Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

I think is not mental at all, only related to the para-sympathic nervous system, I find so stupid saying its mental, i mean, I am the mind, i may decide it then and its not such

But how do I work on my trigger points now that I know how to edge?

you have no trouble in sex! I dont know!

It is definitely all in the head and stress related, because if you have ever jerked/used fleshlight while watching a show/screwing around with cell phone/reading a book…it tends to take much longer to reach PONR. I have pulled out cell phone/book when I’ve felt I’m reaching PONR, and the feeling subsided or at least was temporary delayed… but too bad you can’t do the samething when you’re actually boning a chick. Creating distractions in my mind helps a ton…even though it does somewhat ruin the experience since you’re not 100% concentrated on the stimulation.

Hey guys, I’m still having the annoying problem of coming too fast. :P
I’ve began to experiment while edging though and I’ve come (I’d like to add - pretty fast, lol) to a conclusion - single parts of my penis are not very sensitive and by that I mean that I can’t get off from only rubbing a little part of my dick. I haven’t tried doing that for a long time (say 20 minutes) though. If I manage to hold it for that long during hard and fast banging I wouldn’t mind it. :D
If I use a classic masturbation grip though (an OK grip) I face the problem many of us are trying to solve. :)
I could cum in 30 seconds if I do that. No porn, no imagining. Needless to say - the same goes for sex - I’m too fast.

So, what do you guys think the problem is?
Did I just fuck up during my teenager years and program my brain that way or is it something else?

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Thank you so much about this awesome thread guru5311 and thank you for letting know your answers till your very first post and the comments and questions submit by us. Sorry if my sentences or my comprehension are not perfect because I don’t speak english. Not enough I suppose.

I hope we’ll see you pretty soon here guru ;)

I do have indeed a few questions ;)

- First it’s about stopping before the PONR. But just before which means at a high level you mean? Or am I right to stop each time I just begin to feel that my frenulum (my main trigger for me also) begins to speak with which I suppose is my prostate?
I mean really before my PONR I begin to feel the beginning of the sweet burn we almost all know at our frenulum when it begins to fell pretty good and the PONR will arrive in the next seconds or minutes (for me seconds). And when I say that it begins to speak with my prostate I mean that I feel the same sensation near my prostate, maybe inside it, but something very slow, maybe it even happens one second become I feel it at my frenulum.

-You recommend to edge but not to come (or maybe 2 or 3 times a week only). But when we’re supposed to edge without comming isn’t it what which is called ballooning? Or I didn’t understand something again about this…

@ alex553 (and everyone else who could answer) when you say :

You first want to be able to get to around 30 minutes regularly

What do you mean please by being able to edge around 30 minutes? 30 minutes without getting close to the PONR (except maype at the end)? Or 30 minutes by stopping our movements each time we need to.

All theses questions are I think quite close to what John the Anon told us about him. I didn’t understand everything but I’m quite in this kind of situation, except that I already edged (the way I described) for most than one hour. But most of the time it’s more like him :

I really don’t see how you guys are able to edge for longer than 10 minutes. In the beginning of a session for me it might take me 2-3 minutes to peak and then every subsequent time I peak the time it takes gets shorter and shorter. Also I often dribble a bit of pre-cum every time I peak. Today I tried (but I had watched porn, so that might be my problem), and I got to peak around seven times, I thought to myself I would go for ten. The next time I almost peaked instantaneously, so I thought if I was going to reach 10 I would have to just give my dick a bit of rest. After giving it around 30 seconds I tried again, it was half-way between flaccid and erect, so I tried to get It beck to erect, but trying to go there I got overwhelmed by how fast I reached my peak, even before I was near fully erect.

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length

Hello all!
Sorry I havnt been around in a while guys. Life has been super busy but I guess that is no excuse.

Personal update: My sex life has been AMAZING lately! I have a girlfriend and the sex is excellent. I am honestly at the point of control now where I can last ANY amount of time. She has to tell me to hurry up frequently because she get sore. Honestly this is probably the greatest personal accomplishment of my life. To go from ejaculating in my pants and cumming within seconds 100 percent of the time to now having full control over my ejaculation is incredible. The amount of confidence I have now compared to years ago is huge.

Not trying to toot my own horn here guys, I am just saying that IT CAN BE DONE! Seriously YOU can do it if you truly want to.

I will start replying to any questions that might have been posed since I have been away. Hope everybody is doing well!

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Hey dude!

Originally Posted by Petitchef
- First it’s about stopping before the PONR. But just before which means at a high level you mean? Or am I right to stop each time I just begin to feel that my frenulum (my main trigger for me also) begins to speak with which I suppose is my prostate?
I mean really before my PONR I begin to feel the beginning of the sweet burn we almost all know at our frenulum when it begins to fell pretty good and the PONR will arrive in the next seconds or minutes (for me seconds). And when I say that it begins to speak with my prostate I mean that I feel the same sensation near my prostate, maybe inside it, but something very slow, maybe it even happens one second become I feel it at my frenulum.

**By stopping before the PONR I mean that you must stop before you can no longer keep yourself from ejaculating. If you feel like you will lose control from taking one more stroke, you must stop. Keep in mind that this might be different from getting close to ejaculating. That just depends on how severe your PreE is. For me I would lose control within seconds.

