws and loves to please me orally.
6. Comes and goes. Some periods go by when I seldom get aroused for weeks at a time, other times I get aroused daily. No rhyme or reason I can discover
7. Ring finger is longer than index on both hands
8. According to my wife, an RN, my testicles are not descended as much as most guys. I seem to have more connective tissue, connecting the shaft to the scrotum. She also says I have a longer flaccid length then most guys, but since the guys she sees are emergency room patients, they may be turtling due to stress. I’m doing some manual PE and using a parachute stretcher, hoping to get a lower hanging set and longer length, both flaccid and erect.

I’ve taken Tongkat Ali and did much research on it. For one, I used doses of upto 750mg of LJ100 (a 100:1 extract of Tongkat Ali). I started with 80-100mg and increased by 50mg every week. It made me horny and aggressive and it reduced my body fat. BUT it is very expensive.

I used it to enhance my libido. I don’t lift weights anymore but used to in high school and college. Back then I took various oral anabolic steroids including Anavar, Anadrol-50 and lots of methyltestosterone. Bad for the liver, I know… The effects of Tongkat Ali aren’t anywhere near taking steroids, but by at least my balls didn’t shrink.

Tongkat Ali reduces the levels of sex steroid binding globulin and increases testicular production of testosterone. The net effect is upto an 8-fold increase in free testosterone levels. I initially became intrigued with Tongkat Ali when researching supplements for penis enlargement. There is one rat study which confirmed that huge doses of Tongkat Ali increased the size of their penis and testicles, but these are at doses WAY beyond possible or practical for human use. AND these are doses which approach LD-50… No- Tongkat Ali doesn’t increase penis size in humans, but I believe it would be useful as an adjunct to any penis enlargement program.

All-in-all its a great supplement, but very expensive. If you consider using it, make sure you get a standardized extract of Tongkat Ali, and preferably use LJ100, which is a proprietary 100:1 extract.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Please review the Forum Guidelines before you post again.

You seem to be under the impression that testosterone can affect a lot of things. Some things in your list may improve or change with more T, but many will not. One thing it won’t do is make your dick bigger.

Good luck with your survey.

Yes, but lack of testosterone, among other hormonal issues, can dramatically affect your PE endeavors. Looking the other way, regarding hormones and PE, is a naive move.

Siva- Great post. So Tongkat Ali reduces SHBG? How does it affect estrogen levels? Sounds like a good supplement, that I have yet to try.

Originally Posted by Siva Lingam
I’ve taken Tongkat Ali and did much research on it. For one, I used doses of upto 750mg of LJ100 (a 100:1 extract of Tongkat Ali). I started with 80-100mg and increased by 50mg every week. It made me horny and aggressive and it reduced my body fat. BUT it is very expensive.

I used it to enhance my libido. I don’t lift weights anymore but used to in high school and college. Back then I took various oral anabolic steroids including Anavar, Anadrol-50 and lots of methyltestosterone. Bad for the liver, I know… The effects of Tongkat Ali aren’t anywhere near taking steroids, but by at least my balls didn’t shrink.

Tongkat Ali reduces the levels of sex steroid binding globulin and increases testicular production of testosterone. The net effect is upto an 8-fold increase in free testosterone levels. I initially became intrigued with Tongkat Ali when researching supplements for penis enlargement. There is one rat study which confirmed that huge doses of Tongkat Ali increased the size of their penis and testicles, but these are at doses WAY beyond possible or practical for human use. AND these are doses which approach LD-50… No- Tongkat Ali doesn’t increase penis size in humans, but I believe it would be useful as an adjunct to any penis enlargement program.

All-in-all its a great supplement, but very expensive. If you consider using it, make sure you get a standardized extract of Tongkat Ali, and preferably use LJ100, which is a proprietary 100:1 extract.

Very informative post, Siva.

Where do you recommend one get Tongkat Ali?

I was planning on ordering one of these ( http://www.iher … w=tongkat%20ali ) , but perhaps they are not potent enough.



