Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

I’m starting to edge on a regular basis soon, but I’ve a question to ask:

Are vaginas magical?

Because I edged the other day and did it like a boss for 15 minutes or so and even managed to resist the urge to come in the very end. This morning though, me and my girlfriend fooled around a bit and because we had to go I decided to give her a big tease before we go out, so I started to rub the head of my dick against her labia. You probably know where this is going. No, I didn’t come, but just from a little rubbing I got the urge to come and, of course, I had to stop. We fooled around a bit more and she also decided to give me a big tease so she gave me just a bit of oral. It was, however, longer than the time I spent doing the rubbing thing and it was done with her whole mouth, not just licks and kisses (and, as I’ve said in previous posts, a full circle makes me cum very fast, f.e. a vagina, a mouth, an OK grip, etc, while, on the other hand, I can rub my head for a very long time without feeling anything at all), but I didn’t feel like I needed to come, at all. And the oral was after I felt the urge to come when I teased her. So that’s my question, is my girlfriends vagina magical or something?

Anyway, I’m pretty certain that it’s a psychological thing, so the real question here is how to get over that… :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

What about sex when edging? Do I need to separate the two?
I can edge afternoon, then meet up with a girl in night and come very fast, I can also do “sex-edging” which is very frustrating for the two of us, eventually I’ll have to come.

What should I do? Should I use sex as an edging routine? I don’t want to concentrate on “do not come” when having sex, it will cause me to come faster.

How do you combine edging and sex? How many times a week do you edge?

Conquering my goals.

viksenpai, it’s often the same thing for the most of us. A vagina is a special thing dude! Hot and wet with an irresistible texture and we’re almost entirely inside it, our dick of course. Very hard to resist. Me I can’t. I know it’s often said that sometimes guys can have problem with their ejaculation or erection because they don’t know it but in their deep mind it’s like they or we would be afraid that this vagina could cut their or our penis. So we’d have to not getting hard or to cum very fast to get out of here as soon as we could. I don’t think this is my case but, who knows? Our mind has also secrets we don’t know. Maybe it’s something else. Personnaly I think it’s just that when I feel my dick in a good vagina it’s just feels so good, hot, wet so it burns my triggers and makes me cum.

OsQ of course we have to edge as often as we can. Everyday if we can, and even sometimes twice a day. Sex-edging is very frustrated and girls don’t usually want that. But if yours is ok with it, even if it’s frustrated, well lucky you, because you’ll make a lot of progess I’m sure. Try to make it as a erotic game, when you stop, you change heur position and play with your fingers inside her and tell her dirty things for example if you think it could tease her.

Let’s hope everything is still ok for guru

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length

23 minutes of edging today, before I came. Most of the time my arousal was around 5-6 and I edged like a boss. At the end it got near 8-9 and I couldn’t hold it so, despite my wish not to do so, I ejaculated.

When I’m confident of my ability to edge/masturbate while my arousal state is around 5-6 I’ll start practicing at 7-8 and eventually learn how to plateau during the 9-10’s. Wish me luck. :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

I wish you luck ;)

23 minutes without make breaks? Because if you didn’t make any break You had a very big plateau to last so much. I can edge for more than 1 hour sometimes. But I definitely stop myself for more than 10 breaks.

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length

20 or so minutes without a single break, but, as I said, my arousal level was average (5-6). If I manage to do that while highly aroused I’ll have achieved my goal. :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Yes but if at 5-6 you have a good erection it’s already cool. Even of course if it’s not the same when we’re inside a girl.

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length

Can anyone answer OsQ’s question? How do you guys edge when having steady sex? I finish even faster during sex when I edge in the same day. I’ve never had problems in bed until I started seeing the girl I’m seeing now and I cannot last for the life of me! I know I can get past this because I’ve had awesome control in the past but I’ve turned hypersensitive all of a sudden?! It’s been 3 months or so and it’s getting worse every time because I’m freaking myself out. We’ve talked about it and she’s fine with it but all these different things I’m trying is just making me obsess over it more and more and now my control is in REALLY bad shape. Anyways, I’m gonna continue with kegels (50 x 5 seconds every other day) and start to edge for seriously but it’s tough since we’re always together and have sex pretty much everyday. She knows I’m frustrated about it so I’m gonna try and ramp down the amount of sex we have so I can work on edging and so I can stop my body from feeling like a 13 year old watching porn for the first time!! I guess I just needed to vent to get my head straight b.c this is so frustrating! But also any other pointers would be greatly appreciated

So many thoughts running through my head right now.1 more question: Is coming at the end of an edging session completely wasting any kind of progress made? Or is it okay to do once you’ve reached your targeted session length? My main concern is that not coming makes me last even shorter if I end up having sex later that night or the next morning.

nicky, I wouldn’t worry too much about coming after edging. I don’t because I wan’t to rewire my brain in such a way that I don’t have sex with the final goal of ejaculating. It doesn’t hurt if you do, I guess. :)

Today I edged for 30 minutes with 4-5 “breaks”. I put breaks in quotes, because they weren’t real breaks, in fact I just slowed down my stroking for 10-15 seconds and continued with normal (average to slightly faster than average) speed stroking. In other words - I never stopped stimulation for 30 whole minutes. I bet it sounds great, but I should confess that I cheated. I’ll elaborate - I was making a PowerPoint presentation with my spare hand (yeah, I’m that good :D ). I was, however, hard the whole session (9/10), but the distraction did make me last longer than I would’ve otherwise, especially with that technique. When I concentrated on my dick it did get pretty hard and I even decided to test myself and put some porn on - needless to say, a couple of strokes on my already-stroked-for-25-minutes dick and that shit got hard to control. This just confirms my theory that my problem is 98% psychological and I’ll try to think of a way to get over that.

Oh, I wish for the day that I/She would actually have to make an effort in order for me to come.

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Guys it’s so hard. I wait and I wait each time after I’m close to the ponr but each time I start again I’m still very close to it. So I can edge for more than 1 hour but have to do so much breaks! And the breaks become longer than each of the masturbation. Is anyone in my case or has a solution please?

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length

Do you guys use any lube when masturbating? I use to do it on a dry basis, which is kind of fake because everything is much smoother inside a vagina :)

Conquering my goals.

I use lube because otherwise my dick gets a bit sore for a couple of hours.

I don’t find it harder to control myself when I use lube, it’s pretty much the same, maybe even a bit easier.

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Today I did my first “Insanity” workout and, needless to say, it was insane (no pun here, it kicked the crap out of me).
The cardio was so intense that I had to lie on the floor for 10 minutes and try not to vomit (that’s probably low blood pressure though, but the cardio was intense as hell) after the workout and that was only the “Fit Test”.
When I regained enough strength to go to the bathroom, take a shower and edge a little I got a little surprised. I actually had to do some work in order to get to the PONR, which is definitely a first. I guess my CNS was so overworked that it also had an effect on my “sexual” experience. I’ll test my theory again tomorrow or the day after and share my experience with you guys.

It’s pretty logical and if it turns out that if you do some pretty challenging for the central nervous system exercises you can last a lot longer until you recover, that could be a pretty good way to increase your lasting potential for a few hours. Also, you’d have exercised which is never a bad thing. You could possibly feel exhausted like hell, but life isn’t perfect. :D

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Sorry, it’s not my natual language so I’m not sure to understand. What was your Insanity workout? Your edging session? What was so different this time?

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length


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