Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

Guru man maybe you can relate to this.
I used to have a bad PE problem, which sort of went away when I was around 20 and started having sex regularly with my now ex-girlfriend.
The first time we laid, I felt an orgasm coming right after entering her (note: that was the first time with her, not the first time ever). I tried holding it back (my PC muscles are in extremely good shape - I can easily hold myself from actually cumming/blowing a load) - and managed to hold it - only to lose my erection completely.
I shrugged it off, told her that I was under some stress (probably true back then as well). Afterwards I started gradually building up my stamina, not only with her but with others, up to the point I had great sex with full erection for more than an hour at times.

Every now and then I keep having the same problem of an orgasm as soon as I enter a girl.
This doesn’t seem to have any correlation to anything I do, think or a state of mind I’m in, though usually I’m more likely to get that when trying to have sex a weird hours like 4 a.m and later - though not exclusively. This has happened with many girls on many different occasions.
Unfortunately, this happened last night with this amazing girl I started seeing lately.
I was really bummed because of this and I guess she was too cause she was probably hornier than me last night.

I really want some consistency with this whole issue, and I thought maybe I’m in some part of the way towards really good control and I just need a specific tip or an advice.

I would thank any insight.

Although this is not in all the times I managed to have sex for a long time, sometimes an amount of alcohol was involved. It certainly feels like it makes it easier, yet I’ve managed to hump for an hour without drinking a sip, and came real quick even after 2 liters or more of beer.

Edit P.S
By the way man - this post is pure gold.
I think that most man would value the ability to totally control their orgasms far more than an extra inch of length.
I know I would.
So thanks a lot :)

Originally Posted by Stretchin
Size matters, that's why my dick is blue and brown and has a sharp pain in the left side.

Previously known as Ben Dover.

Last edited by Shmock : 04-25-2011 at .

Originally Posted by BigDanny
Thanks Guru! Heck, I don’t know what the problem is… sometimes sex is hard to get from my chick. My girlfriend is extremely insecure about her body, even though she’s 116 lbs and works out every day, she’s a little hottie to say the least. I’m a hornball, so if we bump up against each other, I’m ready to go!! I think a lot of my problem is I get so worked up to have sex, and she makes me wait till later in the day, or the next day, and I just get too damn excited when the time finally comes. Kinda weird, I’m 34 years old, and should be past this!! I went two years without sex during the last bit of my marriage and the divorce, so I’m gung ho about pussy right now. I’m going to try and just break myself from craving sex all the time and let her be the one to initiate it from now on. Maybe that will reduce the anxiety and help with my problem. We had sex Saturday morning, which was the first time since last weekend… of course, I blew my load too early, because she started moaning and saying “yes” over and over. When she starts makes noises, it’s extremely hard for me not to cum if we haven’t had sex in a week!! But on the flip side, we had sex yesterday and it was great!! She came after like 3 minutes, and it takes so much weight off when you know your girl has been satisfied!! So at least I had the opportunity to redeem my confidence somewhat after the “quickie” with a nice 20 minute session. I even had some size comments which included “felt like you were hitting my ovaries”, which is always nice to hear =) I let her finish me off orally… nothing like laying back and relaxing while a chick slowly sucks you off… it was so good, that my toes went numb when I filled her cheeks. We cleaned up, filled our wine glasses, and then grilled some steaks and chilled on the patio. Couldn’t have asked for a better evening!

BigD, that sounded like the best.
Gonna find my own little hot thang and no more one nighters.

Good luck VW!!

I wouldn’t trade my girlfriend for infinite one nighters!! We had some tough times earlier this year, but we seem to be in the clear now. Had another great weekend, and we discussed a lot of serious topics (moving in together, eventually buying a house together, kids down the road) which means our relationship is hopefully a high priority now. We’re going to the beach this weekend and they’re having an air show at the Marine Corp air station there. She’s never been to an airshow, so it will be a good time I hope! Blue Angels should knock her socks off!

Oh, a report on my premature ejaculation issues… three weeks now with absolutely no problems!! Had sex twice on Saturday… first time was in the shower, second time started from some spontaneous making out as we were making soup in the kitchen… it led to the bedroom and she had a very intense orgasm. Since it was my fourth orgasm for the week, it was just a measly few pulses and a drip or two… I need to figure out how to improve my orgasms now that I’ve got the premature issues under control. Time to search TP!!

Start: November 2010 (BPEL: 7.5" -- EG (Midshaft): 5.6" -- EG (Base): 6.1")

Definitely the top post I have read here with practicality, and the fact this problem is just sooooooo horrible You did a really good job guru, ill certainly try this. Also I would say pee before having sex,,and also in the first 1-3 zone, when you feel the urge pull out and just go down on your partner and relax


Guru, thanks so much for this post.

I’ve been struggling with battling PE for a few years now and almost felt like giving up when I came across this thread. After reading your words I’m determined to give it another try (without drugs!) and I’ll be using your advice this time around.

Just curious, but how often do you recommend edging? Did you edge 5x a week? And did you edge after a jelqing routine?