Don’t want to steer this thread off topic but its still testosterone related- I had posted quite a bit in another thread which wasn’t really about test so hopefully I can get some answers through this one. These are basically my posts in the other thread:

-I found this supplement on a UK website which is popular with a lot of UK residents so its nothing dodgy -

I heard its important to cycle it because it can disrupt your natural test production?

-Tribestan as well- any info on that? Did a search on here but didnt find much really…

-After a bit more research on the web I found that the main ingredient in most of the tribulus products seems to be protodioscin and there seems to be a few products that have this extract on its own e.g.
Has anyone here tried that?

-I know I keep adding to this thread before anyone else has answered previous questions but the more I read up the more I get different views and definitly contrasting ones. Some claim that an estrogen blocker must also be taken as the body will compensate for the rise in testosterone- is this true? Surely that just makes the product pointless? Also, has anyone tried vitrix maximum impact or any other of their test-boosting products?

I’m looking to buy something soon to see if it will help me in the gym but this tongkat ali seems interesting too, Siva lingam - what brand do you use?

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Herbal Powers or Source Naturals were the companies I used. The cheapest way to go is using the LJ100 powder by Herbal Powers, but then you’d have to be creative with the dosing by making suspensions or if you’re into the pharmaceutical sciences, capsules.

I ordered mine usually from VitaminLife - Supplements, Herbs, Health and Beauty Products don’t know if they still have the products, but imagine they do. I believe you can order it directly from Herbal Supplements Online | Herbal Powers also…

From my research, I have found that it doesn’t affect estrogen levels. I was initially concerned about gynecomastia with Tongkat Ali so I was taking Chrysin which is at best a very poor aromatase inhibitor. I stopped taking the Chrysin and never had problems with breast tenderness… My personal experience backs up the information I read which basically states that it won’t affect estrogen levels. Scientifically I actually don’t understand this because if you increase circulating testosterone levels, the enzyme aromatase should convert it into estradiol… But thankfully no problems with gynecomastia…

Ok thanks for your reply I’m going to check out that link now. This stuff is expensive though isnt it! I saw $77 for the high quality ones that only last 2 months. I haven’t had any replies about tribulus, I guess no ones has any experience here with it, so I’m just going to buy some from the link I put above and see how it affects me.

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

hey guys, thanks for all the replies. even westla, who has a false impression of my intentions.

Start: NBPEL 5.1 EG 5 (january 2009)

Current: NBPEL 5.75 EG 5.5

Goal: NBPEL 8.5 EG 6.5

Originally Posted by beenie169
This stuff is expensive though isnt it! I saw $77 for the high quality ones that only last 2 months.

I have purchased from here, high quality and economical. They were recommended by a thunders member:

http://www.newl …

ON EDIT: OOPS I see you are in the UK. Hopefully this link will help someone else.

I take and have taken Tongkat Ali on occasion.

1. 6’
2. Baritone
3. Good build, too little time at the moment to train.
3.5 Quite slow building new muscle
4. Hairy all over.
5. Wide.
6. Variable, seems to be cyclic. Times of high libido alternate with times of low libido.
7. Ring finger is slightly shorter than index on both hands.
8. Large testicles, each about the size of a hen’s egg.

I have a stressy job and on top of that I’m doing a further education degree so that I have very little time to sleep/relax which takes its toll. Tongkat Ali seems to smooth the curves and make me more energetic than I would otherwise. When I take it I use 1x400 mg 50:1 pasak bumi in the morning and 1x400 mg 50:1 around 2 p.m

Originally Posted by dawnsong

8. Large testicles, each about the size of a hen’s egg.

Dang, man, I’d love to have balls the size of a hen’s egg! My ex-wife told me once that I have small balls for a guy, but my doctor measured them and said they’re average. Thanks, ex, for putting that notion in my head. Be-yotch.

Being on testosterone injections, I have to take HCG to minimize testicular atrophy. At least it keeps my boys from shrinking. If there was something which had been proven in studies to increase testicle size, I’d take it in a heartbeat. I’m also using a parachute stretcher to lower the boys - they hang too high.


I believe Westla was referring to your not using capital letters when you start a sentence. It makes reading more difficult. Please read the forum guidelines.


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