Thanks Guru! Heck, I don’t know what the problem is… sometimes sex is hard to get from my chick. My girlfriend is extremely insecure about her body, even though she’s 116 lbs and works out every day, she’s a little hottie to say the least. I’m a hornball, so if we bump up against each other, I’m ready to go!! I think a lot of my problem is I get so worked up to have sex, and she makes me wait till later in the day, or the next day, and I just get too damn excited when the time finally comes. Kinda weird, I’m 34 years old, and should be past this!! I went two years without sex during the last bit of my marriage and the divorce, so I’m gung ho about pussy right now. I’m going to try and just break myself from craving sex all the time and let her be the one to initiate it from now on. Maybe that will reduce the anxiety and help with my problem. We had sex Saturday morning, which was the first time since last weekend… of course, I blew my load too early, because she started moaning and saying “yes” over and over. When she starts makes noises, it’s extremely hard for me not to cum if we haven’t had sex in a week!! But on the flip side, we had sex yesterday and it was great!! She came after like 3 minutes, and it takes so much weight off when you know your girl has been satisfied!! So at least I had the opportunity to redeem my confidence somewhat after the “quickie” with a nice 20 minute session. I even had some size comments which included “felt like you were hitting my ovaries”, which is always nice to hear =) I let her finish me off orally… nothing like laying back and relaxing while a chick slowly sucks you off… it was so good, that my toes went numb when I filled her cheeks. We cleaned up, filled our wine glasses, and then grilled some steaks and chilled on the patio. Couldn’t have asked for a better evening!