-You recommend to edge but not to come (or maybe 2 or 3 times a week only). But when we’re supposed to edge without comming isn’t it what which is called ballooning? Or I didn’t understand something again about this…

**Sure ballooning is the same thing. Just a different name for it I suppose.

@ alex553 (and everyone else who could answer) when you say :
What do you mean please by being able to edge around 30 minutes? 30 minutes without getting close to the PONR (except maype at the end)? Or 30 minutes by stopping our movements each time we need to.

**30 minutes of masturbating without ejaculating. It is ok to get close to the PONR, but you must NOT ejaculate during your session.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Hey Vik

Originally Posted by viksenpai
Hey guys, I’m still having the annoying problem of coming too fast. :P
I’ve began to experiment while edging though and I’ve come (I’d like to add - pretty fast, lol) to a conclusion - single parts of my penis are not very sensitive and by that I mean that I can’t get off from only rubbing a little part of my dick. I haven’t tried doing that for a long time (say 20 minutes) though. If I manage to hold it for that long during hard and fast banging I wouldn’t mind it. :D
If I use a classic masturbation grip though (an OK grip) I face the problem many of us are trying to solve. :)
I could cum in 30 seconds if I do that. No porn, no imagining. Needless to say - the same goes for sex - I’m too fast.

So, what do you guys think the problem is?
Did I just fuck up during my teenager years and program my brain that way or is it something else?

I would recommend masturbating with the grip that makes you cum quickly, but not allowing yourself to ejaculate. ANY grip made me ejaculate quickly when I first started so you should be ok with enough practice.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by j384
It is definitely all in the head and stress related, because if you have ever jerked/used fleshlight while watching a show/screwing around with cell phone/reading a book…it tends to take much longer to reach PONR. I have pulled out cell phone/book when I’ve felt I’m reaching PONR, and the feeling subsided or at least was temporary delayed… but too bad you can’t do the samething when you’re actually boning a chick. Creating distractions in my mind helps a ton…even though it does somewhat ruin the experience since you’re not 100% concentrated on the stimulation.

Its funny, but I used to think that as well. Now I actually think that distractions are sort of a double edged sword. On the one hand they might be temporarily effective, but in the long run they may become a crutch. The thing is you want to be able to concentrate on what you are doing and consciously control yourself. By using distractions to control yourself you will lack full control.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by John the Anon
But how do I work on my trigger points now that I know how to edge?

Concentrate on stimulating your trigger points specifically while edging.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by rostomel
I think is not mental at all, only related to the para-sympathic nervous system, I find so stupid saying its mental, i mean, I am the mind, i may decide it then and its not such

I think it is both mental and physical. For example there is both a conscious and subconscious part of completing a bicep curl or throwing a baseball. Similarly there is a conscious and unconscious part of controlling your ejaculation. I think many people use the word conscious and mental to describe the same thing.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by Adolfoutor
The issue I have with premature ejaculation is that I believe it to be a problem which exists solely within the mind. By that I mean, it all depends on whether your mind will allow yourself to ejaculate or not. My notion is based off my findings that I can ejaculate 2 minutes in or 30 minutes in, depending on how aroused my brain is. If I am relaxed and not too concerned, I can last very long, but if I’m anxious, then it is all over within a minute. I suppose the idea of edging is to develop control over your mind, but I feel that alone would not suffice. I can edge for 20 minutes within the comfort of my home, but I can’t fuck for 20 minutes when a hot blonde is grinding me. I’ve also found that breathing and relaxing techniques whilst fucking are not that effective as they are purported to be, though, I accept that may just be a personal problem. What I feel I require is to find a way to desensitise my mind, more so than my penis.

I have to say that with many people PreE is WAY MORE than just mental. I know that my glands are less sensitive to the touch now than they were years ago. Consider that outside of PreE people may have nerve damage in their face or anywhere else and not be able to feel that particular area. Is that mental? What I am suggesting is that PreE is likely a combination of physical and mental issues.

As for the breathing and relaxing not helping during sex, I am quite certain that it is simply due to a lack of experience. It takes A LOT of time to develop these sorts of techniques. I say this because I know it took me years to get to the point where I am now. I am not saying this to argue with you, but to encourage to you continue to try. It takes monks decades to develop meditation techniques you know?

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by John the Anon
Earlier today I tried edging with no previous stimulation. Edged while I was watching some documentary about the American prison system. I was able to go for 40 minutes at a good pace before PONR, I think this was because I was relaxed and seated. During sex I tense too much I think.

But holy cow my flaccid is swollen now, like one of them kids toys now :D

Hey Anon,

I remember edging while watching movies or documentaries and I still question whether it was effective or not. I think it is important to be fully conscious of what you are doing so that you can learn what your body is doing. I mean part of ejaculating is mental arousal which you arnt getting from the documentary. On the other hand I can see it being beneficial so who knows. Either way best of luck!

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by rostomel
but how long have you been edging till you had results?

I noticed temporary results after a few days, but I would lose them quickly if I stopped. It took months to feel like I was making serious progress.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"


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