Thanks man, seriously, this PE thing is killing my soul. I’m sure you understand since you’ve been there before. Thanks for giving me hope that I’ll be able to finally kick this thing.

Hey guys,

Thanks to everybody for stopping in! Glad that everybody is sharing the love. I have been SUUUUPER busy the past month and have neglected this thread. I will get back up to speed in the next day or so.

Hope everybody is well.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by Cruxx
I feel like i am taking the cheats way out. I went to the doctor to ask about Tramadol as it is supposed to be effective in delaying PE if taken a few hours before sex. Hopefully get a prescription in a few weeks once they have found out if its ok to give to me.

I am still trying to incorporate all the ideas learned here but just think that if there’s medication that can help stop this faster then its worth a shot.

Yo brotha, not really cheating as far as im concerned. This is such such a big deal to us dudes that anything that will work even if its just a confidence booster should be tried.

That being said, just remember that this is a TEMPORARY solution. Please don’t try and make this a long term thing.

Best of luck, hope all is well.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by Shmock
Guru man maybe you can relate to this.
I used to have a bad PE problem, which sort of went away when I was around 20 and started having sex regularly with my now ex-girlfriend.
The first time we laid, I felt an orgasm coming right after entering her (note: that was the first time with her, not the first time ever). I tried holding it back (my PC muscles are in extremely good shape - I can easily hold myself from actually cumming/blowing a load) - and managed to hold it - only to lose my erection completely.
I shrugged it off, told her that I was under some stress (probably true back then as well). Afterwards I started gradually building up my stamina, not only with her but with others, up to the point I had great sex with full erection for more than an hour at times.

Every now and then I keep having the same problem of an orgasm as soon as I enter a girl.
This doesn’t seem to have any correlation to anything I do, think or a state of mind I’m in, though usually I’m more likely to get that when trying to have sex a weird hours like 4 a.m and later - though not exclusively. This has happened with many girls on many different occasions.
Unfortunately, this happened last night with this amazing girl I started seeing lately.
I was really bummed because of this and I guess she was too cause she was probably hornier than me last night.

I really want some consistency with this whole issue, and I thought maybe I’m in some part of the way towards really good control and I just need a specific tip or an advice.

I would thank any insight.

Although this is not in all the times I managed to have sex for a long time, sometimes an amount of alcohol was involved. It certainly feels like it makes it easier, yet I’ve managed to hump for an hour without drinking a sip, and came real quick even after 2 liters or more of beer.

Edit P.S
By the way man - this post is pure gold.
I think that most man would value the ability to totally control their orgasms far more than an extra inch of length.

I know I would.
So thanks a lot :)

Yo man, thanks for stopping in! Sorry it took so long to reply, I have just been super busy.

Anyway I totally know what you mean with the random thing. One thing I have learned over time is that your mood/general feeling of well being massively affects your control. Like I am not a stay up all night person so my control is usually much worse after 2 AM. Some other things that really affect me are lack of sleep, not eating properly that day (whether it is not eating enough or eating too much), comfort level. I DO know that maintaining a regular edging routine will greatly help this. It is harder for little things to throw off your game if you are edging well every day or several times a day.

One thing I might suggest, but is kind of lame is with a new girl wait until you are really feeling on your game to have sex with her for the first time. I know it sucks to have to wait, but it is a HUUUGE confidence booster to be able to fully control yourself the first time with a new girl. I look at it this way, I would rather wait for sex when I know I am feelin’ it than force the issue and lose control. It is just embarrassing and hard to recover from.

Anyway hope that helps, if not post back and we can work from there. Best of luck.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by BigDanny
Good luck VW!!

I wouldn’t trade my girlfriend for infinite one nighters!! We had some tough times earlier this year, but we seem to be in the clear now. Had another great weekend, and we discussed a lot of serious topics (moving in together, eventually buying a house together, kids down the road) which means our relationship is hopefully a high priority now. We’re going to the beach this weekend and they’re having an air show at the Marine Corp air station there. She’s never been to an airshow, so it will be a good time I hope! Blue Angels should knock her socks off!

Oh, a report on my premature ejaculation issues… three weeks now with absolutely no problems!! Had sex twice on Saturday… first time was in the shower, second time started from some spontaneous making out as we were making soup in the kitchen… it led to the bedroom and she had a very intense orgasm. Since it was my fourth orgasm for the week, it was just a measly few pulses and a drip or two… I need to figure out how to improve my orgasms now that I’ve got the premature issues under control. Time to search TP!!

Good to hear you are crushin it man! I remember when I first gained control in real sex and my orgasms suffered too. I definitely recommend you try this; basically build up to the point where you want to cum and then wait. Get to the edge, stop for a second to regain control, and start again. Repeat this 3-5 times just knowing that you are doing this on purpose to achieve a huge orgasm. On the last go round just let her fly and you will be amazed. Suuuuper difference. Once again glad to hear you are doing well brotha.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by i want longer
Definitely the top post I have read here with practicality, and the fact this problem is just sooooooo horrible You did a really good job guru, ill certainly try this. Also I would say pee before having sex,,and also in the first 1-3 zone, when you feel the urge pull out and just go down on your partner and relax


How goes it my friend? Thanks for stoppin by!

