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Help With Edging And Sex

Help With Edging And Sex

Ok, so I’ve been edging for a while now and today I did it again, but this time it was different and I got a couple of questions, so today I started my edging routine and I didn’t rush to a PONR I went slow and my first PONR was in 20 mins approximately, then I kept on edging for a while sometimes going fast and sometimes slowing down for a little bit and stopping every time I felt like I was getting close to a PONR but then I got too close like if I was gonna cum already and I held a really strong kegel for like 10 seconds, and I didn’t cum at all , I had like a really drop of cum but it didn’t even looked like precum so I kept on edging for a while so I could master that, because I could still hold a good erection after that and I reached several PONR again but I didn’t get too close, so then after like an hour I got really close to a PONR again and I held another kegel but this time I couldn’t hold it tight enough or maybe It was too late to do it I don’t know so I ejaculated..

Well my question is should I keep practicing and hold a strong kegel when I feel about to cum? How am I supposed to do that with my gf, I don’t wanna look stupid and pull out my penis and hold a strong kegel for 10 seconds making a weird face, she would be like what’s wrong with you or something haha,.. Another thing .Is it bad that I held a kegel and still came?I mean I couldn’t hold it hard enough but is that like teaching your penis to cum when you kegel?so should I just let it go if I feel like I’m gonna cum anyways or try to hold on the ejaculation. Thanks

Starting @ NBPEL: 6.125 .. 05/15/09: NBPEL:6.500-6.563 , BPEL: 7.313 EG:4.750

12/07/09 NBPEL:6.813, BPEL: 7.750 EG:4.813[MSEG]

Short Term Goal: 7 NBPEL , 5 EG; Long term Goal: as big as I can get but a 8-9NBPELx6EG would make my heart happy =D


Hi pipi - I recommend you get Mantak Chia’s book The Multi-Orgasmic Man. It has been mentioned in this forum often. It’s based on exactly what you did. You can use your muscles to pull back your ejaculate and so prolong the experience. Since you are already trained in kegels you will be able to go straight to the good part.

Thanks braingasm, I actually downloaded that book like a week ago and read part of it, and today I read more of’s pretty interesting but it gets kinda today I had and edging session and I was able to last a little bit more than hour but then it got out of control and I tried to kegel but I still came .It was really good but I don’t understand yet how to disperse the energy away from my penis and move it through your body to have full bodyorgasms or whatever they’re called but thanks , I’ll keep on reading

Starting @ NBPEL: 6.125 .. 05/15/09: NBPEL:6.500-6.563 , BPEL: 7.313 EG:4.750

12/07/09 NBPEL:6.813, BPEL: 7.750 EG:4.813[MSEG]

Short Term Goal: 7 NBPEL , 5 EG; Long term Goal: as big as I can get but a 8-9NBPELx6EG would make my heart happy =D

Yeah I read the book also. I have real trouble with visualisations. I’m not sure about how to move energy around the body. Nothing I visualise seems to capture what they are talking about in the book. Any tips guys?

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So I AM doing it right!! YES!! I have the same problem as Paulski82 so I have just been trying to do what pipipride did. And to the OP don’t worry about the second one your muscles were just too tired to hold back that time. Keep training them and you will probably be able to do it indefinitely. Really try to learn the energy circulation so that you get the full effect of being multi-orgasmic. As for what to do when you are doing the actual deed, I am not sure. I think you are supposed to get your muscles so strong that you can hold it back even while thrusting. That and checking your arousal with the exercises in the book. Any Chia-induced multi-orgasmic people want to chime in?

Thanks guys, I hope my penis gets so strong that I can actually hold a kegel while thrusting, that just sounds impossible to me right now, that’d be just be so cool to last as long as you want and cum when you decide to, but right now it just sounds too hard for me, I’ll keep practicing for sure and limit my edging to 45 minutes or so and then stop, and maybe ejaculate every 3 sessions or something, because I’ve noticed that when I don’t ejaculate for like 3 or more sessions and then I have sex it could end up being premature ejaculation.I don’t think I have premature ejaculation but there have been times when I didn’t last more than 5 mins , I like to think that those times were because I didn’t breath correctly and just got so distracted that rushed to a PONR, and the most I’ve lasted is about 45 mins (trying to make it last as long as I could)or a few times when I was tipsy when I didn’t even cum at all but I feel like when you’re drunk your erection is still hard but not as hard as if you weren’t drunk, I’m a pretty healthy guy and I’m into lifting a lot so I have a really good diet and watch what I eat and have a low body fat, but I don’t know if that has anything to do with sex stamina.because it gets so hard for me to try to last longer everytime and sometimes I have to slow down while having sex and I feel like that kills the moment sometimes..

