Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

Tried edging yesterday - my observations

Hi guru,

I followed your post and decided to give edging a try.. Since I have been addicted to porn and masturbation for over 15 years, I have developed severe ed and very little arousal when getting actually intimate with my wife,. I have decided to choose to stop porn and masturbation, ie without edjaculation.. Its been around 17 days now..

I decided to try edging last night and decided to focus on the feeling without any fantasy or porn thoughts.. Just the sensation and my deep breathing.. I also focused on whether I was clenching my PC muscles by default when aroused and decided to relax it immediately.. So I had a great session, went for 25 mins odd without cumming, enjoyed the sensation all around.

I did have pre cum which I kept wiping, I emulated a thrusting motion to feel a sex like motion.. It was great, I remained erect all time and noticed on contracting my PC muscles lightly to sustain the erection, and it worked.

Now the thing is, after around 25 mins, I decided I had enough, so had a nice hot bath. But when I went and saw myself in the mirror, my eyes were blood shot red, and I was having light giddiness and a mild headache..

I realized maybe the intensity of the moment must have gotten my body to react that way.. Did you also experience any of this? Also how often did you do the edging? I find it being extremely intense and feel a daily routine seems too much.. What do you feel? Also do you find by edging your sexual attraction for your wife or girl friend increases? Cause just now I don’t feel any arousal after last night’s edging.

Kindly let me no your views on this.. Thanks a lot.


Take an SSRI antidepressant such as paxil or lexapro and you will have zero issues with premature ejaculation, it will actually be hard to get off. In fact you can go from a two pump chump, to lasting as long as you want if you toss in a few beers.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

Originally Posted by peepeepeepee
Take an SSRI antidepressant such as paxil or lexapro and you will have zero issues with premature ejaculation, it will actually be hard to get off. In fact you can go from a two pump chump, to lasting as long as you want if you toss in a few beers.

Problem with Anti depressants is you can easily become dependent on them and/or can mentally screw you up.
If you are going to take something to perform better in bed then there are better solutions than taking anti depressants.

I would recommend a delay spray! Now of course for spontaneous sex this does have it’s draw backs, if you can be excused like (chit gotta go to the bathroom hold on)
Go to the bathroom, spray your cock, wait 5 mins, wash it off.. Important to wash it off, because the girl can get numb down there, or she might blow you and the taste will be revealed.
Applying a condom will of course prevent that.
Down side to spraying, is, you might like lose your erection and not be able to get it back up as your cock is now numb. To combat that, you could take some viagra.
If you are well planned, you drop the Viagra before you make out, get really hard. Go to the bathroom, spray, wash, and come back.. And you are good to go for A VERY LONG TIME!
Now you might think, ooh no my cock is less sensitive and I can’t feel my cock? NO, you are getting off on knowing you are pounding her, watching your cock going in and out and knowning you are screwing like a porn star, then after 10 mins or so the numbness will start to fade and your feelings will come back , but now you have gotten her off! You have done multiple positions and you are ready to come now..

Now.. Of course not a natural solution to PE.. But if you need a good shag with a hot girl, or your wife , girlfriend, try a PE cocktail! Never fails..
Viagra, Delay spray, condom.. = PORN STAR!

SSRI’s actually were the trigger that destroyed my sex life. They did make it harder to ejaculate, and made it harder to know when I was about to blow. Therefore they made me fantasize about sex while having sex and blow, cos the other option was to go soft and hence be frustrated. Really I think about anything remotely good while fucking, its over. I get seriously good sex. The only way it can get better is if she has a twin who does exactly what she does, and if I had 2 dicks.

Hi all,

I have had some of these same problems off and on (weird how they go away and come back) for the past few years. I’ve also found that stretching and yoga can be helpful though. Has anyone found a particular stretching routine or stretches that they think are most helpful?

