Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

This is my first post in Thunder’s, and I thank the author of this article as well as many others for finally getting me motivated to become involved. I have had problems with preE in the past; it always seems to get worse and better in a cyclic manner. For me, I think the two main triggers are body tension and mental stress. I want to put a plug in for doing yoga; the times I have done yoga correlate with increased stamina in bed. Thanks for the post.

I came to the conclusion that there isn’t any gradation when I edge/have sex. In a physical way. For example, when I edge (it’s basically the same with sex, just shorter :D ) I feel the physical stimulation being 3/10. Kind of pleasant, but nothing special. And then suddenly (maybe not instantly, but in a few seconds), BOOM, 9/10 and shortly after 10/10. We all know what 10/10 means.

So I’m guessing I can’t separate the feeling of physical pleasure from the orgasmic/ejaculatory one. Edging it is…

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Hey guys, I’ve started to edge again and I think I’m on the right track this time. As I have mentioned many times before - I’m definitely a psychological premature ejaculator. I say that because my insight will be useless for people who come quickly because of physiological reasons (oversensitivity). Also, it’s important to mention something about my views on the matter of edging in order for people to understand my approach - I’m not a fan of multi-orgasmic practices (I don’t have anything against those, they’re just not my piece of the pie). My goal is to be able to fuck as long as I want without feeling the urge to ejaculate, rather than fuck until I get close to PONR and work with that. In other words - I want to avoid getting close to PORN, not just avoid ejaculating. Maybe my goal is harder than the common PONR -> hold-it-in practice, but I feel that’s better for me.

This time I’m taking it slow and progressing in stages. First, I’ve started with a light grip, no touching of the balls and a slow-moderate stroke speed (no more than one or two strokes per second). But that’s purely for taking it slow, for adaptational purposes. If you’re a mild case you can probably start stronger. But that’s not really the point.
The important part is what’s happening in my head. That’s the real revelation. More people here have said something in those lines than I can count, but I’ve never really gotten the message. It’s all about concentration and awareness. Some people say breathing helps - sure it does, but not the breathing itself that helps, it’s the awareness that comes with it. I don’t think it’s easy for everyone to grasp the idea, I thought that just breathing slowly does the trick. Well, it sure helps not to get overexcited, but it doesn’t really help. So, you get the idea, people have said that numerous times.

But how to get there?
I’ll share my personal experience and I’ll be glad if someone tries them for himself and shares the results. So, for me the trick is, this may sound a little counter-intuitive, to pay full attention to my dick. A very important note here, if you’re having sex you shouldn't pay attention to what's happening to your dick, but to what you're feeling. Because, let’s be honest, if you’re suffering from premature ejaculation, concentrating on the fact that a hot chick is taking your whole dick in her mouth/pussy/ass is going to make things hard for you (in more ways than one). You should close your eyes and just concentrate on the feeling. Disconnect your mind from what’s happening and just think about what you’re feeling. Again, don't concentrate on the hot blonde's tongue that's going in circles around the head of your dick, but on how that feels. I can’t stress this enough, I really feel like it’s a very thin line. And then something great happens - you realise that it’s really not that easy to come from just that. No matter how good the sensation, it’s how we perceive the situation that leads to the urge to blow a nut, not the sensation itself. Again, this sounds very counter-intuitive, but it actually helps. This may not be very easy as it requires tremendous concentration and a certain level of awareness (I’ve noticed that most people aren’t really aware of their body or surroundings).

The part about disconnecting from the lovemaking process may sound like a bad strategy. And it certainly is, but if it’s your constant state while having sex. I’m not suggesting disconnecting from sex for an eternity, but only until the problem is solved. Hell, some people might need to do this only when things get too heated. Whatever works, right?
Again, this is only my personal experience, I haven’t conquered my premature ejaculation yet, but if I do succeed I’ll be sure to mention my methods in this or other threads. For now this strategy seems sound, I’ll see how it goes. If someone else cares to try this - be sure to give feedback. :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

thanks you very much for tell us your experience, it helps a lot!

(sorry for my english, is not the best)

Inicio Enero 2013 -> BP: 14 cm Grosor: 13 cm

Actual Agosto 2013 -> BP: 15 cm Grosor: 13 cm

Mi meta es 17 cm Fotos y avances aquí

Originally Posted by marco88
Haha well that’s my problem sometimes, even if I stop stroking I come sometimes like precum, sometimes big. I’m trying to find the right spot for stopping now. And I used to wait only around 10 seconds after stopping but now I let it go to flaccid all the way.

Originally Posted by marco88
Even tho I stop couple strokes before coming, it takes 2 second and I see some sperm leaking from my thing

Does something like this happen to you guys too ?

Yeah, sometimes it’s almost exactly the same for me. I can be far away from the PONR, it’s like there’s sperm (because for me it’s not even precum but real sperm) in my urethra which has to get out. And this even by stopping really before any point PONR or BC/PC muscles. I suppose the prostate has made its job before, producing the sperm ans sending it in the roots of the urethra really before the PONR.

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length

Originally Posted by Nevod
It has been noticed in this thread that physical exercises tend to counter PreE somewhat. There is also some anecdotal evidence that an noticeable amount of bodybuilders has delayed ejaculation.
I have myself experienced that exercises seem to drive PreE away. I’ve been doing kettlebel swings and squat jumps - i.e. exercises that load legs and pelvic floor. The loading of pelvic floor muscles was noticeable by the fact that I wanted to pee every exercise session, and had to go and release. If i tried to masturbate that day, it wasn’t much more long/easy than usual, but on the next day I usually could last significantly more - even if I tried to came as fast as possible, it took me 3-4 times longer than it usually takes.