What are your experiences with sex stamina guys?

Also what kind of kegel routines do you guys follow? Every other day?everyday?after of before jelqing? While edging?
Me, personally feel like kegels shouldn’t be done while having sex or masturbating unless it’s to stop yourself from ejaculating.otherwise it makes you cum faster I think.. And I only kegel every other day usually after jelqing and then the other day I edge..

Is that enough kegels? Or am I supposed to do it 3 times a day?

I also remember a couple of times I had sex after my jelqing routine, like 20 mins after or something , and I didn’t ejaculate at all and thrusted really hard for like 40 , 50 mins until my gf got really tired and had to stop , but then I tried it some other times and it didn’t work so I don’t wanna trust on jelqing before having sex =P , I feel like it’s also bad for your gains if you ejaculate.well thanks guys

Starting @ NBPEL: 6.125 .. 05/15/09: NBPEL:6.500-6.563 , BPEL: 7.313 EG:4.750

12/07/09 NBPEL:6.813, BPEL: 7.750 EG:4.813[MSEG]

Short Term Goal: 7 NBPEL , 5 EG; Long term Goal: as big as I can get but a 8-9NBPELx6EG would make my heart happy =D

I do kegals and have been for a while and I feel my penis has gotten really strong (I can hold 15, 15-second kegals and bounce a towel up and down with kegals with ease (At least I believe this is strong anyways)) So when I kegal while stimulating my penis (Via jerking it or during sex) It seems to make me cum. Am I doing anything wrong here? Anyone feel the same?

Thanks fellas.

No you’re not doing anything wrong.. That totally makes sex.. So what you wanna do is relax your penis as much as possible, don’t think about cumming or not cumming , just relax and have fun , don’t kegel unless you wanna stop an ejaculation.. But it’s better to practice this on your own(edging or something I think).when having sex focus more on her pleasure and focus on your breathing.don’t get all tight anywhere in your legs or butt.. The more you get tight on your legs and stop breathing correctly the faster you’ll ejaculate, just relax and keep practicing on your own.If you kegel during sex that will make you cum quicker, kegels help you more with erections, and to make your penis strong so you can stop an ejaculation when you get it strong enough.

Starting @ NBPEL: 6.125 .. 05/15/09: NBPEL:6.500-6.563 , BPEL: 7.313 EG:4.750

12/07/09 NBPEL:6.813, BPEL: 7.750 EG:4.813[MSEG]

Short Term Goal: 7 NBPEL , 5 EG; Long term Goal: as big as I can get but a 8-9NBPELx6EG would make my heart happy =D

I just had sex yesterday and It was great even tho I didn’t cum, I like the whole act of sex so ejaculation is not really the goal.I was kind of worried because I did and edging session earlier that day and I knew I was gonna have sex later with my gf, but I just relaxed, didn’t ejaculate during the edging either, and had sex like 2-3 hours later.I pretty much focused on my breathing and in not making my muscles tight while thrusting and I lasted like 45 minutes until we decided to stop because we were exhausted, I think it’s all about self control, sometimes I just like it too much and rush in the first 2 minutes and I wanna cum already by the minute 3 and then I try to control it when it’s already too late and I can still last about 10 -15 minutes but in the edge and having to change positions a lot or slowdown, stop.yesterday I didn’t rush at the beginning I focused on other parts of my body being stimulated while we were having sex and the first 15 minutes were the hardest, like with edging.. But afterwards you learn how to use your body responses and everytime you get close you can either change your position or slow down a little bit, the trick is to start doing this things before you get too close, otherwise you’ll get too close and after 10 strokes you’ll feel the urge of ejaculating then stopping , then 10 more strokes and like that, and that sucks because you don’t have quality sex.I was gonna ask the people who are reading this and do edging a lot, or people who have read the “Mantak Chia” the multiorgasmic man, do you guys ever ejaculate or is it better to always learn how to control it and never ejaculate?I didn’t ejaculate in 2 days.. And then I had sex an still was able to control it that’s why I’m asking.. Or is it better maybe to ejaculate before sex so you don’t feel like you wanna ejaculate so much anymore? What do you guys think

Starting @ NBPEL: 6.125 .. 05/15/09: NBPEL:6.500-6.563 , BPEL: 7.313 EG:4.750

12/07/09 NBPEL:6.813, BPEL: 7.750 EG:4.813[MSEG]

Short Term Goal: 7 NBPEL , 5 EG; Long term Goal: as big as I can get but a 8-9NBPELx6EG would make my heart happy =D

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