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How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

Thank you

Hi friend thank you for post. Its happen to every body at certain age.. So you don’t worry.


I wanted to say thank you for putting together this post.

It finally convinced me to start working towards curing my premature ejaculation issues.

It’s only been a week of practice and there has been definite progress! Progress that I honestly didn’t believe was possible. I’ve read about kegels in isolation but your approach to curing your issues was much more comprehensive and experimental and it’s the way I like to tackle problems.

My girlfriend is going to be back from a trip in a while — excited to get her reactions in person ;) . I already told her about what I was doing and she blushed — she seems excited.

This post by Guru is absolute gold. I wouldn’t say I have had severe problems in this area, but I have had problems lasting as long as I want. The techniques described here are right on the money.

If you want to take it to the next level though, I recommend Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia, et al; along with Mantak Chia’s other writings on Taoist Mediation. Practicing Taoist Mediation will give you control over your sexual energy.

Originally Posted by eponymous
This post by Guru is absolute gold. I wouldn’t say I have had severe problems in this area, but I have had problems lasting as long as I want. The techniques described here are right on the money.

If you want to take it to the next level though, I recommend Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia, et al; along with Mantak Chia’s other writings on Taoist Mediation. Practicing Taoist Mediation will give you control over your sexual energy.

There’s a thread on that in this subforum right near the top. Have you ever had one of those “valley orgasms” that Chia writes about?

Originally Posted by Narayan Atreides
There’s a thread on that in this subforum right near the top. Have you ever had one of those “valley orgasms” that Chia writes about?

Yes I do have them. However, it still takes a lot of concentration. I haven’t mastered it as yet. I still need to work on opening up the channels along my spine. I also need to work on bringing the energy back down to the navel. Once I had several ‘valley orgasms’ that stopped at my head. I was groggy with a mild headache for 2 days afterwards. Having localized orgasms, without ejaculation, is quite natural for me now though.

I didn’t know there was a subforum for this topic. Do you mean the one where Werner Ashford (I think that’s the right name) is the original poster? That’s the thread that eventually led me to Mantak Chia and Taoist meditation in the first place.

It’s just this thread that I was talking about: Seminal Kung Fu and Crown Chakra Orgasms

I’m having trouble still with separating orgasm from ejaculation. The best I can do so far is edge and stop :(

Thanks, I wasn’t aware of the existence of that thread.

To separate orgasm from ejaculation you need to practise what Mantak Chia calls ‘The Big Draw’, to draw the energy from your penis through your spine, up to your head. I highly recommend reading ‘Awakening the Healing Energy of the Tao’ by him.

The goal is to incorporate the big draw as just a natural part of your breathing (which I have not mastered fully yet). Another thing I have found that works is to ‘activate’ another point on your body that you can then use ‘bounce’ the sensations back and forth from there to your penis. That way you have another point on your body to share the pleasure, instead of overwhelming your penis, perineum, etc.

I haven’t been as disciplined as I need to be to achieve the level of mastery I need to. But I wholeheartedly believe in these practices; not just for sex, but for general well being; even though as I write these things I realize it will sound like pure nonsense to the uninitiated.

My understanding of the big draw is to get close to orgasm and then begin rapidly contracting the perineum and anus while putting your attention on your sacrum and spine.

Is that right?

Well I tend to agree with the first poster though it is more complicated than simply mechanics or muscles but more to do with psychological process of information .

OK one assumes that muscles do play a role but is that true in all of the terms? breathing is important and time is also important and part of yoga routine then kegels have a role to play but the mind still plays an important role that most young guys dismiss as quackery simply because they may ejaculate more than older ones yet when they get to that stage of life OMG What do I do here we go again.

thus control over body is very important technique.

Well I asked that because in The Multi Orgasmic Man Chia says that it’s the actual flexing of the anus that draws energy up.

But he also says that after doing that around 10,000 times it happens on it’s own.

Hi Narayan,

My understanding of the big draw is that when you are getting close to orgasm (or just anytime you want to release the buildup of energy/sensations) you contract the PC muscle (or perineum; not sure if there is a difference) while inhaling, then exhale and release the contraction sending the energy into the tailbone and up through the spine to the head.

When I do that I get really strong (and pleasurable) sensation in my tailbone, and I can follow the energy through my spine; Although I still need to open up the channels along my spine more because the “signal” fades as it reaches the middle of my spine.

And you don’t have to do it to avoid orgasm, you do it to direct the orgasmic energy. That way you get to experience the orgasm and not ejaculate. It’s like a voluntary orgasm. So you don’t wait until you fall over the edge, you jump while you’re in full control (hope that analogy makes sense).

I should give multi-orgasmic man a full read. I stopped half-way through when I realized it is a simplification of the broader Taoist meditation practices for the sake of readers only interested in sexual mastery. Because of this, I think it lacks a certain depth. I’ve spent more time reading some of Master Chia’s other books for a deeper understanding of Taoist meditation as a whole.

Thanks for the response.

Originally Posted by eponymous
And you don’t have to do it to avoid orgasm, you do it to direct the orgasmic energy. That way you get to experience the orgasm and not ejaculate.

That’s the part that I have the least success with. I don’t understand how I get from where I am to where I can do that. The best I can currently do is just edge and stop. I do feel orgasmic tingling/tickling along my spine and base of skull but it’s usually after I do a lot of drawing exercises (and after my arousal subsides).

I would recommend that you read Awakening the Healing Power of the Tao. That should give you a clearer appreciation of how to circulate your sexual energy. You need to learn how to activate the individual chi points along your spine. This involves mediation that is not aimed specifically at sexual mastery. As I said, I haven’t mastered this yet, but it sounds like I am a little further along the road than you. It takes time, patience, and most of all, practice.

I don’t remember how deeply Multi Orgasmic Man goes into circulating your chi energy along the Micro-cosmic Orbit. But that’s basically what you should be practising.

Please help

I too suffer from premature ejaculation. I have tried a lot of techniques of how to extend my time while in bed with my girlfriend. My problem is, when I’m pounding away giving hard sex to her, it’s the fast speed of me slamming it in her that’s creating me to feel too much sensation, causing me to cum too soon.

Me girlfriend likes it when I go fast, but if I go deep and bottom out, that’s when I come quick. So my question is.. Is there a style of sex where you only target the tip of your dick to her g-spot and do short fast shallow thrusts? If so, what’s that style called? I want to give her hard fast sex, but if I can’t slam into her without cumming quick, I need to target her g-spot so it’s the most enjoyable for her. Please help! Thank you all.

PM me with suggestions if you’d be so kind to. Thanks a lot.

Since quitting marijuana i have fairly sever PE upon penetration….sometimes a couple strokes and others a couple minutes. I am fortunate that i have virtually no refractory period and can make my lady cum numerous ways with my hand/mouth/round 2.

Here’s the thing…… i can edge for an eternity and even gave trouble getting there. I can masturbate alone or in front of partner for 20mins plus without being anywhere near the ponr…even with death grip.
I am conscious of my pelvic floor and it is relaxed.

During sex(say shes on all fours) i penetrate and after a few thrusts I’m at ponr BUT i can immediately take it out and carry on with my hand (as if i want to shoot on her) and the ponr instantly disappears!!! What in earth is happening? I can be right in the edge of ponr during intercourse but immediately use hand and it goes even if i did want to cum?

I’ve never known anything like it and its so frustrating! I have NO IDEA how to approach this problem. Just to add I’ve been with my lady for 8+years so i don’t feel uncomfortable in anyway.

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