Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

Effect after masturbating

Hey guys need some help.. About 1 week ago I masturbate using sex toys then suddenly I cum very hard after a sec. There is a few blood came out after this my penis are always hard but the size is not getting large and my right testicles get bigger than my left. Whats happening guys can you give some advise or treatment?

Amazing post Guru! Something I’m definitely trying to implement into my masturbation sessions is the edging. I’m at the point where I edge for around 10 minutes with around 4 breaks, the goal for now is to bump this to around 10 minutes with a maximum of 2 breaks and try to gradually increase the time from there. Hoping this will help me overcome my PE, because during sex I always cum after around 30 seconds which is really frustrating to me.

But how long will it take before I see some improvement with the masturbation? Is it a project that will take months to complete or am I looking more at a few weeks? My PE during sex will probably take months, but I’m hoping I’ll see some progression with the masturbation soon!

Hello there! Thank you so much for this post. I happen to fall under the category of “super duper severe” when it comes to PE and it is ruining my life. So your post is something I hold on to as a glimmer of hope.

I have some questions about edging.

What happens with me is I get myself physically aroused to a level of say 8 on 10(basically just hard enough to make penetration possible). For about 20 strokes there is no particularly pleasurable feeling. After that pleasure kicks in, and the glans especially is highly excited and immediately the ejaculation process seems to be initiated. From this point onwards, even the slightest movement hastens ejaculation. Essentially I don’t seem to have a PLATEAU PHASE. At this point I stop and let my arousal drop back to 8 again. However with every subsequent attempt I trigger the ejaculation process in much fewer strokes. I guess this is what is called the PONR.

Now my question is – is this the right way to go about it. Basically, should my endeavour be to stop BEFORE I reach the PONR, and try to get through the entire edging session without every triggering the ejaculation process?

Also am I right to attempt penetration only at arousal level of 8 rather than 10?

Finally a question on duration. If I am reaching PONR so often, should I really be edging for 30 minutes? Or should I start off with shorter sessions of say 5 minutes? I am asking this especially because you emphasize in your post about the importance of ending the edging session WITHOUT ejaculating. The longer the session, the harder it gets(mentally) to end the session without ejaculating, especially if PONR is reached so many times.

Originally Posted by SJ35
Hello there! Thank you so much for this post. I happen to fall under the category of “super duper severe” when it comes to PE and it is ruining my life. So your post is something I hold on to as a glimmer of hope.

I have some questions about edging.

What happens with me is I get myself physically aroused to a level of say 8 on 10(basically just hard enough to make penetration possible). For about 20 strokes there is no particularly pleasurable feeling. After that pleasure kicks in, and the glans especially is highly excited and immediately the ejaculation process seems to be initiated. From this point onwards, even the slightest movement hastens ejaculation. Essentially I don’t seem to have a PLATEAU PHASE. At this point I stop and let my arousal drop back to 8 again. However with every subsequent attempt I trigger the ejaculation process in much fewer strokes. I guess this is what is called the PONR.

Now my question is – is this the right way to go about it. Basically, should my endeavour be to stop BEFORE I reach the PONR, and try to get through the entire edging session without every triggering the ejaculation process?

Also am I right to attempt penetration only at arousal level of 8 rather than 10?

Finally a question on duration. If I am reaching PONR so often, should I really be edging for 30 minutes? Or should I start off with shorter sessions of say 5 minutes? I am asking this especially because you emphasize in your post about the importance of ending the edging session WITHOUT ejaculating. The longer the session, the harder it gets(mentally) to end the session without ejaculating, especially if PONR is reached so many times.

I see a lot of similarities between what you’re describing and myself. I would suggest you take a look at Rahmans thread - his experience and my posts towards the end.

So PONR is point of no return, right? Meaning if you “hit” PONR technically that means you’re going to cum. But I tend to say I’m hitting PONR as in I’m aware that PONR is coming very soon if I don’t slow or stop.

Thus, I think yes, you want to “edge” in that you’re approaching PONR, but stop before you get there. And for people like us that seemingly are starting with NO plateau, you want to stop WELL BEFORE PONR. This is because -at first- by the time you’re aware of being right on the edge it may be too late or too hard to stop before orgasming.

I started out trying to make my sessions last 5 minutes, and even that was VERY hard. Trying to keep my stroking at about 2 seconds in and 2 seconds out, I would still hit PONR soon and often - and had sessions where I’d push it too close to the edge and cum because I just lacked control. So just 5 minutes (or even less), and then stop. Something achievable.

I think overall you should focus on stopping too soon rather than too late, and just making sure to stop a session without cumming regardless of how long the session was. Relax, be patient, and be consistent, and it will slowly slowly improve. But it WILL improve.

Originally Posted by guru5311
Hey thanks iamaru. Like I said before this was a little beyond my ability. Hopefully your changes will make it more readable. Thanks again!

EDIT: I thought about it a little bit and am still really glad I posted this. For guys like me who have it pretty bad they won’t mind reading through the BS. Thanks again.

This was perfect. no one will mind reading it that needs it :) Such good information :)

For all of you having problems with PE, when I was younger I had problems with that. It frustrated me so much, I tried everything but nothing worked. Then one day I came across something called TONG BALM on Adam & eve website. Long story short, it worked wonders. It helped me be able to delay ejaculation & finish when I want to. Only downside is the little container you get for the price you pay & you have to apply it hourly for 3 hours in advanced b4 sex. It costs $20 for a container the size of a quarter but thicker. But it’s worth it. Check it out it will prob work for you as well.

