Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

Thank you for taking your time to write all you experiments for us!

I am having some problems with erections too. But also my Timing is less. I can.come in a minute or few minuets after intercourse. I have few questions Please answer or if you are not there please someone else answer.
The rest I understood in your post and will try it but few things I did not understand.

1.What is PC muscle spasm?? And how to feel it?

2.You said about Clenching your butt but then You figured out to stop and Focused on Stimulating your Testosterone. How did you do that?? And did you put your lubed finger inside
Your butt(asswhole) or what does that mean??
sorry if I asked by an impolite way Because my english is not so good.

I have the same post since I can remember

I am glad I found this forum. I have this problem since I can remember. I searched online but I haven’t founded any thing good about it, but this forum gives good advices. I am taking sertraline (zolof). And it has help me a little bit. I went from 50mg a day to 100mg. I feel that dose low my libido and I can’t keep a hard on for to long. I started edging around a month ago and I hope with practice and following your advices I can get off the medicine.

This made me think of the jizz in my pants video on youtube where the guy was in the grocery aisle lol. But good for you. I had that problem, but I just reverse kegeled my anus lol.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

I Need Serious Help

Hey someone there. Great thing I landed on this page. I am suffering from premature ejaculation. I have been addicted to masturbation by rubbing my dick on my bed till I cum. I can hardly last a minute after penetration. I have lost confidence as a man. I lost my girlfriend who I loved so much just because I couldn’t last long at all. Please someone guide me through. I need to get cured

Another problem I have is am too horny.

Last edited by isaakwa13 : 06-18-2015 at .

Clomipramine Hcl 10mg did the trick for me you don’t lose any sensation its great I love it just 1 pill 2 to 4hr before sex and it stays in your system for hours even for the whole day. There are stronger dosage goes up to 50mg .but 10mg is more than enough. You can have sex for hours sometime I have to force myself to cum. There are some cons to it its not all rainbows and sunshine but for me it makes me loss some of my appetite and I yarn alot. Do some research it might affect you differently. I give 2 thumbs up.

My Goal = P.E Till Condoms Can't Fit :)

Hi all. I’ve been struggling with PreE for a while now and I’m excited about the possibility of ending this issue. However, reading through these threads I’ve heard two main views on how to accomplish this. One is to work on keeping your arousal level low enough that you don’t get to the PONR. The other is to get to the PONR and stay there (on the edge) for as long as possible to train the body to not orgasm. These are pretty different methods requiring a different mindset and approach.

What I’m wondering is, for those of you who’ve effectively cured your PreE, which of the two approaches did you use to attain your success?


Have a look here https://www.peg … jaculation.html

THe final goal should be to stay very aroused and still maintain PONR at bay. Deep breathing and being aware of tensions in your body while you edge should also help.

Of course if you haven’t you need to quit porn.

Hello Everyone!

I am so glad I have found this website/forum! I have finally decided to get a handle on my PreE. I have had my condition for almost 18 years (I’m now 32). I’m married and I now wish that I had taken care of this long ago. Back then however, it was thought that it would get fixed with experience.

The OP has a lot of great information. Most of this makes perfect sense, however I have some questions. Being that guru5311 hasn’t logged in over 1 year I’m not sure if he’ll respond any time soon. So if anyone who has seen progress or anyone with insight could help that would be great!

Here go a few questions I have regarding how to track our progress.

1) I’ve started tracking my edging time. I track two times. One being my overall time (from initial stroke to end stroke). The second time I track is how long it takes me to reach my peak before PONR. My goal is to see the latter number increase. Am I doing this right? Does anyone else track their progress in this way?

2) While edging and I stop before I reach my PONR, is there a time limit on how long I should wait. Meaning, if I wait too long, let’s say 3 minutes will this become counterproductive?

3) What is the “trick” from transitioning edging success to actual sex? I experienced 20 minute edging in the shower success about 2 years ago, but then when I had sex with my wife, it was like NOTHING changed. What is my goal in making our goals transition?

4) For anyone who has overcome PreE, are the results permanent? Meaning If I workout for a year and build up my muscles but then stop suddenly over time I will get weaker. However, if I have tumor and I get surgery and have it removed, I’m most likely “healed”. Which one is edging success like? I’m trying to see if I’ll have be edging every day for the rest of my life in order to keep my progress

5) Lastly, in the OP and also in other comments, stretching and yoga have been mentioned to help increase stamina. What yoga positions or stretches should I be looking to do that specifically target the pelvic floor (or whatever will help with my stamina). I’m assuming stretching my triceps won’t help lol.

I hope I haven’t asked any redundant questions that are answered elsewhere. If so someone please point me to them.

Thank you for reading. I look forward to some replies.

Originally Posted by TonyThaTyga
This made me think of the jizz in my pants video on youtube where the guy was in the grocery aisle lol. But good for you. I had that problem, but I just reverse kegeled my anus lol.

:D :D :D

PreE Same Problem

Since I found this forum, I’ve been reading like crazy. I have edged for almost 2 month for 20 min every night. I think it was going good, but last Friday I had sex and I could control it. Just came as soon as I went in. No time to kegel, breathe, anything. What can I do to transition from edging to real sex. Or should I have to wait longer to have sex and keep practicing

Originally Posted by alaint
Since I found this forum, I’ve been reading like crazy. I have edged for almost 2 month for 20 min every night. I think it was going good, but last Friday I had sex and I could control it. Just came as soon as I went in. No time to kegel, breathe, anything. What can I do to transition from edging to real sex. Or should I have to wait longer to have sex and keep practicing

Same here. Everybody advises me to edge often and long. And I do, but it only worsens my PE. I’m beginning to think it’s a conspiracy. Haha.

Originally Posted by alaint
Since I found this forum, I’ve been reading like crazy. I have edged for almost 2 month for 20 min every night. I think it was going good, but last Friday I had sex and I could control it. Just came as soon as I went in. No time to kegel, breathe, anything. What can I do to transition from edging to real sex. Or should I have to wait longer to have sex and keep practicing

Go for a second round if you have a shirt refractory period. If you can go for two in a row and the issue is embarrassment, masturbate prior to sex. Keep having sex and it should get better over time too.

Originally Posted by Flibib
This is my first post in Thunder’s, and I thank the author of this article as well as many others for finally getting me motivated to become involved. I have had problems with preE in the past; it always seems to get worse and better in a cyclic manner. For me, I think the two main triggers are body tension and mental stress. I want to put a plug in for doing yoga; the times I have done yoga correlate with increased stamina in bed. Thanks for the post.

Specifically, what Yoga positions/stretches should I be looking to do in order to increase stamina?

Originally Posted by Walter5169
There are yoga poses which help stretch the pelvic floor. Deep breathing, holding these poses for a while on a daily basis, as well as massaging the pelvic floor (tennis ball) should help a lot. Also try to be awayre of your pelvic floor during the day, relieve tensions.

Hey Walter5169, Which poses/stretches should I be looking up to do? Or do you happen to have a link from another post regarding what I should be doing regarding these stretches?


Actually you may want to search for hip openers (pigeon pose is great), knee to chest (hip flexors + lower back), hold deep squat position with elbows against the inside of the knees etc.. To be honest you should stretch/relax most of your body , but even more so lower back, abs, hip flexors, quads and hamstings. Work on deep breathing at the same time, feel the push in the pf.

YOu could also work on edging.

Try to understand how to relax the pf and notice when it’s too tensed.

Performing squats seem to be very beneficial for most.

https://www.peg … or-balance.html

https://www.peg … ur-muscles.html

https://www.peg … tion-forum.html

http://www.your brainrebalanced … 0&topic=26545.0


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