I suppose that pressure from neighbouring muscles at once desensetizes the prostate, brings the muscles into control so they are not as easily spontaneously engaged by subconscious triggers and wears the muscles so they don’t compress prostate as much when spontaneously engaged, the main factor probably being the first one. So I suppose, if one lifts great weights that put serious load on pevic muscles, then one could desensitize his prostate to cure some of kinds of PreE.

Thank you Nevod for your exeperience. It could be really interesting to study even more precisely what you say by practicing these exercices and establishing a good theory in the view to know what different kind of different exercices we could do. I made a topic about that, by quoting you Kettlebel swings and squat jumps to fight against premature ejaculation?

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length

I am going to give this a go. I was reading the OP and it mentioned triggers. Now I notice something about myself that I guess is the major cause for my PE. If I touch any part of my glands I involuntarily spasm in my BC muscle. This doesn’t have to be when erect. If I am flaccid and lightly touch my head my BC muscles will spasm. Thinking about it I can last as long as I want when I am on alcohol. Or when I was injured and taking morphine. I think because these are depressants I lost some of the hypersensitivity.

How many others have this type of hypersensitivity in their glands? Will a slight touch cause involuntary spasms?

@Guru5311 That was a long read, and I enjoy reading. It worth spending the time reading.

Hey, I’m new to this forum, and found this post straight away as it is a topic which interests me. I’m really impressed by your journey and that you worked out by yourself so many things which are now commonly advised ways to overcome premature ejaculation.

Good work and thanks for sharing!

I have had more success with reversed kegels than kegels, anyone else who had success with reverse kegels?

This is a great post. I’m 19 years old and currently experiencing PE problems. I will definitely be using this thread as a guide but I have a few questions. I know without porn or imagining anything I could probably last close to 30 minutes of masturbation. So to start, should I add something into the mix? Also, as soon as I read this I wanted to try a few things. I noticed I clench my abs when I reach climax, and I know my biggest trigger point. If I relax my core and reach climax by stimulating my trigger point, should I start to see results?

One more thing - I have a sex toy that feels pretty realistic. Would it be more beneficial to use that for edging?
Thanks for the help :)

You should avoid doing the things that make you ejaculate prematurely only in the beginning. When you start to get better at controlling yourself you should get back to doing them again, so you can master your controll in any situation. Otherwise you won’t be able to experience the full spectrum of sexual pleasures, right?

So just break it down and train in increments, in levels, if you wish. Level one - the simplest masturbation of all, the technique that let’s you have the most control. Master that. Level two - change the position or change the technique, change something, so you have a harder time (but not impossibly hard). Master that too. And so on…

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Great Post

Thanks for taking the time to write this. I know it was written a long time ago so not sure if you still check it but I thought I would post anyway. It’s very hard to find any constructive advice online about this issue that doesn’t eventually end up being an attempt to sell you something! And it’s even rare to find stories who have managed to overcome a severe case. I found this really helpful and am trying some of your tips. Do you think you could expand on some of the stretches that you thought might be helpful?

Thanks again

This is very interesting. Thanks for the post! Though I don’t have severe premature ejaculation, I can see how this can be beneficial for any person wanting to please his woman.

BPEL Start: 5 15/16". BPEL Current: 7 1/4". Short Term BPEL Goal: 7 1/2". Long Term BPEL 8"

BEELIT Start: 6", BPELIT Current: 6.1/4"

EG Start: 5". EG Current: 5 1/8". Short Term EG Goal: 5.25". Long Term EG: 6

Just wanna thank you for the post. I don’t suffer from premature ejaculation…at least I don’t think I do. But I wanted to last a long time. So, I came up with a plan. First I was going to have a wash towel or some sort of napkin handy and near the bed. Then when as I’m having sex, I planned on paying particular attention to my body and figure out what tenses up when I come close to orgasming. I also was going to make a conscious effort to do deep breathing. Let me tell you, deep breathing during sex does not come natural. I had to practice before I actually did the deed so that I develop a rhythm with each inhale and exhale. Yeah, I felt like a dork practicing. Oh yeah… I planned on changing positions.

Well, needless to say, for the first time since my early thirties… I lasted for an hour! When I felt myself getting to close to cuming, I grabbed the cloth, wiped my wife down of her juices, and began oral sex. But if I could catch it early enough, I would stop, and change positions. And I’m not sure, but I think concentrating on breathing also kind of put my mind in another place and I didn’t find myself getting over excited. I could be wrong. I could have simply been distracted. I don’t think I could feel any part of my body tensing that I could use as a trigger. The only feeling I had was in my penis. I guess I was concentrating too much on my breathing.

Yeah, I know… the steps were supposed to be done with edging. But I wanted to see if those same steps worked during sex… and I can say after one hour later that it does. So thanks for the post. I think I’m going to make goals for myself similar to my PE goals. Short term goal, one hour. Long term goal… not sure yet.

BPEL Start: 5 15/16". BPEL Current: 7 1/4". Short Term BPEL Goal: 7 1/2". Long Term BPEL 8"

BEELIT Start: 6", BPELIT Current: 6.1/4"

EG Start: 5". EG Current: 5 1/8". Short Term EG Goal: 5.25". Long Term EG: 6


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