Glad to hear the thread is helping you out. I 100 percent agree with your idea that pulling out and going down on your partner is an EXCELLENT solution. It gives you a really good chance to recover and relax and she obviously enjoys it too. Best of luck man let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by grant_malkom
Guru, thanks so much for this post.

I’ve been struggling with battling PE for a few years now and almost felt like giving up when I came across this thread. After reading your words I’m determined to give it another try (without drugs!) and I’ll be using your advice this time around.

Just curious, but how often do you recommend edging? Did you edge 5x a week? And did you edge after a jelqing routine?

Thanks man, seriously, this PE thing is killing my soul. I’m sure you understand since you’ve been there before. Thanks for giving me hope that I’ll be able to finally kick this thing.

What up grant? I have been in your exact situation before (if not worse) so I can totally relate.
I start out edging once a day for as long as you can manage. Try this for a week or two and then move up to twice a day. You will be surprised how quickly you improve. Remember your breathing and relax! Hope this was enough. If you are looking for more specific advice let me know and we will get it done. Good luck on your journey my friend.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Hey all, wanted to post one huge tip for edging. If I have posted it before, then I apologize.

When you are edging and get to the point when you are building up precum, wipe it off! Don’t do this right when you first see it, but let it build until it gets to the point where you feel like you are approaching a point where you would normally lose control. Pause, and basically milk your penis lightly to squeeze out the precum (much like you would during a jelq except much lighter). Wipe it off on a towel or whatever.

Get back to your edging. Repeat this as long as your session lasts. This was actually a pretty major step for me and helped to to extend my edge sessions.

Best of luck.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Can I butt in & ask a question to you guys with PE? I have the opposite problem, & was curious … when you first enter a woman, do you feel, almost immediately, that you could cum? Because this kind of blows my mind, & am kind of envious.

I’ll get an erection, get a blow job & it will feel just good. Then I’ll enter, & it will feel good, but kind of in the same way a massage feels good. No butterflies, no real sexual ecstasy. It’s only after 10 mins or more, & deep concentration that something clicks & I enter the final stage of sexual arousal & it feels really, really good- the feeling I’d been chasing. I try to ride this feeling for as long as I can, then cum.

It seems like you guys enter the final phase of sexual arousal very quickly- I’d love to be able to do this, because if you learn to control it, the sexual encounter would be really, really good right from the get go.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Can I butt in & ask a question to you guys with PE? I have the opposite problem, & was curious … when you first enter a woman, do you feel, almost immediately, that you could cum? Because this kind of blows my mind, & am kind of envious.

I’ll get an erection, get a blow job & it will feel just good. Then I’ll enter, & it will feel good, but kind of in the same way a massage feels good. No butterflies, no real sexual ecstasy. It’s only after 10 mins or more, & deep concentration that something clicks & I enter the final stage of sexual arousal & it feels really, really good- the feeling I’d been chasing. I try to ride this feeling for as long as I can, then cum.

It seems like you guys enter the final phase of sexual arousal very quickly- I’d love to be able to do this, because if you learn to control it, the sexual encounter would be really, really good right from the get go.

I kinda envy you Yataghan50!! The way you described your situation is definitely how I wish it went for me. There are days when I have a similar situation and I can have sex any way I want (slow, fast, hard, soft…lengthy) and not have to worry about the sensations, but 85% of the time, I’m having to pay close attention to the way I’m moving, my speed, how wet or dry she is, basically too damn many things to actually enjoy the sex. I think that’s my problem though. I’m too worried about details and my brain gets the best of me. Thank God I’m almost over the problem. I’m up to four weeks now with no issues (knock on wood)…

I’ve never had PE issues so bad that I felt the urge to cum right after penetrating my chick, but I’ve definitely had my share of going too far after about a minute or two when I didn’t attempt to control the urges. Trust me, you definitely don’t want to deal with that embarrassment.

In your situation, you should just take in all of the feelings you’re getting from the sex. Feel every groove and crevice of her vagina, and enjoy having the ability to take all of that in with no worry about cumming too soon. If you’re able to bring yourself to orgasm after only 10 or so minutes of concentration, I’d say you possess an ability I wish I had!!

Start: November 2010 (BPEL: 7.5" -- EG (Midshaft): 5.6" -- EG (Base): 6.1")

How should your mindset be while edging? Because when i try to empty my mind and think of nothing or nothing sexually related i don’t reach the PONR, but if I think of fucking a girl I reach the PONR within 1-2 min. So my question is; should i just get used to have en empty mind and just try to enjoy the physical sensations, or should think of something sexuall and get used to not giving in to my mind and body when reaching the PONR? I’ve been edging every day for 30-45 min for 3-4 months now, and I dont seem to be getting anywhere


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