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Getting my dick sliced (frenuloplasty)


Getting my dick sliced (frenuloplasty)

So I’ve noticed that during maybe the last past three years I’ve had problems with my Frenulum Breve, the little part of the head that connects to the shaft of the dick. Having rough sex, masturbating hard, or even cleaning it, would sometimes cause it to tear. I remember once I was doing my PE exercises, I started jelquing really hard, when I noticed that I had a small tiny droplet of blood. It was kind of scary because obviously blood coming out your dick isn’t a good thing. So I heard/read that there might be a solution to this problem. There’s a prescription cream to use on the part of the skin that needs stretching. I decided that it sounded like a reasonable solution. So I booked an appointment with a urologist.

So as I talked to the doctor about my problem, he suggested the cream that I had heard about. He also mentioned another option, which was a minor procedure of making a cut and opening up the the breve a bit more. I immediately said, I wanted the cream. The instructions where simple: Use once in the morning when hard and massage on the part of the skin that needs stretching. Repeat Once more at night. Do this for a whole month. I thought it would be easy, but man to keep up something like that was hard. Not only was it hard because of the commitment of doing it day and night. It was also hard because my dick would tear up again because of either masturbating hard, rough oral sex, or just plain cleaning it. I was told not to use it when the would was open and that I had to let heal before I used the cream on it again.

So after of month of doing it when ever I could, I had the appointment with the doctor again. I told him the problems that had occurred during the whole month. He said that he understood and told me if I was willing to do the operation. After so long of having my burn as I piss, I guess I just got fed up and agreed. He explained that it could be in office procedure, or we could do it in a hospital setting. He said that it would take no longer than 15 minutes. I decided to do it in the office, since I didn’t want to make a big deal of it I guess.

I asked him if it would hurt, about the procedure, and what would the results show. He told me that the most pain I would feel was from the injection into the dick, which in return I said, that hearing that really scared me. He then said he would give me a Valium to take an hour before to calm my anxiety. Then I asked about what he would do after the injection. He said he would take a knife or whatever they use, and slit the frenulum breve open and then stitch it back up. He said I might be sore for a few weeks and that the stitches will disappear in three weeks tops. A little bit of minimum scarring with show, hopefully not a lot.

So yeah. That’s my story. I’ll be getting my dick sliced and stitched back up again on July the 12Th. A little anxious and worried about the procedure and outcome. But I’m ready for this, maybe after this sex won’t be as painful as it has been before, I love my foreskin and would not want a circumsicion. And this is, what I think the best option for me.

I’ll try to post pictures up of my pre-procedure and post-procedure dick. Don’t know if they’re allowed on this part of the site. And I’m not even sure I posted this on the right section. Well I’ll try to keep this as updated as much as I can.

I hope everything works out for you. I just read some stuff online and the procedure you hare having appears to be a good option.

What was the cream that you were using?

Take care,

4Foreskin ;)

Good luck with surgery man. I know its scary knowing a procedure is coming but after its healed up you will be happy. I’ve had other minor surgeries and normally the anticipation and fear was worst than the event and healing.

I love my wifes booty. And want to stuff it with the biggest pipe I can grow!

Goal: 8x6

The technical term for your operation is frenuloplasty:

http://en.wikip … i/Frenuloplasty

I’ve added this to your thread title so that members doing a search on that can find this thread.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I think you made the right decision rudie. This is a on curring problem that won’t go away unless you get the problem fixed. Take care and good luck.

So tomorrow is the big day and I’m going to try some pre-surgery pics by tonight.

All the best rudie.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


The Pre Operation Photos, Pre-Op for short, but not gender wise, if you know what I mean. :)

Heh. Best I could do under the circumstances of privacy and someone seeing a flash go off in the middle of the night.

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Hope you have a speedy recovery, good luck.

You going local anaesthetic?

Sorry I haven’t posted the post operation pictures, I just haven’t had the time. I have the pics and they’re not for the squimish. So hopefully tomorrow ill get a chance to get on my laptop and upload them.

@Numbglans: I’m not really sure. All I know is that they injected my dick with something. The first initial injection hurt, but the second shot hurt the most. I think they shot the second in a 90 degree angle straight into the shaft, but soon after that my dick went numb. So, to answer your question, I honestly don’t know if it was local anaesthetic, because I have no idea what that is, but hopefully from my description, you can figure it out if it is or not. :)

Keep us updated, rudie86 and speedy recovery. :)

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Sorry it has taken me awhile to get back with updates. Just been having a crazy schedule as of lately. But here are some pictures I took right after I left the office and took them with my phone.

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Last edited by rudie86 : 07-20-2011 at .

So basically the doctor said to just wash it daily, or when I take a shower, to let the water run down it. I also have to put some sort of antibiotic ointment, like neosporin 2 times a day. So that’s what I’ve been doing. Around 5 days ago or so, I saw blood coming out of my dick and it scarred the shit out of me. Took a quick shower and noticed that it was one of the stitches coming undone. So it just washed off and no more blood came out. Other than that, I really haven’t had any other problems. :)

I assume you have to keep the foreskin retracted while it heals? Probably couldn’t roll it forward now if you wanted to because of stitches, lol. In for pics when it’s completely healed.

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