There are yoga poses which help stretch the pelvic floor. Deep breathing, holding these poses for a while on a daily basis, as well as massaging the pelvic floor (tennis ball) should help a lot. Also try to be awayre of your pelvic floor during the day, relieve tensions.

Originally Posted by biker_dude
SSRI’s actually were the trigger that destroyed my sex life. They did make it harder to ejaculate, and made it harder to know when I was about to blow. Therefore they made me fantasize about sex while having sex and blow, because the other option was to go soft and hence be frustrated. Really I think about anything remotely good while fucking, its over. I get seriously good sex. The only way it can get better is if she has a twin who does exactly what she does, and if I had 2 dicks.

I did SSRIs for a couple of months 20 years ago and killed my erections.

There are still days when I get artifacts of those feelings.

I can’t thank the mother of children enough for Insisting that I do them.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I signed up to offer a sincere thank-you to the opening poster. This problem requires a deep and experience-based solution and I’ve already found the techniques and ideas mentioned useful. It’s great that someone else has done a lot of the work for us and taken the time / been altruistic enough to post about it.

For what it’s worth, this is how my problem developed:

I never had a problem with premature ejaculation prior to excessive porn use in the last 2 years. Now, I am at the point where I can orgasm from pressing into a mattress, or from a couple of seconds of masturbation when hard.

Where sex is concerned, I can’t go more than a thrust or two. This has occurred with multiple partners over the past 6-8 months.

I would masturbate in the following way:

1. Load up the most exciting porn I can think of, including compilations.
2. Open 20+ tabs
3. Fast forward to the most exciting parts.
4. Masturbate with higher focus/pressure on my thumb on the “abdomen” side of my penis.
5. Once I had edged once, I became increasingly sensitive on the following tab. In the beginning, it might have taken me 2 minutes on the first tab, then decreasing amounts on prior tabs until a couple of strokes would cause orgasm at the end.

Now, regardless of whether I use porn or not, fantasise, or have sex, I orgasm instantly. I can feel very distinctly that the sensitive part of my penis is where my thumb presses against the “abdomen” side just under the head. In fact, I have noticed an obvious physical change in my penis with a swollen inflamed ring in this region which I didn’t have before.

Just as this behaviour caused premature ejaculation, pro-active behaviour different from this will necessarily change my brain and function in the future. I’ll report back on how I’m going with the techniques suggested in the OP.

Thanks again

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Firstly, I think the above post should probably get it’s own thread. It’s a copy-paste and not overly relevant.

Secondly, I’ve just had an amazing experience learning about spasm-ing. I tried edging with a focus on what was happening in my body. What was happening was that when I touched a certain sensitive spot my penis would spasm/shake/convulse and I would have a huge focus/tension in the head of my penis and all down that sensitive spot. I tried to relax those areas and masturbate (which was extremely difficult) and in doing so I could masturabate for a long time (unless I allowed a spasm which produced tension in the head and would lead to immediate orgasm if I kept going).

If I partially stimulate my cock and try to keep it relaxed, it works. It works to go bit by bit trying not to spasm rather than putting two hands on your cock and having a firm grip (in which case it’s impossible for me not to spasm at this point). Still- progress!


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Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Another interesting side-benefit of this method:

I was also struggling with ED. To get and maintain an erection I’d have to intentionally focus tension in the head of my penis. (Actually, there are times I want to do this just because it makes me my biggest)
In doing this to control ED, upping the tension and focusing on my cock immediately lead to PE..

When I edge in the way you’ve described (just being mindful of what triggers me and trying to release tension from these areas while jerking off) I get and stay really hard without thinking about it. Thinking about ED is a killer on all counts and just being mindful and leaving aside the nervousness helps a lot.

So basically, relax and enjoy! I like it

Guru, Question:

When edging, are we trying to jerk off without getting to the PONR, like without triggering any of those spasms or without any feeling of tension in the penis. Or, is it that we want to ride the edge of that tension and stop / un-hook from it?


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