Originally Posted by Shiver
There are some people (eg. Dr Sears at Zone Labs) who recommend 2.5-5g of EPA/DHA daily, so Zaneblues dosage doesn’t seem that far out as far as I can tell (though this is all quite new to me). I think the main difference between supplementing something like this compared to pharmaceuticals, is that the oils are a supplement source that the body can conditionally use, whereas most pharma (well, all of them that I know of) work by forcefully inhibiting a process. As an example, say if you’re depressed, stressed or whatever, and levels of MAO’s increase, dopamine decreases. Diet isn’t so good (meaning a modern diet as opposed to one you’re genetically geared towards) and dopamine production is limited due to lack of nutritional building blocks, you go to a doc and he gives you an SSRI to encourage a puddle of seratonin to splash around in your head. This in turn pulls down dopamine and sex drive crashes, you still feel like shit, or if you’re lucky you just feel numb. Alternatively you might opt to avoid the SSRI’s and use an MAO-I. That’s a little smarter as it will slow the dopamine breakdown, but if there’s not a lot of domapine around in the first place (due to poor nutirition primarily, and external factors secondarily), then even the pharmaceutical route won’t be very effective. Your doc will cycle you through all manner of non specific and targeted inhibitors, the MAOI and SSRI’s are like the Twain, and never should meet. It’s like taking aromatiase inhibitors when testosterone is low. It kind of helps, but the effects are limited in scope since it’s treating a symptom, which is poor marksmanship.
My belief currently is that the supplementation is generally safe (with some very minor caveats), and that cessation would simply return your body to baseline. I can find no evidence that there would be any kind of adaptation over time, or bounce beyond starting point if supplementation is stopped. Of course, you can be sure that I will be searching deep and wide and tall in this area to fully absorb the current state of understanding out there. If anything surfaces then It’ll be posted here.
Excellent and clear explanation Shiver. I wasn’t aware of the exact amount Zane is taking, and when Zane said she is taking enough to grow gills that prompted me to inquire if she had been having to take more as time goes by. If so, then I thought a red flag should possibly be raised.