Thunder's Place

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How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

Originally Posted by Blue442

See, makes me think there’s definitely a psychological aspect to it that’s very strong.

I absolutely could not do 15 minutes in my fleshlight. So how did I “power up” to infinity?? I’m dumbfounded.

I’ve tested this. I would edge without porn. No problem lasting. I turn porn on, look, PONR IMMEDIATELY. Look away, arousal goes down a bit.
I can’t do it with a fleshlight because my mind thinks its a vagina and says CUM DUMMY.


A trigger of mine, it’s right below the glans.
It’s really oversensible.

How could I fix?

Start: NBFL 10 cm - BPEL 14.5 cm - EG 11.5 cm

1stGOAL: NBFL xx cm - BPEL 18 cm - EG 14,5cm

FinishGOAL: NBFL xx cm - BPEL 20 cm - EG 16cm


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