Originally Posted by BigB1988
For all of you having problems with PE, when I was younger I had problems with that. It frustrated me so much, I tried everything but nothing worked. Then one day I came across something called TONG BALM on Adam & eve website. Long story short, it worked wonders. It helped me be able to delay ejaculation & finish when I want to. Only downside is the little container you get for the price you pay & you have to apply it hourly for 3 hours in advanced b4 sex. It costs $20 for a container the size of a quarter but thicker. But it’s worth it. Check it out it will prob work for you as well.

Are you being paid or have some cousin over at Tong Balm.?? this whole page is for not covering up your problems but dealing with them.

I like Americans I really do but sometimes you all try to cover every problem up instead of sorting it at the source.

Originally Posted by Ireland8x6
Are you being paid or have some cousin over at Tong Balm.?? this whole page is for not covering up your problems but dealing with them.

My thoughts exactly.

PE boards are ripe with insecure males looking to fix their problems. There isn’t a much easier way to sucker someone into some bullshit marketing tactic.

I once heard someone call a radio show claiming to have a cure for herpes. He said to megadose a specific brand of calcium (may have been magnesium) and you’ll never have an outbreak again. He repeated the brand name more than once. That type of predatory marketing is in bad taste and highly unethical. I don’t stand for it.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

Originally Posted by BigBootyFan
My thoughts exactly.

PE boards are ripe with insecure males looking to fix their problems. There isn’t a much easier way to sucker someone into some bullshit marketing tactic.

I once heard someone call a radio show claiming to have a cure for herpes. He said to megadose a specific brand of calcium (may have been magnesium) and you’ll never have an outbreak again. He repeated the brand name more than once. That type of predatory marketing is in bad taste and highly unethical. I don’t stand for it.


Yes its is far more credible when someone says you can try anything of this type…although then they might just be trying to do general global hype to boost sales (how I feel about “super foods”)

Like I always say I used the Jes Extender and it worked.. but I would say now go for any brand.. get the cheapest with the the best durability and most pieces.

Premature Ejaculation

Let me reply to the premature ejaculation problem by talking about the greatest sex I have ever experienced. As a youngster growing up and learning about sex, like most of us it sure didn’t take long to lose that load. Didn’t have a clue that it could be, or should be longer. For a few years I wasn’t even smart enough to ask the lady if she was satisfied! It was a usual event for the both of us to decide to do it again after another 30 minutes or 2 hours or so. But the 2nd time is always a poor fuck.

After a few more sex mates, a couple of years, and even marriage, it remained a shorter than preferred event. With the wife, we did get to the point of doing a little “edging”, it was better but that didn’t make it good enough to entice me into exploring “edging” as an art!

A little later my work routine exposed me to a lady that after 2 days of mixing, I found that she absolutely loved to fuck and I mean fuck a lot! And man, did she enjoy it but very quickly she let me know that we just had to “stay in the saddle much longer. We always had plenty of time over night and did in fact do the deed 2, sometime 3 times. But the 2nd and 3rd times were never a good as the first. So without even talking about it I started “edging”. The pleasure was so intense that it was damn hard (pun intended) to stop and wait. She picked up on what I was trying to do and between the two of us we started doing “precision edging”. It was becoming sooo good that our routine grew into a 2 to 4 hour of wonderful bliss. When we got together for a night (and it was often) we would bring food and wine. And WITHOUT climax we would only stop long enough drink a little, eat damn little and pee. And now, with the same ole hard-on back in the saddle. The 2 or 4 hours would end with a single and mutual explosive orgasm and then a good cuddling until asleep. Did she get enough? Nope, in the early A.M.she would wake me by crawling on top and of course prompting an immediate vertical hard-on. I lost her as a sex mate after 3 years. I must say we were one hell of a team! Miss her very much! Today I know for a fact that I can do much much more for my lady - with “edging” Thanks for her teaching.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

I can edge while thinking and fantisasing about my girlfriend.

I can last while edging 1 hour or more if i want i start slowly then after 35 mins hard.

I go hard for about another 30 mins but most time 20 mins.

I wish this will be helpful when the time to have sex comes.

Hello everybody.

My English is not very well and I read a few pages trying to understand how the edge exercises works but I couldn’t understand what it is.

Someone could explain to me step by step what it is and how I can start to do it?

Any help will be helpful

Thank you

Need your help


I’m from India and I’m suffering from premature ejaculation very badly. I’m so glad that I found your article after researching on internet from 3 months everyday.

This PE problem is killing me day by day and you feel I’m useless and feel like to commit suicide. At last I have hope on somewhere after finding your article. Please help me I am begging you.

I’m trying to edge every day two times early morning and late night. But I couldn’t control the urge to ejaculate soon. It’s been more than two weeks I’m edging but still I couldn’t control the urge. Please suggest me on this. You desperately need your advice

Also as you told in article to edge without any erotic pictures or videos initially but we have to edge with flaccid penis in that case. Were you edging in flaccid state? Please help me. I’m in depression and unable to work at office. You will be the only one person to understand my situation. Please advise me. Waiting for your reply every minute. Please don’t ignore me. Thank you in advance

How much of an effect do you think porn had to do with your premature ejaculation, because I feel like that is the main problem for me. I can’t seem to fully quit it though. What helped you stop watching?


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